Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0184 Where does the soul go?

Although we had known each other not long ago and were just looking for food together, he thought of Li Jianrui. The scene of the three of them collecting termites in the rainforest was still vivid in his memory. How long had it been? Was it 24 hours? Quite simple and honest, the soldiers who could fight and fight died under the cold gun of the rebel army, and the death was meaningless.

At least from Wu Guoyun's point of view, only Li Moyang knows how useful this blockade is, but as a soldier, the only rule is to follow orders and "resolutely complete the task,"

Li Jianrui looked at the man in the empty alley, holding the corpse and weeping silently. The corpses were piled up not far away. It was flowing in the direction of Zheng Jingang, and after a while, it would merge with the blood under Zheng Jingang's body.

He felt that what he saw was not real. The guy who stimulated him from time to time and forced him to learn to eat termites was alive and well.

Li Jianrui even felt that Zheng Jingang was probably tired and fell asleep, maybe he would sleep for a long time, his eyes were slowly covered with tears, and the scene in front of him was constantly blurred and hazy.

Le Ping said, "Li Jianrui, come and help,"

Li Jianrui was still in a trance, he couldn't see or hear clearly, so he didn't react in time.

Le Ping had no choice but to reach out his left hand and push his shoulder: "Hey, wake up,"

Li Jianrui just wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and then asked, "Why?"

"Help, I can't find any suspicious bandits here,"

"Start from the other side of the alley," Li Jianrui said.

Sure enough, outside the alley, there were also several armed men of unknown forces, who were driving civilians into the alley.

Li Jianrui said: "You are on the right, I am on the left,"

"it is good,"

The two cooperated again, there was no bet, only killing, for the dead comrades, for the motherland, for revenge, to save the common people in foreign countries, and to save themselves.

The bandit soldiers at the entrance of the alley, that is, two people shooting twice, the same situation repeated itself. As long as the civilians find an exit to escape, they will no longer attack the blockade line set up by the soldiers.

Both Qi Aiguo and Jia Hongjie breathed a sigh of relief. In the alley ahead, there was already a layer of dead bodies. There were even bloody footprints on the white clothes. I don't know whose blood it was.

The two began to move the body away, looking for Yu Shuai's body, because Yu Shuai's left arm was injured, and his reaction was not so sensitive. Coupled with the collision of groups of civilians, he was shot in the head by the gunman hiding behind and died on the spot.

Wu Guoyun had already carried Zheng Jingang's body on his shoulders and returned to the small building in Tianchao Food City.

Qi Aiguo and the two are still looking for Yu Shuai's body.

Song Aiguo saw this scene on the rooftop, and thought of when he was fighting in Chiang Rai, at first he also wanted to snatch back the corpses of his comrades-in-arms, but later, more and more comrades died, so they had to be thrown on the battlefield. In the past few years, Chinese soldiers finally had their own identification cards. Even if the corpse could not stay for a while, it is said that the soul would attach to this identification card and follow other soldiers, returning to their hometown.

Wu Guoyun walked all the way back to the food city, put Zheng Jingang's body in the lobby, and wiped away the tears on his face. He couldn't remember the first time he watched his comrades die in battle. Normally, he should get used to such things, but he didn't. He will still desperately snatch back the corpses of his comrades-in-arms, and he will still cry bitterly.

He used the paratrooper knife to remove Zheng Jingang's field uniform and looked at the alloy nameplate lying on his chest. Wu Guoyun knew that he could only take this small plate back with him.

Over there, Qi Aiguo had already found Yu Shuai's body, and the two of them worked together to bring the body back, and the secret team finally reunited. No one went to the pre-arranged evacuation location, probably because the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

"Leping continue to be on guard, Li Jianrui will follow me," Li Moyang obviously had an arrangement.

The two came downstairs, and the two bodies were lying side by side in the lobby, their chests were open, and the identification tags had been removed.

Li Moyang said: "I was negligent,"

The soldiers stood silently beside the corpse, looking at the two comrades who had fought side by side, the pain in their hearts was beyond words. Li Jianrui looked at Zheng Jingang on the ground, tears streaming down his face again.

He walked to Zheng Jingang's side, knelt down on one knee, and pressed his right hand on Zheng Jingang's shoulder: "Brother, get up, I will treat you to something delicious,"

The body's abnormal body temperature told Li Jianrui that Zheng Jingang was dead. This was a fact that could not be changed. Wu Guoyun walked up to him, reached out his hand in the same way, and patted Li Jianrui on the shoulder: "Let's take him back," he said, taking out the Zheng Jinjin's identification card.

Li Jianrui took it and looked at it carefully. It had Zheng Jingang's name, rank, blood type, and soldier number on it.

Li Moyang said: "How about this, all of you give me the identification card for safekeeping. If something happens to me, it will be kept by Li Jianrui. I hope this mission can be completed smoothly, and I also hope that I can take you back intact, but Now it seems that there are many things that are not in the plan, hey~"

The soldiers took off the identification cards respectively and handed them to Li Moyang.

He looked at the seven nameplates in his hand and felt the heavy weight. These are seven lives, and now there are only five left. The two soldiers will never be able to return to their hometowns and see their relatives again, but he also finds them for a while. No fault of my own, in order to prevent the team of the Shan Revolutionary Party from mingling with the common people and rushing into the food city where the secret team is hiding, temporary defense is necessary. In fact, the establishment of the blockade has indeed played a role, although the Shan Revolutionary Party was Li Jianrui was contained on the NO.17 highway, but the local small-scale armed forces obviously had the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters.

Now that the town center is on fire, and it is still spreading, the small-scale armed forces will probably take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, and then fly away. Mangxin Town is already on the verge of collapse.

But it took the lives of two soldiers to repel the bandit soldiers, which was completely beyond Li Moyang's expectations. From this point of view, it must be said that his command was not effective.

Li Moyang clicked Qi Aiguo and said: "Go and call Song Aiguo, we need to get all the supplies as soon as possible, and then set off for Xiongkao Town in the southwest,"

Song Aiguo quickly followed: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"You went out to collect supplies, how is the situation," Li Moyang asked.

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