Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0122 Leopard Teeth

Monkeys on the ground.Hear that distant roar.Suddenly, it seemed that the camp was blown up.There is no stay.Use all fours to run away.

The noisy scene came to an abrupt end.For the roar of the beast.Li Jianrui didn't feel the bastard's spirit.Did not feel any threat.It can be said that it is almost not felt.But seeing the reactions of the monkeys.He clearly realized that he probably encountered some big guy.

Because the monkey who had dismissed him just now was not the same as before.Hide on a branch in the distance.secretly wait and see.Instead, the bananas scattered on the ground were abandoned.Also gave up the dispute between them.It disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

But according to the location of the sound.Li Jianrui felt that the distance was still far away.He pulled the parasail knife out of the tree trunk.Limbs hard.Like a giant spider clinging to a green shrub.Moving on the canopy.With a wave of his right hand.A black light.Chop off a bunch of bananas.The banana fell to the ground.Same as before.Scattered on the ground.But this time there are no monkeys to snatch.

Li Jianrui knew.It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.He quickly bit the paratrooper knife with his teeth.Slid down the smooth trunk of the banana tree.The military backpack is full.He could only pick up the banana branch with one hand.Carry it on your shoulders.Sheathed the paratrooper knife in the right hand.He tightened the 95 automatic rifle on his back.Then pick up the branches.All the way east.

At this moment.Another growl.It sounds like a lot closer.I don't know what kind of beast it is.Li Jianrui has been able to judge this.The sound came from the southwest.And the direction I am heading is northeast.It seems as long as you try to move forward.It is possible to avoid this indiscriminate disaster.

But it is really difficult to increase the speed in the rainforest.Because there is no fucking way.

Li Jianrui tapped the grass in front of his calf with a branch.While talking about the famous saying in his mind: "There is no road in this world. There will be a road when there are many people walking. Who said it. I don't remember. It seems that it is not the original words. It should be: this world There is still a way to go up, but if there are too many people walking, there will be no way. It’s paralyzed. People.”

While thinking wildly.I feel that the paratrooper knife hanging on my waist is not strong enough.Cannot be used as a machete.Otherwise, the speed of advancement should be doubled or doubled.

But the roar behind him seemed to be getting closer again.It is estimated that he has reached the place where he watched the monkeys grab bananas just now.That roar is penetrating.It made Li Jianrui feel threatened.But there is no going back.Can't stop.

At this moment.In front of Li Jianrui.Suddenly there was a roar.It's completely different from the growl behind you.Roaring from the rear.The breath is long.The roar in front was short and timid.

Li Jianrui had to stop.Secret curse: paralyzed.what happened.Outflanked.There is a tiger at the front door.The wolf enters the back door.At this point it is no longer possible to move on.He quickly judged the position.The south is a cliff.Big guys are coming from both the east and the west.The only way out for him is the north.Maybe it will be a big circle.

No time to think about it.Li Jianrui rushed towards the north.Not far away under a tall banyan tree.Li Jianrui dropped the banana.Grasp the air roots hanging from the tree with both hands.Climb up the branch with the fastest speed.Then be like a monkey.Continue to climb up.Until it is seven or eight meters above the ground.He felt a little more secure.

Climb high and look far.Li Jianrui saw a tall black figure moving rapidly from west to east.Banana trees along the way were broken.The vines were pulled up and thrown aside.

finally.He saw clearly what it was like.Get on all fours.A huge head.The black fur of the whole body is shiny.The face on the head is somewhat human.But the thick limbs are several times that of humans.This is probably the legendary chimpanzee.Li Jianrui's eyeballs almost popped out.How could there be such a big guy in the rainforest.

But Beast of the East seems to have just demonstrated a bit.It was silent.Li Jianrui observed carefully.Just discovered.Among the dense branches.A tawny figure crawled on a branch.The fur has black markings.You can't see it at first glance.Because the guy was lying on the branch quietly and motionless.No head in sight.I don't know what it is.Occasionally, the guy on the tree has a big soft and flexible tail.Scrolling back and forth.

When the chimpanzees go east.The guy in the tree suddenly stood up.There were bursts of low growls.Li Jianrui just saw it.That animal that at first glance looks like a big cat.It turned out to be a leopard.Never seen a leopard.Only leopards can climb trees.There's no way a bobcat of that size could be a bobcat.

He couldn't help feeling cold in his heart: "Damn. If I continue to walk east along the original road, I will enter its territory. And look at that guy's appearance. He is usually motionless. A standard sneak attack master! .If you don't send it, you will be fine. Once you send it, it will be amazing."

I saw the chimpanzee standing up.The feet support the huge body.Li Jianrui visually estimated that its height was close to two and a half meters.What a monster.The chimpanzee slammed its fist on its own chest.Made a dull popping sound.Open your mouth wide at the same time.Showing a mouthful of snow-white fangs.That growl that scares away the monkeys.rang again.

The leopard standing on the branch took a slight step back.The mouth is also slightly opened.Show teeth.The big fluffy tail swings more violently.

Li Jianrui watched the confrontation between the two sides.I thought: "Leopard teeth. It's right in front of my eyes. It's a pity that I can't communicate with animals. Otherwise, I must discuss it with the chimpanzee. Ask him to break a leopard tooth for me. It's so fucking commemorative. If it doesn't Ken agrees. I will join hands with the leopard to clean it up."

He thought about it and thought it was fate.I am in the Leopard Tooth Commando.Now meet the leopard.If there is no chimpanzee chasing after.He might be about to shoot himself.In that case, the leopard's teeth must be pulled out.Go back and send one to each person.are hung around the neck.prestige.

The two beasts in the distance didn't seem to have any plans to do anything.Instead they stare at each other.Grinning.It looks like it's negotiating.

Li Jianrui looked a little disappointed.It is estimated that there is no opportunity for the fisherman to benefit.And I can't go down by myself.He was worried that his actions would alarm the two guys.Say nothing else.That leopard must be able to throw him to the ground easily.Then he licked his face hard with his barbed tongue.Take a piece of flesh and blood.

The confrontation between the two sides did not last long.With the leopard slowly receding.Chimpanzees seem to have won.Flaunting his might, he landed on all fours again.growled.It sounds full of energy.

Li Jianrui thought: "If it's a human being, I think this kind of voice can participate in some good voices of the heavenly dynasty. At least it's no problem to enter the top three. As for passing the test. When its arms that are more than twice as thick as its own thighs are Is it a decoration? Paralyzed. The banana tree was smashed just now."

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