Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 28 Failure

Chapter 28, Volume [-] Police Academy Failed

Gong Fei was slightly taken aback, she thought that Li Chui might quibble, or make up some other excuses, but she just didn't expect him to express his admiration for her, and she didn't expect him to express his inner feelings tactfully. 【26nbsp;】

Moreover, she couldn't tell whether what this guy said was true or not.Just now I thought that the theory I learned could be put into practice very quickly, but I didn't expect it to fail.

At this time Niu Yiming said: "Teacher, what's the matter with you? I live in the same dormitory as Brother Li. I just came here yesterday. Did the teacher admit the wrong person?"

Gong Fei smiled awkwardly, and said: "Maybe I have misunderstood someone." But she said in her heart: "I would recognize him even if he turned into ashes, and it is impossible to admit his mistake."

Moreover, the moment she turned around and was about to walk back to the podium, she clearly saw Li Chui's sly smile, who looked exactly like the vicious little security guard from yesterday!It seems to be still saying: fight with me?You are still a little tender.


Gong Fei didn't dare to expose it face to face. After all, she was the one who made a fool of herself first, and she still hoped that he would not speak out, thinking to herself: "Anyway, I will teach him during this period. If he is not good, I will not pass him—"

Gong Fei walked back to the podium and said, "Where did you just say? Well, during the training period, I will teach criminal investigation and criminology. In my opinion, these two subjects are closely related to each other. First of all The research object of criminology and criminal investigation is crime, for example, I think everyone should remember the Ma Jiajue incident a few years ago."

The crowd nodded.

"We all know that Ma is a college student who killed a classmate in the same dormitory. When we investigated the scene at the beginning, we found that the method was cruel, so we used the subject of criminal investigation to investigate the murderer based on the clues at the scene. The evidence, etc., to speculate and judge the psychology of the criminal, which uses the criminal psychology in criminology, through criminology to speculate on the motive of the criminal, as well as the most likely place where it appears, etc. The two disciplines are mutually beneficial Connected, connected, today we are going to talk about criminology, so first of all, everyone should know, the definition of criminology, what exactly is criminology—”

After a class, Gong Fei's attention was not so concentrated, and she couldn't help looking at Li Chui. Whenever he was a little distracted, she would call him by name and ask him questions.

So in this class, Li Chui can be said to have benefited a lot and learned a lot.

After class, Gong Fei stopped Li Chui, "Student Li Chui, please wait a moment."

The other students looked at the two thoughtfully.

After everyone else had left, Li Chui stretched his waist, let out a haha, then sat back on his seat, lit a cigarette, completely opposite to his ignorant expression just now, and said lazily: "Mr. , what advice do you have for me?"

"You—why did you pretend to be a security guard yesterday? What is your purpose in coming to the police academy! Otherwise, be careful and I will tell your captain." Gong Fei was furious, feeling like she was being cheated.

Li Chui smiled slightly, took a puff of smoke, and said: "I forgot everything about yesterday. The teacher has a good memory. I just wanted to see what was in the library out of curiosity. I didn't expect to be stopped by the security guards. I'm on duty for him, there's no way, my biggest weakness is that I don't refuse people, and I'm warm-hearted. So, I agreed, although I'm not a real security guard, but when it's time to perform my duties, I must be serious."

"Hmph, what do you mean? Student Li Chui, I advise you to be careful, remember that criminal investigation and criminology are compulsory courses for you, and if you fail, you will not be awarded a police rank, let alone work."

Threats, naked threats.

But it does work.

Li Chui went crazy for a while, and immediately stomped out the cigarette, and said with an apologetic smile: "Oh, Teacher Gong, you see that you are naturally beautiful, so beautiful, don't be angry, I really forgot what happened yesterday. Braised pork, how about I ask the teacher to eat it, I ate it yesterday and it tastes good."

"Hmph, don't be so talkative, I tell you, be careful." After finishing speaking, Gong Fei took the teaching materials and left, feeling aggrieved in her heart. Since he graduated and came here to take classes, he has never been beaten. She has never made such a big shame in front of people, so this matter can't be left alone, but abusing power is not what she really wants to do in her heart, but it's good to scare him.

Li Chui packed his schoolbag, feeling even more aggrieved: "F*ck, whoever it is, anyone can catch me, and I can't live anymore. My old Li has been so chic for more than [-] years. I didn't expect that today , to behave like a man with his tail between his legs. Forget it, isn’t it just three months, bear with it.”

For dinner, I went to the cafeteria to eat two servings of braised pork, which was free anyway, and drank two more Cokes. Li Chui felt better. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he saw Sun Yan, who was talking to Gong Fei not far away. Yan can be said to be smiling and laughing, he has a little serious look of an instructor, and he looks like an obedient dog.

Li Chui was contemptuous for a while, and returned to the dormitory. Just sitting there for a while, Niu Yiming walked in and said, "Brother Li, Captain Sun is looking for you and asked you to go to his office now."

Li Chui was upset, sighed secretly, arranged his clothes, and came to Sun Yan's office door and shouted: "Report."

"Come in."

Li Chui pushed the door open and walked in this time.

Sun Yan looked at him with a serious expression, like a debt collector, knocking on the table rhythmically, and said: "Li Chui! Someone reported that you made too many petty moves in class this afternoon, and you contradicted the teacher. What's going on? "

"Women's hearts are really small and pitiful. It must be what Gong Fei and this old guy said just now." Li Chui thought so in his heart, and said: "Report to the captain, this is slander. I listened carefully in class, answered the teacher's questions, and very Respect the teacher, no contradicting. At most, it is a well-intentioned suggestion."

Sun Yan left a small plastic bag on the table, and there was half a cigarette in it: "Did you smoke this?"

"Uh——" Li Chui felt distressed. It was indeed he who smoked that half of the cigarette. I didn't expect Gong Fei to be so narrow-minded and hold grudges so much. I even thought about keeping it a secret for her.

Sun Yan slapped the table violently, and said, "Li Chui, you actually smoked in class, do you still have discipline in your eyes and do you have me as the captain! It's outrageous."

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and through the door mirror, I saw Zhou Caifeng.

Sun Yan said: "Come in."

Zhou Caifeng looked at Li Chui, frowned slightly and said, "Li Chui, what mistake did you make again?"

"I—I'm sorry Team Zhou, I violated the college's rule that no smoking is allowed." Li Chui raised his head and said loudly.

In fact, smoking in the college is not a big problem. Zhou Caifeng looked at Sun Yan. She heard Sun Yan yelling outside just now, and thought it was a big problem. Unexpectedly, it was just a violation of smoking. He is an adult, and he is a training student. Those in the class usually don't take it seriously when they smoke, and at most give oral education, so Sun Yan is a little fussy.

Sun Yan said: "If it's just smoking, I wouldn't say that. Captain Zhou, he smoked in class, and he contradicted Teacher Gong Fei. This is a matter of one's character."

Li Chui is an open-minded person, but open-mindedness does not mean that he will not be angry. Now that he has been slandered repeatedly, his heart has changed from dissatisfaction to anger.


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