Wu Ji Yao Huang

Chapter 22 The first time refining medicine

After throwing the three medicinal materials into the Xingyun Cauldron, Feng Chen also fell into another problem.

That is how to refine medicine?

Feng Chen had never been in contact with refining medicine before, even after he had Xingyun Ding and Xuanhuang Pharmacopoeia, he still didn't know how the process of refining medicine was.

"I forgot to ask Senior Sister Haoyue how to make medicine." Fengchen said slightly distressed, but now he didn't know what to do next.

Suddenly, Feng Chen caught a glimpse of a handprint groove on the surface of the Xingyun Ding, and his heart moved, could it be that he put his palm there?

Feng Chen confidently stretched out his palm and slowly approached the groove, only to see a sudden change when his palm was close to the cold metal.

The entire Nebula Cauldron suddenly began to emit a faint light, and the stars imprinted on the surface seemed to be revived, and soon there was a burst of heat from the Nebula Cauldron.

A look of joy flashed across Fengchen's face, but soon he felt something was wrong, Xingyunding was absorbing the profound energy in his body!

And the speed of absorption is not slow, soon Fengchen felt that the profound energy in his dantian was passing away at a terrifying speed.

Feng Chen's face became extremely pale, and it won't be long before he continues like this, he is afraid that he will become a human being before he starts refining medicine.

However, at this moment, the suction from the Xingyun Ding slowed down a lot, which made Fengchen heave a sigh of relief, feeling the little profound energy left in his dantian, a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

However, he noticed that a fiery red light rose from inside the Xingyun Cauldron at this time, like a flame.

At the moment, Fengchen concentrated his attention and sank his mind into the Xingyun Ding, because the Xingyun Ding had already recognized the relationship with him as the master, so it was easy to do this.

Feng Chen closed his eyes, and the situation in the cauldron clearly appeared in his mind.

Inside the Xingyun Cauldron, due to the input of my own profound energy, a kind of nameless flame was produced. The temperature of this flame was extremely high, and it directly started to burn the petals of the serum flower.

The flames directly enveloped the three petals, and after a while, they melted into a pool of blood-red liquid the size of a palm.

However, the flames didn't stop, but continued to burn the red liquid medicine, soon Feng Chen saw traces of black impurity-like things quietly separated from the liquid medicine.

During this process, Fengchen discovered that the flames in the Xingyun Cauldron seemed to flourish according to the amount of profound energy he had input, so Fengchen had been carefully controlling the output of profound energy.

After a while, it seemed that the heat was almost ready, and Feng Chen's divine sense controlled a small group of black impurities separated from the red medicinal liquid wrapped in flames.

With a thought, this black impurity was burned to nothingness by the nameless flame, and the rest was the purest medicinal liquid of the serum flower.

There was a vague idea in his heart, Feng Chen had mastered the method of using the Xingyun Ding, and he had succeeded in refining the serum flower, so he was overjoyed, and immediately began to refine the Ningshencao.

Ningshen grass, the whole body is emerald green in color, under the burning of the unknown flame, it is like a serum flower, the impurities in it are quickly refined, and the rest is a pool of green pure medicinal liquid.

The successes one after another made Fengchen very excited. It seems that refining the pill is not as difficult as the rumors say, at least he has not had any accidents so far.

However, it seemed that God deliberately wanted to blow Feng Chen's confidence. When he was refining the Sky Star Grass, an accident happened. The entire Sky Star Grass was directly burned to nothingness by the nameless flame, leaving no slag left.

"Damn, what's going on?"

When Feng Chen realized that something was wrong, he was powerless to fix it. He watched the Sky Star Grass tempering fail, and felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

"No, it was me just now - I was too hasty, and I didn't notice the size of the flame. If I control it just right, I will definitely not fail."

Feng Chen is not a person who is willing to fail, after thinking about it soon, he found the reason for the failure, and the mood is clear at the moment.

Afterwards, Fengchen took out another Skystar Grass. When he was collecting Skystar Grass, he predicted something bad would happen, so he collected a few more by the way.

Throwing the Celestial Star Grass into the Xingyun Cauldron again, Fengchen carefully pumped out his own profound energy, maintaining the intensity of the nameless flame in the cauldron.

This time, Feng Chen didn't relax, he paid attention to refining the Sky Star Grass all the time, and he was relieved when he saw the Sky Star Grass turned into a pool of pure liquid medicine.

Looking at the three balls of pure medicinal liquid wrapped in flames, Feng Chen gritted his teeth, and the next step is the most important step, fusion!

Incorporating the pure medicinal liquid refined from this medicinal material into the demon crystal, thereby neutralizing the energy of the demon crystal and turning it into a elixir, this is Dzogchen.

Licking the corner of his mouth, Feng Chen weighed the demon crystal in his hand, his mind sank slightly, he must not fail this time, the demon crystal of a first-order monster is not so easy to find.

The Xingyun Cauldron was opened, Feng Chen threw the demon crystal into it, and then activated his own profound energy, poured it into the Xingyun Cauldron, and began to refine the demon crystal.

The monster crystal comes from monsters, and the energy contained in it is extremely violent, and there are relatively many impurities. It needs to be tempered before it can be fused with the liquid medicine.

He carefully controlled the heat, because the demon crystal was the only one, Feng Chen dared not relax in the slightest, and the rhombus-shaped demon crystal gradually softened under the burning of the nameless flame.


It may be because the monster crystal was gradually refined, and the violent energy contained in it erupted all of a sudden, causing the unknown flame to almost lose control, making Fengchen break out in a cold sweat, but fortunately, there was no accident in the end.

The nameless flame tempered the demon crystal for much longer than the medicinal material. After all, it contained the energy of a monster. After a demon crystal was tempered, only a crystal liquid the size of a finger remained.

This is the purest energy in the demon crystal, and only this kind of energy can be neutralized with the medicinal liquid to exert the greatest effect and become a elixir.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Chen directly mixed the three kinds of liquid medicine and the energy of the monster crystal, and burned them in the nameless flame.

Feng Chen paid close attention to the situation in Xingyun Cauldron, the success or failure of the first refining medicine depends on this time.

If it is done, then I will have a furnace of solid pills!If he loses, I'm afraid these medicinal materials and the hard work he spent before will have to be wasted in vain.

ps: Guaranteed two updates have been released, visually there will be an update tomorrow during the day~

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