Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0197 Navigating the sea depends on the helmsman

Wu Guoyun saw that the atmosphere was not right.I had to stand up and speak: "Captain, you misunderstood. I believe that Qi Aiguo absolutely did not mean that. You see. It started when you led us into the tropical rainforest. That way. Who took the lead."

"Captain." The soldiers replied in unison.

"Who overcame obstacles all the way." Wu Guoyun asked again.

"team leader."

"Who is the captain?"

"Li Moyang."

Wu Guoyun immediately shouted: "Wrong." Then he looked at the soldiers sharply.I thought: You are still too tender.I don't know how to flatter.

"It should be said that it is Li Moyang, the helmsman who sails the sea. Think about it. In the vast rainforest. Without Li Moyang's brilliant guidance. Which of you can get out." Wu Guoyun said sternly.

The fighters saw it for the first time.In other words, I heard that Wu Guoyun still has such a side.I always thought he was an unsmiling guy.I was a little dumbfounded at this time.But under Wu Guoyun's sharp gaze, they all shouted: "No."

Wu Guoyun seemed to want to practice Li Jianrui.He asked: "Li Jianrui. Tell me. When you crossed the rainforest. What did you think? Tell the truth. Don't be afraid. We soldiers must dare to tell the truth. Do practical things. Serve the people."

Li Jianrui was stunned.Where the fuck is this.Why did Wu Guoyun speak just now like setting off fireworks.What I said was hype.In a blink of an eye, the fireworks and firecrackers were thrown into his arms.

He knew that Wu Guoyun was playing tricks.But I still know how to make sharp turns: "At that time, I was in the team. Although there were comrades in the front and rear to help. But. Do you know how I felt at that time."

The soldiers said cooperatively, "I don't know."

Mentally muttering: Fuck me.I don't know how you feel.Nothing but heat.what else.

Li Jianrui's words were unexpected: "At that time. Although the sun just came out not long ago. But when I thought that I was in the depths of the tropical rainforest, I felt lonely. Feeling lonely. Feeling cold."

"cold".After hearing this. M14 cursed secretly: You are paralyzed by the cold.It will not be bitten by mosquitoes.Play tricks.

"Later. I looked at the back of Chief Li Moyang. The broad shoulders. One person shouldered the burden of exploring the road. I followed the shining footprints under his feet. I walked over step by step. When Li Moyang spoke. You know How does it feel?"

"do not know."

Li Jianrui seemed to think about it for a while.Recalling affectionately, "The captain's sonorous voice was like bursts of spring thunder. It rang in my ears. I heard hope. I heard the people of China stand up."

"Stop. Haha. I can't tell. Li Jianrui, you're still very good at breaking." Li Moyang seemed a little angry.But anyone can see it.Now Li Moyang is in a good mood.It's almost as if you just farted and wiped out the enemies.

Li Jianrui scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.Showing a simple and honest smile: "Chief, I'm telling the truth. From the bottom of my heart. Look at me. My whole body is full of shortcomings. But I have one advantage."

"What advantages. Tell me." Li Moyang looked at him with a smile and asked.

"I never tell lies. Every word is from my heart." Li Jianrui spoke.While scratching hair.that action.That look.Like a boy who just started elementary school.Saying: "My name is Li Jianrui. My real name is Li Jianrui." Same.

Wu Guoyun applauded secretly: This kid has a future.Even if you don't serve as a soldier in the future.Maybe he can also become a literary soldier or something.It shouldn't be a problem to get a box lunch.

Comrades, this is an eye-opener.First came Wu Guoyun's generous statement.After that, there was a wonderful performance by Li Jianrui.Comparing Qi Patriotic and Leping is the separation between man and nature.Not a creature of this world at all.

Now everyone knows that Li Moyang is the star of the secret team.is the helmsman.It's Chun Lei.Footprints also glow.Such... It is really hard to define what kind of species it is.In short.It's the kind that is awesome.because of this.Even more unable to go to the front line.We must focus on protection.at any cost.

After hearing the words of allegiance and heartfelt admiration and worship from the soldiers.Li Moyang reluctantly agreed to the soldier's request.Promise not to participate in this raid.But he reserved the right to command in front of the battle.

But the soldiers know it.Li Moyang stayed behind.Still commanding a fart.The team is about to rush up.Then have the time to listen to his nonsense.Moreover.Even if you hear it.It's just wind in my ears.Both are dead.This tough battle is no joke.Every second is fatal.

Li Moyang saw that the military spirit was available.Morale is high.Immediately, I felt that my skills had improved greatly.These veterans and recruits were subdued in a flash.

"Check the guns and ammunition."

There was a crash.Some pull the bolt.Some pulled out the clips.Only then did I get serious.A gun is a warrior's partner.Can't wait.No one is carrying two rifles these days.What came out was the captured Type 56 submachine gun.


Although the Type 56 submachine gun has many problems.Like too much recoil.Skilled technique and strong physique are required to lead to fully automatic shooting.For example, the accuracy is too low.It is basically difficult to hit the target beyond 200 meters.Only Li Jianrui can overcome this point.However, the shooting range of the Type 56 submachine gun is also greatly reduced.

In fact, what the war is fighting.There are too many answers to this question.But judging from Li Jianrui's current situation.It's distance.If everyone has Barrett.Things are definitely better.At least on the periphery it is enough to carry out comprehensive firepower suppression.Let the secret team approach the National Independence Alliance base calmly.

I am correcting the Type 56 submachine gun in my hand.Li Jianrui asked in a low voice: "Wu Guoyun. Tell me. Where are the supplies we need?"

Wu Guoyun raised his eyes and glanced at the buildings in the distance.He replied: "It is reasonable to say that it is in that small western-style building. But it is hard to say. Since the enemy already knows that we are coming, and they are still staying there. Maybe the important supplies have been transferred."

"Yes. If that's the case. Is it possible that we have to search every room." Li Jianrui was distressed.

Wu Guoyun sneered and said: "You are not suitable to be this gangster. You have no revolutionary consciousness at all. We have translators. Take a prisoner and ask if you will know."

"Bandit. What kind of gangster?" Li Jianrui asked in confusion.

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