Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0213 Revelation Prologue

Wu Guoyun said: "Actually, the scientist in country M had already obtained the technology deciphered from the Dead Sea Scrolls, but at that time, in order to deceive others, he brought some technology related to genetic engineering to country E. At that time, country E was the world leader in genetic technology. At the forefront, there are three laboratories that are conducting research on genetics at the same time, and the laboratory that the scientist of country M serves is the one that started the latest and progressed the slowest among the three laboratories,"

"However, after receiving the technical support from the people of M country, they surpassed the other two in one fell swoop, and finally they were the first to research the genetic double helix. In fact, that is not research, but repeated verification of the research in the Dead Sea Scrolls It's just the result,"

Li Jianrui asked: "So the content of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the study of the human body?"

"Not all. The research on the human body is only a small part of it. Since ancient times, more than half of the wars broke out because of the same reason. Do you know what it is?"

NI replied: "It's nothing more than money and power, imperialist hegemony, our counterattack in self-defense,"

Wu Guoyun smiled, looked at the clouds in the sky, and said in an uncertain tone: "That's a small part, hehe, since ancient times, from the emperor to the common people, all have the same desire, that is, live forever,"

"It's impossible to live forever, heh, when is it now, do people still believe in this?" Li Jianrui, who grew up under the red banner, loves good citizens with five teachings, four beauties and three loves, so he would never believe this.

"How do you know it's impossible? If you haven't seen the sun before, can you deny the existence of the sun?" Wu Guoyun raised the corner of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

Li Jianrui said: "This is unscientific. If human beings lived forever, the earth would have exploded long ago."

Wu Guoyun doesn't seem to want to get too entangled in this matter: "I can only say that genetics is only a small part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and genetic engineering can be said to be an opportunity to change the human world, and many things that cannot be explained by current science Most of the things in other places would be classified as occultism, but in my dynasty they would be denounced as feudal superstition, but the global government has never stopped the study of occultism, including our red regime,"

"If I say that the real reasons behind the two ancient Crusades and the two modern world wars are all for the illusory immortality, what would you think?"

"If I told you that the four major battlefields in the world were formed because of those illusory legends, what would you think?"

Li Jianrui asked: "This is all said in the Dead Sea Scrolls,"

Wu Guoyun replied: "No, these are all my friend's conjectures. The so-called: a person is about to die, his words are good, probably this is what it means. Before he died, he dared to enumerate these bold conjectures one by one. Moreover, according to his position, he can touch far more things than us, and his vision is not comparable to ours, so I believe his speculation, "

Of course, Li Jianrui could only nod his head in agreement, but he still had a skeptical attitude. After all, what Wu Guoyun said and did was beyond the scope of what he could understand and accept.

"At the end of his last words, he talked about the Apocalypse, which is the last chapter of the Christian Bible, and it is about the prophecy of the end of the world. If it continues to spread, there will be a new war on the earth, and this time it will be the third world war, which is directly related to the life and death of the entire human race,"

"Fuck, it's not that evil, how can I talk about the World War, and it's the third time, bro, are you sure you're reading the Dead Sea Scrolls, not a novel, or is the Dead Sea Scrolls a novel?" Novels, the ancients also had pastime, right," Li Jianrui said.

Wu Guoyun pointed to the prisoner, and watched him sitting curled up by the wall, his arms crossed his legs, his head was lowered, and his face was buried, like an ostrich.

He said: "You are right. I have been under too much pressure for a long time, and maybe I have deviated from the purpose of this office. I need someone to remind me not to go astray. This person, we will interrogate him Okay, let's finish the task first, we are thinking of other ways, Li Jianrui, your brain is more flexible than mine, if you can broaden your horizons, you may be able to see more things, go further than me, I have already gone Too many detours,"

Li Jianrui nodded solemnly: "Okay." He knew that the matter had come to an end, he could get on Wu Guoyun's thief ship, and he could get on it, and he was also full of curiosity about the Dead Sea Scrolls, what Wu Guoyun said Does such a magical thing really exist?

Wu Guoyun walked over and kicked the prisoner.

The prisoner raised his head slowly and looked at Wu Guoyun's military boots with cloudy eyes, as if he didn't dare to raise his head.

"Can you understand me," Wu Guoyun said.

Li Jianrui chimed in: "If you don't understand, just kill it."

The prisoner hurriedly said in blunt Chinese: "Yes, I can understand a little bit,"

Li Jianrui and Wu Guoyun looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes, Li Jianrui thought: Fuck, this idiot can really speak well, it seems that he can't survive, after a while, Wu Guoyun will definitely kill him His, after all, he has kept the secret for so long, Wu Guoyun will never let the secret of the Dead Sea Scrolls be revealed.

Wu Guoyun continued: "That's good, as long as you can understand, I will ask you to answer, if you dare to lie, I will let him shoot you,"

After speaking, he pointed at Li Jianrui, as if Li Jianrui was the executioner who specialized in this.

In order to cooperate with Wu Guoyun, Li Jianrui also had to make a vicious expression. At the same time, he raised the gun in his hand and made a gesture of aiming at the captive.

Seeing Li Jianrui's actions, the prisoner panicked, and hurriedly lay down on the ground, throwing himself on the ground, his forehead hit the concrete floor with a "dongdong" sound, and begged: "Please, don't kill me, I don't want anything!" I know... no, I know everything,"

His voice was rather blunt, mixed with a strange accent, which made Li Jianrui sound uncomfortable.

In fact, Wu Guoyun felt the same way, but he didn't think there was any need to argue with a dying person.

"Does your National Independence League have a car?" Wu Guoyun asked.

The prisoner continued to kowtow, Li Jianrui stood in front of him, he could see that the prisoner's forehead was already bleeding, not the brown blood like that unlucky guy just now, but dark red blood.

Wu Guoyun looked impatient, kicked the prisoner on the waist, kicked him to roll, and cursed: "I ask you, you just talk, kowtow is a fart, do you want to die?"

The prisoner rolled on the ground, and immediately returned to his kneeling posture, with his buttocks sticking out high, and trembling, he replied: "Yes, our leader has a car."

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