Volume 15 I Am a Hooligan Chapter [-] Enjoying It

The room, which was originally extremely messy, was cleaned up. 【26nbsp;】

The cream floor tiles are so spotlessly polished they almost double as mirrors.The outer cover of the sofa was also removed, revealing the black leather, which looked a bit vicissitudes of life, the sundries on the coffee table were also cleaned up, the TV was as clean as new, and a replay of a football game was playing .

Li Chui hurriedly took a step back, and then went to the wrong place, reconfirmed that it was room 402, and then walked in on tiptoe, hearing the sound of water flowing in the bathroom and the hum of the washing machine.

"No, my panties."

Li Chui put the "Widow Maker" away, put the ribs on the table, ran to the washroom to look, and was slightly taken aback. There stood a half-bowed woman wearing leather gloves. With her head down, she had long hair. The silk hangs down, looking like a housewife, and Li Chui's heart feels hot.

"Chen Qian, you..."

The woman turned her head and showed a beautiful face, "It turns out that your family is more sloppy than mine. An old bachelor is an old bachelor, and you don't even have the ability to take care of yourself."

"Why do you have my room key?" Li Chui quickly pulled her out of the bathroom.

Chen Qian smiled slightly, took out a key, and said: "You left in a hurry, and the key was left with me. Anyway, I was fine this afternoon, so I came here to see if there was anything valuable, but when I came in, I almost thought I had entered Junkyard, if you really can’t stand it, I’ll clean it up for you. What are you looking for?”

"Huh? No."

Chen Qian took out a pair of underwear from the washing machine playfully: "Isn't this what you're looking for?"

"This... I'm so sorry to ask you to wash it for me. Next time at most, I'll go to your house and wash it for you." Li Chui suddenly thought of a more important question, and rushed to the small table under the TV in the living room. When I opened it, there was nothing inside, and my heart sank.

"Teacher Cang's classic movie..."

Chen Qian came over and said: "Don't look for it, I confiscated those things, you are a single old bachelor, it is no good to read too much."

"This...Comrade Chen Qian, it's not good for you to do this. You have already violated my body. How embarrassing." Li Chui ran to the bedroom again, and saw that the bed sheet had also been removed. It's not good for Chen Qian to see some of his own bodily fluids. He hurriedly looked under the bed, where the old box was still there, and took a long breath.

He opened the old box, took out a can of Shaoxing Nuerhong weighing four catties, and pushed it back.

"Wow, what is this? Is it an antique? It's very valuable, right?" Chen Qian leaned over and looked it up and down.

Li Chui hurried her out of the bedroom and said: "It's not an antique, it's just a can of wine, forget it, don't wash it, just in time you came, thank you for cleaning up for me, let's take you to dinner tonight. "

"Do you still have this old earthenware pot? I've watched treasure appraisal programs these two days. These things may be antiques, and one of them can sell for a lot of money."

"It's gone, it's gone." Li Chui quickly pushed Chen Qian out, not because he was afraid that Chen Qian would take his daughter red, but because there were some things he didn't want others to know.

"Uncle Gen, the neighbor, invited me to drink at night, and we went for a walk together. I just wash the clothes by myself." Li Chui pulled Chen Qian out of the room. This time, he carefully put away the keys and locked the door.

When he came to Uncle Gen's house, Li Chui was quite surprised that Sangbiao and Sister Sao were there.There are a lot of delicious food on the table, and Aunt Gen is still busy in the kitchen.

"Wow, who is this beauty Sledge Hammer? Why don't you introduce us?" Sister Sao hurriedly pulled Chen Qian over and let her sit beside her.

Chen Qian seldom eats this kind of dinner, and they are all strangers, so she is a little shy.

Li Chui sat on the side carelessly, opened the sealing paper on his daughter's red, and said: "This is Chen Qian, my good friend, just like everyone else, Brother Biao, why are you and Sister Sao here with Uncle Gen?"

Sangbiao grabbed a handful of peanuts and said, "Uncle Gen went to my place for a haircut in the afternoon, saying that you passed the police test and wanted to celebrate, so he asked me to come with Sister Sao."

"Uncle Gen!" Li Chui yelled, and Uncle Gen came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a spatula: "Xiao Li, wait a moment, the braised fish will be ready soon, oops, look what else you brought Things, who is this lady? You are not your girlfriend, are you? "

Li Chui quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, it's just my good friend Chen Qian." He sighed inwardly, "It would be great if Chen Qian wasn't gay. It would be great to have such a wife who can earn money and do housework."

Chen Qian greeted Uncle Gen very politely.

Li Chui pulled Uncle Gen back to his seat and said, "Uncle Gen, let women do this kind of thing. I'll bring you a can of Nurhong."

"Sister Sao, you and Chen Qian help Aunt Gen. You really treat yourself as a guest, really."

Sister Sao stood up unhappily, and walked into the kitchen with Chen Qian carrying the ribs.

Uncle Gen found a few cups and filled them with Nurhong for Li Chui and Sangbiao. The smell of wine was overflowing, especially the old wine, which had a strong taste.

The three of them ate peanuts and drank a cup. The daughter's red tastes very good, fragrant and smooth, not spicy.

"That's right, Xiao Li, it's hard for you to hide such a good wine. I still have a bottle of Sanbian wine here. You can take it away and taste it later. It's very nourishing for your body, especially young people who have girlfriends should pay more attention to their health." Root Uncle came like a person and said.

Li Chui waved his hands again and again: "Uncle Gen, you misunderstood. Chen Qian and I are just ordinary friends. Today he helped me clean up and let him come and eat with us. There is no other meaning."

Sangbiao smiled and said, "Brother Hammer, I think that Ms. Chen is really good, you can develop it."

Li Chuixin scolded: "Develop your size, if you can develop it, you will develop it sooner, and your hobbies are different. If you don't call men, what should you do?"

After a while, the food was ready. Uncle Gen's house was exactly the same as Li Chui's. They were both two-bedrooms, and the living room was not very big. It seemed very warm for six people to eat around the table.

After a few cups of daughter's popularity, everyone's emotions were high. The daughter's degree of popularity is not high, but she has a lot of stamina.

"I think back then, I, Sangbiao, was number one in the old street. I don't know how frightened people are with a sledgehammer. When it comes to Sangbiao, which one doesn't give a bit of face."

"Tch, Brother Biao, you are out of date, don't brag, if you want to say, I'm still Li Chui, the champion of the Deep Sea Academy."

At the table, Li Chui and Sangbiao kept bragging, and Uncle Gen also drank a lot. He spoke very reservedly at first, but after a while his tongue grew bigger, and he kept spitting out foam when he spoke.

After a happy meal, she drank up the four catties of daughter red and a few bottles of beer from Uncle Gen. Li Chui was supported by Chen Qian and left with the three whips of wine from Uncle Gen in his hand.

Chen Qian helped Li Chui to his bedroom, covered him with a quilt, and after washing the clothes in the washing machine, she saw Li Chui sleeping.

She couldn't help being curious, bent down and quietly pulled out an old box, which was covered with a layer of dust, she didn't dare to pat it off, and slowly opened it, and saw that there was still a jar of Nurhong inside, and a lot of things were stuffed in it. Fragmentary, and a thick stack of letters, there are hundreds of letters.

"what is this?"

People are often very curious, especially women.

Although Chen Qian didn't want to violate Li Chui's body too much, she took out a letter out of curiosity to read it, and her eyes turned red before she finished reading it.

Then I kept reading one after another, and finally the whole person cried like a tearful person.


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