Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0149 Liu Yu's confusion

The covert ops squad rallies again.

Looking at the heavily armed soldiers.Li Moyang felt his actions this time.The chances of success are much greater.And there are two snipers.In the dense forest, it can effectively suppress the opponent.

Li Moyang said: "Temporarily rest. Wait for the whole action. This time we will set off with the training camp. The soldiers in the training camp will provide us with effective cover. The traitor Xiao Kuang is extremely cunning. We must try our best to avoid making mistakes."

Humidity in tropical rainforests is high.Even in the dry season of winter.There will still be plenty of rain.morning meadow.The dew is also very large.At this point the fighters want to rest.There was nowhere to sit.In front of the officer.But no one dared to take out the general map as a pad.

Li Jianrui, Zheng Jingang, and Wu Guoyun made a bunch.Looking at the open space in the distance.Or the soldiers who distribute weapons and ammunition.Liu Yu watched coldly beside the distribution point.The three company commanders did not have the action of fighting for each other.They all commanded obediently.

Li Jianrui's vision is relatively clear.The newly issued weapon is the extra handgun.Doesn't look like a QSG92 style pistol.There is also additional ammunition.medical supplies, etc.Five hundred rounds of rifle bullets per person.About 20 kilograms.Throw it in your backpack.Military backpacks have special bullet grids.Modular.Same size as the bullet box.This holds the bullet in place.Prevent collision friction.It is a humanized design.

There are also new military maps.It is estimated to mark the final destination of this training.Li Jianrui and the others didn't see it.I can only guess so.

they do not know.Because of Li Moyang's arrival.has completely changed the nature of this training.At the same time, the scope and direction of training have also changed.Liu Yu got the military map early in the morning.But it is now void.

The military map distributed this time was newly customized by Li Moyang.Major adjustments have been made to the direction and goals of the action.

itself as a field training camp.The original plan was to divide the ranks into three companies.To the south, southwest and southeast respectively.Conduct a reconnaissance within a range of [-] kilometers.Confirm the new map.And collect some local intelligence.The three companies can also echo each other in action.Mutual support.

But when Liu Yu got the newly issued military map.Immediately saw the difference.The direction in which the troops were marching was shifted by 20.482 degrees as a whole.The map only covers a small portion of the previous training area.It's the corner near the southeast.A coordinate was marked at the new target location: 100.065; [-].

With years of experience.Liu Yu could see it.This area is already at the junction of the three countries.It is the center of this uninhabited area.At the same time, it is also the most chaotic and orderly place in the no man's land.

It's near the Mekong River.The nearest town is called Kongbu.It is a transliteration of the official Lao language.In Liu Yu's impression, it seems to mean "the river turns".Although nominally under the jurisdiction of Laos.For many years actually.It has been controlled by bandit forces from all sides in turn.

This training camp itself.will enter Laos.Although it is also a three-way zone.But relatively speaking.Not as complicated as the central area.The population is also much smaller.The main purpose of the training is to make some veterans.Lead the recruits to see the blood.Learn something that you can't learn in the military camp.

It's like a good knife that has been tempered thousands of times.It's like cutting a knife.No blood.Not a real soldier after all.It is said that even the city management can't beat the soldiers.There are many people.So when selecting trainers.The policies set by the superiors are equally divided between the old and the new.But regardless of seniority.All are elite soldiers.

certainly.This elite soldier is also hydrated.It is hard to guarantee that no related household will send its relatives and children in for gilding.Such cases are very rare.But there are only two or three people in each training camp.The overall proportion shall not exceed 5.00%.

This time is different.Not only led by the NJ Military District.And get the attention of the Central Military Commission.Joint training of the three major military regions.Not only the scale of the expanded training camp.And raise the bar.Even so.There are still many people relying on relationships.Go through the back door.The Cypriots come in.And much more than ever.

According to the data, Liu Yu estimated that there were as many as 15 soldiers who came to the gold plate this time.In other words, judging from the scale of the initial training camp.Already accounted for ten percent of the proportion.But what can participate.Who can't participate.It's not that Liu Yu has the final say.He can only turn one eye and close one eye.

Liu Yu had to bow down to the crab.He didn't know whether to praise the crab for his integrity or laugh at his arrogance.A move to assemble in advance.Almost twenty training players were blocked outside.Among this group of people.Indeed, many of them are related households.Instead, it was himself.Do you have the guts to do this?It's really unknown.But on the other hand.Crabs don't seem to have much idea about promotion.

Liu Yu even thought maliciously: "Perhaps this guy has fallen in love with splashing his blood during the years of battle. The habit of listening to wailing. He can't leave the battlefield."

I want to go back to thinking.The task still needs to be performed.There is even a not-so-famous tourist area at the location marked on the map.Such tourist areas can be seen everywhere along the Mekong River.Robbery of tourists happens from time to time.But even tourists resisted and were killed.The outside world is also ignorant.The bodies were thrown into the Mekong River to feed the fish.

There used to be a tourist group from M country.Killed around here.In the end, only two members survived.They miraculously arrived at the consulate of country M in Thailand.Complain about local brutality. Country M also responded in a timely manner.Send a note to the Thai government.Ask for help with a thorough investigation.

And so began a year-long wrangling.The Thai government said the suspect was from Myanmar.Murder across the border.The Myanmar government denies it.Just say it later.They were a group of Laotian bandits who had been committing crimes in Myanmar and Thailand for a long time.

The final result is.The families of the victims set up a foundation.Ask for a reward for the murderer.The Thai military handed over more than 20 corpses that day.

the next day.The "Khmer Rouge" organization, which was still quite influential in Myanmar at the time, claimed responsibility for the incident.And handed over hundreds of corpses.I hope to get the understanding of the government of country M and the families of the victims.And get the bounty.

Every time I recall that farce.Liu Yu shuddered in his heart.Hundreds of dead bodies.That is hundreds of living beings.Because of a bounty.And was killed innocently.In that vast expanse of tropical rainforest.Similar killings continue every day.

it's here.Although monks in orange monk uniforms can be seen from time to time.Most are skinny and skinny.They are all ascetics.Wander through this chaotic zone.Surpass the dead.Pray for the living.Just in exchange for a bite of food.Even such a monk who wants nothing.He could also be shot at any time.

Liu Yu sighed in his heart.He has been puzzled by one question: is the world changing human beings?Or humans change the world.

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