Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0130

Accelerate through the second bend of the river.Li Jianrui's speed increased again.Until the sky began to appear sunset.Li Jianrui has already arrived at the landing place.

He used up his last strength.Take control of the crumbling raft.leaned against the shore.All fours scrambled to the shore.Then turned over.Never want to move again.

Li Jianrui just wants to sleep well now.too tired.But he dared not close his eyes.He was afraid that once he closed his eyes.will fall asleep.Until the physical strength recovered.will wake up.At that time, it is likely to have exceeded the stipulated time.Looking at the fire clouds in the sky.He feels himself to this day.More than all previous time experiences.

At this moment.A slight noise sounded in the rainforest not far away.It sounded like a vine snapping.Li Jianrui's spirit suddenly tensed up.He cursed secretly in his heart: "Let labor and capital live."

His right hand slowly moved toward his waist.At the same time, gather as much strength as possible.Although he felt that he had no strength left.

Waited for 1 minute.Li Jianrui concentrated his mind.Listening to the surrounding sound.But nothing.Instead, it comes from instinct.Something is watching him.Or rather watching him.He turned away.Looked around.Still nothing.

Li Jianrui's right hand had already grasped the paratrooper knife at his waist.Just waiting to strike if something gets close.Close combat.For the time being, we can only rely on the paratrooper knife.Because Li Jianrui can't even hold his gun steady now.Even picking up a 95 automatic rifle is a waste of bullets.

Shooting requires skill and strength.It doesn't mean that you can kill all the enemies by sweeping with a gun.A scene like that only happens in movies or TV shows.It's all fantasy.He had heard of it.When a comrade-in-arms is performing a mission.Because too nervous.Holding a 95 automatic rifle and fired half a clip.Neither hit enemies less than 100 meters away.Half a magazine is fifteen rounds. 100 meters distance.Not too close.It has exceeded the attack range of the May Fourth pistol.The rifle is just right.

The gaze that observed him seemed to be hiding at the edge of the jungle.The sun has set in the west.It was about to fall.It was already dark in the jungle.

Li Jianrui even wondered if he was out of strength.So auditory hallucinations or hallucinations are produced.But he dared not relax.I'd rather believe it.It's unbelievable.

In this uninhabited primitive jungle.He's seen enough life and death struggles.Although most of them are fighting against nature.But there is no guarantee at the last minute.Meet a beast.If because of lax vigilance.Finally got killed by an animal.That would be too wrong.And no one will sympathize with him.No one will even know how he died.

Li Jianrui could imagine it.Crabs will definitely not care about the life and death of these 31 people.When he was listening to the crab lecture.You can feel that cold heart.

Another 2 minutes passed.Li Jianrui regained some of his physical strength.He rolled on the spot.Lie on the ground.Quickly put the 95 automatic rifle on his back in front of him.The right hand caught the trigger.He began to search for the pair of eyes that watched him in the dark.

"Are you quite vigilant?" A heroic voice sounded from the edge of the jungle.

Li Jianrui felt familiar.It should be someone from the NJ Military District.Everyone stayed in the rest room at that time.But he didn't speak.But this voice.Li Jianrui was somewhat impressed.

"Which department do you belong to?" Li Jianrui asked.

A figure in the dark.Walked out with neither fast nor slow speed.Tall and burly build.About 1.9 meters tall.Chinese character face.beard.Big-eyed.

The bearded man said: "Turn off your insurance. If something goes wrong, I'll be damned wronged."

Li Jianrui turned off the insurance as he said.Then he sat up holding the 95 automatic rifle.It was okay to not move just now.Move now.The muscles all over his body seemed to be pierced by countless knives.tingling.Usually normal people will cause muscle hypoxia due to strenuous exercise.sore.But too much hypoxia.The body responds automatically.Secrete more hormones to regulate.Paralyzes nerves while alleviating hypoxia.when this state disappears.The body will not simply be sore.Instead it stings.Makes one want to cut the skin open.The sting of blood.

"My name is Zheng Jingang. I'm from the NJ military region. We've met before." The bearded man introduced himself.

Li Jianrui nodded after listening.from the contours of his body.I vaguely remembered the violent master on the plane.

He said: "I remember you. You must have subdued the guy who smashed the cabin door on the plane."

Look at each other and nod.Li Jianrui stretched out his hand and said, "My name is Li Jianrui. Let's get to know each other."

Zheng Jinjin held his hand.Lift it hard.Help Li Jianrui stand up: "Look at you. You can't walk all the way by yourself."

Li Jianrui listened to his words.Also stunned for a moment: "What do you mean? You didn't come here by yourself."

"Haha. You can say yes, or you can say no." Zheng Jingang answered irrelevantly.

But seeing Li Jianrui looking at him with puzzled eyes.Seems desperate to know the answer.He doesn't keep it up either.Just said the matter directly.

It turned out to be a total of 32 people including crabs.All airborne.When the pilot drove the Xinzhou 60 staggered and made an emergency landing at Jinghong International Airport.Immediately caused a sensation.Pilots are not stupid either.such a big thing.Can't hide it.Since I can't hide it.Then be proactive.Report in time.So he informed his superiors of what had happened.received great attention.

31 elites selected from all military regions.Just throw it into the virgin forest in such a daze.No matter how large the country's population base is.more money.It can't be so ruined.Every professional soldier is piled up with real money.It cannot be said that if it is gone, it will be gone.

So the superiors reacted quickly.Make the greatest efforts.Bring back the warriors.Training must continue.Casualties are inevitable.But it's not worth it to just disappear in the rainforest.

Soon the planners for this training mission were assembled.Come up with a rescue plan.

it's actually really easy.Although the military GPS locator distributed by each soldier has been modified.However, the military can still locate the locator through satellites.As long as there are soldiers using the locator.You need to receive the signal.The communications department of the military can obtain the coordinates of the soldiers at the same time.

The CD military region temporarily dispatched a helicopter squadron of the ace special forces "Southwest Falcon".Hurry to Xishuangbanna.Do your best to rescue the soldiers who were forced to airborne this time.

This operation was highly praised by the NJ Military District.Based on mutual benefit.The principle of bilateral friendship. When the soldiers of the CD Military District were in distress in the NJ Military District.gave the greatest support.

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