Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0132

With the help of Zheng Jingang, the two arrived at the target location without any risk. At that time, the moon was just rising, and the temporary camp was set up on a high slope in the rainforest. , All big tents of five meters by eight meters can accommodate more than ten people. If a double bed is installed, it is estimated that one tent can squeeze 30 people, and the lights are bright.

The distance between each tent was five meters, which was necessary for setting fire. There were shadows in the camp. Li Jianrui saw many soldiers gathered together in twos and threes. There were simple lights in the tents, but most of them stayed outside.

There is a light bulb hanging on the door of one of the tents, which looks different. It is probably a temporary combat command, or a training command center.

The two walked over and stood at the door to see what was going on inside the tent. There were several tables inside, one facing the door, and the other three inside. There were military notebooks on the table, and there was even a Military server, the two shouted "Report," at the door

Sitting at the table near the door was a middle-aged soldier with a serious expression. He was looking at the notebook in front of him and said without raising his head when he heard the shout, "Come in."

Zheng Jingang and Li Jianrui came to the table, they both saw the crab inside, but the crab just looked back at them a few times, then turned to continue staring at the computer in front of them.

"NJ Military Region, Li Jianrui, and Zheng Jingang are here to report," the two said at the same time.

Only then did the officer look up at the two of them, then pointed to the fingerprint device on the table, and motioned for the two to press their right hands on the fingerprint identification device. After checking their fingerprints, they turned around and shouted at the crab. Said: "Crab, two of your people survived again, haha,"

The crab didn't even look back: "Well, not bad,"

After finishing speaking, he looked at his watch and said, "There is still one hour and 37 minutes left, let's see how many people can survive,"

The officer said, "Seventeen have returned, three with serious injuries and five with minor injuries. Let me tell you, you played too hard this time."

Then the crab turned his head, looked at the officer and said, "It doesn't matter if they all die outside, this time I found a little Superman."

"Who is it?"

I saw the crab raised his chin, and said proudly: "It's right in front of you, 23 hours ago, he was still [-] kilometers away,"

The officer turned his head and looked at the two in disbelief, and asked, "Which one is it?"

Zheng Jingang finally knew that Li Jianrui was not joking or bragging, and that he really came here with his feet.

Li Jianrui had no choice but to say, "Report, it's me,"

The officer looked him up and down, but he didn't seem to find anything special about him. If there was anything special about him, he was relatively young, he didn't look like a veteran, and his military temperament had faded a lot. He probably hadn't been in the army for long. After looking at Li Jianrui's information on the computer, he realized that the young man in front of him had not been more than a year old and had no mission records. He was a specially recruited soldier, a sniper.

Although Lao Dao reported Li Jianrui's mission to the NJ military region, he was suppressed all the time, so it was not included in the file, and Li Jianrui's attendance record was blank.

The officer immediately wondered whether Li Jianrui was able to rush all the way from [-] kilometers away out of luck, but then dismissed this unrealistic speculation, and even felt a little guilty in his heart.

The range of nearly two hundred kilometers beyond the training area has always been a no-man's land, where wild beasts are rampant and protected by national laws, and ordinary people cannot survive in it. This officer was fortunate to participate in the exploration of this area back then. And survey, and participated in the task of escorting a scientific expedition into the tropical rainforest, so he is very familiar with this vast and boundless rainforest. The hidden dangers and murderous intentions in it still make him shudder when he thinks about it.

The officer knew that if he was airdropped alone to where Li Jianrui was, 90.00% of him would be able to find a way to ensure his survival and wait for rescue, but if he wanted to overcome obstacles and cross a distance of 5.00 kilometers to the assembly point, there would be no more than a [-]% chance. He knows the river, but the dangerous shoals on the river and the ferocious piranhas in the river are all barriers that cannot be crossed. Now, someone broke the barrier and stood in front of him alive, while he was still doubting things just now Therefore, he feels guilty for himself. If he can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. Once such thoughts arise, it is the beginning of degeneration. How many people become self-willed because of such thoughts, and eventually become mediocre or cause disaster.

The officer stood up with a feeling of remorse, solemnly raised his right hand, and saluted Li Jianrui. Li Jianrui looked at his eyes just now, and kept standing in this military posture, for fear that this guy whose official position is obviously higher than the crab is also a similar pervert , Just finding an excuse can make him feel overwhelmed, so he strives to be meticulous in everything, so that no one can find faults.

Now seeing the officer on the opposite side suddenly stand up and salute, although he doesn't know why, he quickly saluted with a serious attitude.

The officer put down his right hand and said, "Sit down, it really is a boy born from a hero since ancient times, the crab picked up the treasure, haha, to be honest, I really didn't believe it at first, someone can walk in from outside the training area, I feel ashamed to say it In the past, we used two teams to carry out missions together, fully armed, and one was seriously injured, and two were slightly injured. If there was no helicopter rescue, I am afraid that some people would not be able to come back. These years, in order to survey the virgin forest in Xishuangbanna , Hundreds of fighters have already sacrificed their lives for the cause of great development,"

When the officer said this, his expression was gloomy.

The crab said: "Don't say I picked up the treasure, and whether it is a treasure will not be known until the training is completed. The field survival training is just an appetizer. However, Li Jianrui, you seem to be a bit full of food, haha, and, I It is also for temporary use, and if it is used up, it should be returned to the Wild Leopard Group. To be honest, the old knife is still powerful, and the eyes are poisonous enough. I found a mountain before, and now I have found a Li Jianrui."

Hearing the crab mention Dashan's name, Li Jianrui's ears immediately perked up.

I just heard the officer say with emotion: "Dashan is a genius, I am stupid, really, without him, the wild leopard regiment could not get the first place in the 2000 world-class army competition, what a pity."

Crab disagreed: "You are right, but Dashan is not as good as him. If Dashan hadn't become a pirate now, I would make a bet with you, throw them both out, and see who can come back alive."

The officer shook his head: "Crab, you must lose. Based on what I know about Dashan, I dare say that Dashan will definitely collapse Li Jianrui in the rainforest. He only has himself in his heart, the gun in his hand, and others. In Dashan’s eyes, it’s nothing.”

"This kid is also a sniper, and he was selected from the Wild Leopard Regiment's big contest. It's hard to say who will fall when the time comes," Crab said unconvinced.

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