Wu Ji Yao Huang

Chapter 45 Water Curtain Cave

Looking at the leaving back of the Iron Arm Spirit Ape, Feng Chen weighed in his heart, he leaned out slightly, and found that the Iron Arm Spirit Ape walked in directly from the edge of the mountain stream.

"There's a cave there!?"

Feng Chen's body stiffened suddenly, he actually saw the Iron-armed Spirit Ape entering the mountain stream just now, and saw a cave, which turned out to be hidden in the river.

"Could it be that this waterfall is just a cover?" Feng Chen's heart moved, there were not many iron-armed spirit apes beside the mountain stream, only a few scattered around.

A look of hesitation flashed across Feng Chen's face, maybe this is an opportunity, the iron-armed spirit ape is poisoned at this time, and its strength must be greatly reduced, if he follows him into the cave, maybe he can check to see if there is any purple spirit liquid.

But this would take a great risk. If other Iron Arm Spirit Apes suddenly returned, he would be in trouble. Iron Arm Spirit Apes are only first-order monsters, so he is not afraid, but if a large group of Iron Arm Spirit Apes The words of the spirit ape......

Thinking of what would happen to him surrounded by a group of iron arm spirit apes, Feng Chen felt terrified, but there was only one chance, and if he missed it, it would be difficult to find a second one.

In particular, the Shangguan family will send other strong men to come in a few days, let alone the chance, I'm afraid they won't even have the chance to get close to the mountain stream.

"Fight it, anyway, that guy is already seriously injured, I don't believe it can do anything to me!" After hesitating for a moment, he finally made a decision in his heart, and Fengchen decided to take a risk!

The figure flashed out quietly, the second-order iron-armed ape had already entered the mountain stream, Feng Chen stood beside the mountain stream, the sound of rushing water came, and in an instant there were several first-order iron-armed apes found him.


In the mountain stream, one of the few iron-armed spirit apes rushed out instantly and launched an attack on Feng Chen. Feng Chen's expression changed slightly, and he also made a move. He wanted to get rid of these troubles before the monster in the mountain stream was disturbed. .

Four or five iron-armed spirit apes attacked at an extremely fast speed. While these monsters possessed agility and speed, they also possessed extremely tyrannical strength, which should not be underestimated.

"One-Star Martial Skill: Sky Crash!"

Feng Chen yelled angrily in his heart, without any hesitation, he shot directly with a [-]-star martial skill, under this blow, one of the iron-armed apes flew tens of meters away, and fell directly to the ground.

He was already a Rank Nine Martial Apprentice, and this two-star martial skill was even more explosive in his hands.

"Two-star martial skill: Eagle Claw!"

"Two-star martial art: Monkey Fist!"

"Two-star martial skill: Sky-breaking three-finger!"

Feng Chen displayed several kinds of martial arts in succession, directly beheading all the iron-armed spirit apes in front of him, although he also suffered some skin trauma during the period, but it didn't bother him.

But to Fengchen's disappointment, he didn't find any monster crystals on these monster beasts, he also sighed, and then continued to crawl to the side of the mountain stream.

In front of Fengchen is a winding path leading directly to the mountain stream. If you hadn't watched the iron-armed ape walk in with your own eyes, you wouldn't have noticed that there is such a mystery in the waterfall.

Holding his breath, Fengchen walked up the path cautiously. When he got close to the waterfall, the water vapor rushed towards his face. After a while, his whole clothes were already wet.

And after a while, Feng Chen has already reached the key point of the narrow path, and in front of him are the two waterfalls, through the white water flow, Feng Chen can see that there is another world inside the waterfall.

"How did you get there?"

Feng Chen couldn't help frowning, the water was rushing, could it be that he wanted to rush over it so abruptly?

After looking around, Feng Chen found that there was no other way, he could only face the scalp, leap forward, and forcefully jump over.

"Two-star martial skill: Vajra Body!"

Feng Chen activated the martial skill in an instant, firstly because of the rush of water, and secondly, the moment he entered, it might cause the iron-armed ape to attack, so it would be much safer to use the martial skill for body protection.

When jumping over the water, Fengchen felt a thousand tons of pressure pressing down on him, and his body almost wanted to step down.

Feng Chen roared in a low voice, endured the pressure abruptly, took a step forward, felt his feet touch the ground, and then landed, the whole body directly passed through the mountain waterfall.

At the moment when he crossed the mountain stream, because of the momentum, Fengchen rolled several times on the ground, his whole body was wet, and after a moment, he stabilized his figure and stood up quickly.

"This is where?"

Fengchen immediately raised his head and looked around, the water curtain cave in the mountain stream!Feng Chen's expression was also full of surprise at the moment, he never thought that there was such a world hidden behind the waterfall.

Inside is a cave-like existence, relatively wide, especially in the middle, there is a cave, and some purple mist rises from it, thus filling the entire cave.

"What kind of place is this? There are man-made traces." After Feng Chen was surprised, he began to scan all the surroundings. He found that this cave seemed to be opened up, and there were too many artificial traces. He was also curious at the moment. stand up.


However, at this moment, Feng Chen heard a roar, and immediately sank his mind, raised his head, and saw a burly figure with the height of two people suddenly appearing in front of him.

It was the iron-armed spirit ape of the second-order monster. Standing up in this cave, it looked particularly tall. Feng Chen's mind sank slightly, and he immediately took a few steps back to keep some distance from it.

The iron-armed ape kept roaring, as if warning Fengchen, it didn't know how Fengchen, a human being, entered this cave, which made it very angry, but when he wanted to do something to Fengchen, he found that the toxin in his body broke out , making it immobile.

Feng Chen cautiously looked at the Iron Arm Spirit Ape, while scanning the surroundings, his eyes suddenly froze, and he saw some strange things behind the Iron Arm Spirit Ape.

Behind the Iron Arm Spirit Ape is a stone wall, on which hangs upside down many strangely shaped stones like stalactites, but on top of these stalactites, liquid drips down continuously, but these liquids are purple!

These liquids dripped on the ground, and the originally smooth ground was also dripped out of a small purple pool. The purple liquid dripping from the stalactites all fell into the pool.

"That's purple spirit liquid!?" Feng Chen's pupils constricted, and the word flashed in his mind. If he guessed correctly, these liquids are the purple spirit liquid that Shangguan Yu mentioned!

Moreover, Feng Chen was still near the water pool, and seeing some things in bottles and cans exuding a smell similar to wine, he was even more puzzled at the moment.

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