Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0199 Motorcycle Rider

Looking at the back of the motorcycle rider.Li Jianrui smiled and said, "You come first."

Leping had already turned his gun.I heard Li Jianrui say that.You're welcome.I agreed.

The speed of the motorcycle has not yet reached its maximum.After all, these special escape roads specially used for running cars are not smooth.There are many potholes on it.Go by the theoretical speed of this 125cc motocross bike.The maximum can reach [-] kilometers.But under such road conditions.It's about to overturn before it reaches it.

Motorcyclists are obviously very confident in their driving skills.This is also one of the reasons why he was named to report.Now Li Jianrui visually estimated that the speed of the motorcycle was only about [-] kilometers.And doing "S" shape exercise on the road.I don't know if it's to dodge bullets.Or to avoid uneven roads.Or maybe both.

Leping's muzzle kept adjusting with the motorcycle.But he has no idea.Because of such a fast speed.And it is a target in an irregular operating state.Really bad to aim.he even thought.Let Li Jianrui do it.But if you don't try it, you will feel a little unwilling.

Finally he caught the motorcycle rider's snow-white clothes.On the back there is a large silver gray flashing pattern.Le Ping pulled the trigger without hesitation.The expected blood, tumbling, and even flames did not appear.The motorcycle rider seemed to be laughing at him.Another arc was drawn on the road.Keep going.

In fact, the motorcycle rider was already covered with a layer of cold sweat.when he heard gunshots.The blood in the whole body seemed to be coagulated.Only the heart is still beating desperately.Then he found that he was still alive and well.Motorcyclists knew they had won their gamble.The sniper missed him.

The motorcycle rider resisted the strong wind and shouted: "Hallelujah." He is a Christian.He is also one of the few believers in Mangxin Town.As a child he was like everyone else.Believe in native Buddhism.Every now and then, I eat vegetarian food with my family.Seeing monks will also salute.Those who encounter alms will also give alms.

until one day.Deserters from Thailand entered his village.Start burning and looting.The men were herded into a pile.Select the strong ones to fill the army.The women were taken elsewhere.The children were herded into a truck.At that time his ears were full of noise.The cries of the friends next to me.Gunshots in the village.Soldiers scolded.There are also the begging and crying of women in the distance.The flames are like Mangxin Town today.Orange flames burned to the sky.

He saw with his own eyes that his father, who refused to obey, was pushed to the ground by the soldiers.Then an officer next to him drew a pistol.Shot his father in the head. After a "boom".It was the maniacal laughter of the officer.And shouts full of excitement: "Next."

Then it saw that it would occasionally pass by the house.An ascetic monk who stops for a while.Remember that old monk once stroked the top of his head.Looking at him deeply with compassionate eyes.He enjoined: "Son. If the road ahead is rough, don't give up hope."

With gunshots.The elderly ascetic also fell in his father's blood.At that time he was nothing but crying.There is no way.Because the bodies of two children were already lying beside the truck.That's the warning.

Since then, he has followed this group of killers to various places.Learned various killing techniques.From shooting to setting traps.Then came the intrigue.This group of deserters is far stronger than the Shan Revolutionary Party.More formal.The captured civilians were trained as soldiers.No matter adult man or child.As for women and the elderly.They were all engulfed in the sea of ​​fire.

until one day.When this army is at war with hostile forces.Was beaten to pieces.The motorcyclist was able to escape.He discarded the Buddha statue that once hung on his chest.wander around.Until joining the National Independence Union.Then came to Mangxin Town.

The Christian church in town was a novelty.At least not in the small village where he grew up.Then he became a member of the bandit army.Every day is not thinking about how to survive in battle.Just thinking about how to get revenge.The blood of a father, the corpse of a monk.The smell of gunpowder in the air always appeared in his dreams.What frightened him the most was the constant crying in his dream.Sometimes it seems to be the sound heard in the small village at that time.Sometimes it's like a mother's voice.

Over time.He couldn't tell the difference.Who is it that is crying?But every time I hear it.He will wake up from the dream.His whole body was covered with cold sweat.

Finally one day.He worked up his courage.Walked into the Christian Church opposite the temple.Not a big church.There is a passage behind the gate.Four-seater benches line the aisle.There are five rows in total.end of the aisle.It is a wooden table.He later learned that it was the pulpit used by the priest.A statue stands near the window.A man is tied to a snow-white cross.It seems that he has no clothes on.

What motorcyclists like most are the windows of the church.Colorful light shines through the stained glass.The fiery sunlight becomes soft and warm after being filtered.

Since then.He fell in love with Christianity.Every now and then I go to church.Or visit the pastor when you are free.Complain to the pastor.Every time the pastor raised it.When he was invited to baptism.He always likes to say: "Wait and see."

Now.After he dodged Leping's bullet.The motorcycle rider felt that it must be his usual donation.And the prayers said in church helped.God has heard his prayers.

I remember that the pastor always told him: "Son, as long as you pray sincerely, it will surely come true. This is the "Bible". My Lord's promise: For whoever asks will receive. Whoever seeks will find. Knock the door. Open the door for him."

Motorcyclist decides.Wait until this war is over.If the pastor invites him to be baptized again.He will definitely say yes.Because he has got the curtain of God.

Just as he prayed silently in his heart.Thank God for the time.A sudden pain in the chest.It was as if all the strength in his body had been emptied in an instant.A gunshot was heard in the ear.With his years of combat experience.He could hear it.Both shots were fired with the same type of sniper rifle.

Look at the scene in front of you.Rapidly changing.tumbling.From the blue sky to the withered grass.Then it turns into blue sky.He remembered the washing machine unique to the leader.I heard it was a roller.Through the glass door, the clothes inside can be seen rolling.Now he feels like dirty laundry in a washing machine.

until he stops rolling.Motorcyclist until he gets hit.And it's the heart.He felt cold all over.But he still struggled to raise his upper body.The handsome man in the distance just put down the sniper rifle in his hand.

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