Wu Ji Yao Huang

Chapter 6 The Competition in Front of the Martial Arts Pavilion

After dealing with Huang Tianya and the others, Feng Chen came to the Martial Arts Pavilion as if nothing had happened. A long time ago, after someone invented the martial arts training system, martial arts were naturally derived.

Martial skills are very important. When evaluating a warrior's cultivation base, his own cultivation base occupies a large factor. The weapons used by the warrior, as well as martial skills, are also quite important.

Most martial arts in the world are classified as one-star to nine-star. In Shenwuzong, one-star martial arts can be seen everywhere, even for outer disciples, but martial arts with two stars and above are quite precious. To be able to learn, and each outer disciple has only one chance to enter the Martial Skill Pavilion a week.

Standing outside the Martial Skills Pavilion, Feng Chen looked at the lofty plaque, feeling a lot in his heart. He has never entered the Martial Skills Pavilion since he entered Shenwuzong for three years, because only rank six martial artists are eligible to enter the Martial Skills Pavilion!

However, it is very unusual now that the shackles of his cultivation have been broken, so he naturally has the opportunity to practice two-star martial arts!

From time to time in the Martial Arts Pavilion, there are disciples from the outer sect coming in and out, seeing Feng Chen standing at the door in a daze, and whispering for a while, what is the legendary Wannian crane from the outer sect wanting to come to the Martial Skills Pavilion?

Feng Chen turned a deaf ear to these, stepped forward and entered the Martial Skill Pavilion, but was stopped by someone.

"Elder, I don't know why you stopped me?" Feng Chen calmly looked at the elder guarding the pavilion in front of him, and also vaguely guessed in his heart.

"Feng Chen, the Divine Martial Sect stipulates that martial arts pavilions in the outer sect can only be entered by martial disciples who have reached rank six." The elder guarding the pavilion said slowly.

Fengchen's name can be said to be very famous in the outer sect of Shenwuzong, and it has only been three years, and it is still a three-turn warrior.

"Of course I know this." The corners of Fengchen's mouth slightly raised.

"Now that you know, then you should know that you can't enter the Martial Skill Pavilion." The elder guarding the pavilion looked at Fengchen, also quite surprised.

"I've broken through to Rank [-] martial artist, so why can't I enter?" Feng Hao puffed out his chest, his voice was not loud, but it was undoubtedly thunder in the ears of the elders guarding the pavilion.

"What? The end of the Wannian crane is already a Rank [-] warrior?"

"Are you kidding me, did I hear you right?"

All of a sudden, the outer disciples who passed by the door of the Martial Arts Pavilion all cried out in surprise. This is simply such an incredible thing.

Hearing the words, the elder guarding the pavilion was also stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "Feng Chen, how dare you lie to me, trying to sneak into the martial arts pavilion like this?!"

Feng Chen couldn't help laughing out loud, it's not because of the elder guarding the pavilion, after all, his name at the end of the Wannian crane is in the outer gate of Shenwuzong, which can be said to be very resounding. Someone will believe it.

"I believe, elder, you should be able to test whether I am a Rank [-] martial artist." Feng Chen said with a smile.

Looking at Fengchen's expression, he didn't look like he was joking, and the elder guarding the pavilion was also suspicious for a while, could it be that Fengchen really broke through?

"I am a Rank [-] martial artist, you will know it when you fight against me."

At this moment, a loud voice came, and a burly figure came from in front of the elder guarding the pavilion, staring at Fengchen.

"Xiao Qianqu?"

The elder guarding the pavilion was stunned when he saw the person coming. This person was Xiao Qianqu, who entered the outer sect half a year ago, and his martial arts cultivation progressed extremely rapidly. If there is no accident, after half a year's assessment, he will enter the inner sect and become an elite disciple of Shenwuzong.

This Xiao Qianqu, Feng Chen had heard of the famous person before, and his eyes were also slightly narrowed at the moment. This person was more difficult to deal with than Huang Tianya, not because of his better martial arts cultivation, but because this Xiao Qianqu was not only a monster, but also In addition to being diligent, another characteristic is that he likes to fight.

After Xiao Qianqu entered the Shenwumen, he never stopped sparring with others, and his martial arts cultivation was improving at an astonishing speed every day.

"Senior Brother Feng, please enlighten me." Xiao Qianqu cupped his fists at Fengchen politely, but his eyes were filled with fiery fighting intent. Before he came, he knew the rumor just now that Fengchen once defeated the sixth-rank warrior with a single move Huang Tianya.

The elder who guarded the pavilion glanced at Feng Chen, and didn't mean to refuse, but nodded, and said: "Xiao Qianqu, I'll let you fight with him, but remember, click as soon as possible."

Feng Chen stretched out his palms and clenched them into fists, similarly made an offensive posture, and said with a smile: "I've heard of your name earlier, and it's not bad to fight with you."

Due to the large number of people coming and going to the Martial Skill Pavilion, the fight between Feng Chen and Xiao Qianqu quickly spread, and in a short while, even some disciples in the Martial Skill Pavilion also appeared.

"Who is this person? How dare he fight Xiao Qianqu?"

"Let's see that you are new here. The famous crane tail in the outer sect of Shenwuzong is still a three-rank warrior for three years."

"Ah, rank three warrior? Then he..."

"My brain is convulsed, I dare to fight Xiao Qianqu, it's really itchy."

Many voices of discussion continued to spread, and everyone felt that Feng Chen was humiliating himself.

But Feng Chen completely ignored these discussions, he only saw Xiao Qianqu in front of him now, he was concentrating on him, and the brilliance in his eyes sometimes disappeared and appeared.

When Xiao Qianqu met Fengchen's eyes, the skin on her body surface suddenly felt chilly, and there was a feeling of scalp numbness.


Xiao Qianqu felt that Feng Chen's eyes were looking at prey, more like a tiger, ready to bite people at any time.


Feng Chen made the first move, he knew that Xiao Qianqu was not an ordinary warrior, and his cultivation base was better than his own, if he didn't make the first move, he would lose the opportunity.

At the moment of doing it, all the voices beside him fell silent, and even the eyes of the elder guarding the pavilion became serious.

At this time, Feng Chen just took a step and clenched his fists to charge forward, but his aura suddenly changed, very ferocious, all the aura of a rank six warrior burst out.

"So fast!"

Xiao Qianqu's pupils constricted, Feng Chen appeared in front of him almost instantly, and Feng Chen's speed was extremely fast, and he even felt the fierce wind of fist blowing towards him.

"Crash the sky!"

Xiao Qianqu came to his senses in an instant, it was too late to escape, so he turned slightly sideways, took a step forward, moved his left shoulder violently, and slammed into Fengchen.

Collapsing Sky, a two-star martial skill, any part of the body can burst out with a strong impact. It is rumored that it can shatter mountains when it is refined to a great height.

Feng Chen was just attacking physically, he didn't learn martial arts, but he also knew the horror of [-]-star martial arts, but his punches were so fierce that he couldn't retract them, so he could only grit his teeth and collide with Xiao Qianqu.


After the blow, the figures of the two backed away quickly, Feng Chen backed up three steps, and Xiao Qianqu backed up two steps!

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