Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 47 Extortion

Brother Three Volumes Three Major Communities Chapter 47 Blackmail

Chun Shisanniang was slightly taken aback for two seconds, feeling frustrated: "I really don't know if this guy is a man, I, Chun Shisanniang, are in this cross street, and that man doesn't drool when he sees it, but this guy is so serious , it's really suspicious - he can't be gay, it's an interesting thing. 【】”

But when she saw Li Chui's crotch turned into a small tent under the light, she felt happy again: "Sure enough, it's a sullen type. The body is like this, and I'm still pretending."

Seeing that there was a pack of Zhongnanhai cigarettes on the table, Li Chui randomly took out one and lit it, took a sip, and calmed down his restless heart. The smoke enveloped his entire face, which looked full of mystery, and his melancholy eyes were full of pity , the yellow light shone, and it actually exuded a kind of divine brilliance.

Chun Shisanniang immediately felt ashamed of herself. He was like a godfather who cared for all people and grieved for fallen human beings, with an incomparable holiness.At this moment, for the first time, Chun Shisanniang felt ashamed of her dirty body, a feeling that she would never be able to touch him.

Immediately, Chun Shisanniang shook her head, took a look, and noticed that Li Chui's hand was scratching lightly on the crotch, and then quickly retracted.

He looked like a bum smoking, and there was still a bit of the feeling of the holy godfather just now, so he must have read it wrong.How could this guy who meddles in his own business to make his old lady look good, how could he have divine brilliance, he has a lustful heart but no guts, a coward, not a man.I want to make him look good.

Fortunately, Li Chui took it in time. If something really happened to Chun Shisanniang in this small private room, Li Chui would definitely regret it. There was a pocket camera tightly attached to the small table, facing the That soft looking bed.

Chun Shisanniang threatened many men with this trick, separated many families and wives, and threatened many small officials.

Today's failure made her very dissatisfied, but she was not a person who gave up lightly, so she pulled Li Chui back to her seat again, and this time she obediently made it to the opposite side.

Li Chui was hungry, and the meat in the pot was already cooked, so he quickly picked up two chopsticks, put sesame sauce on it, and started to eat, the juice splashed, his mouth was full, and he made a gurgling sound, and picked up the beer next to him. Cup, as if no one was drinking it, and kept putting the raw meat on the table into his own pot, without thinking about the feelings of Chun Shisanniang on the other side.

Chun Shisanniang looked at him and smiled slightly, "Officer, is there not enough food?"

"It's true—it's a little less, it's called two servings of hairy belly—" Li Chui chewed while talking.

Chun Shisanniang smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go down and call the waiter." She stood up from her seat, twisted, touched Li Chui's neck, pushed the door and went out.

Taking a long breath, he thought to himself: "Damn it, you forced me to implement the second plan." He went downstairs and came to the front desk.

The receptionist said respectfully, "Sister Chun."

Chun Shisanniang said: "Send two copies of Maodu to ** Pavilion, and collect the money from it in 10 minutes, um—wait a minute, send Maodu first."

Chun Shisanniang took out her mobile phone, walked to a secluded place, and dialed a number: "Brother Hu, where is the brother you are looking for? Loufeng Hot Pot Restaurant, okay, I will wait, thank you Brother Hu, I will introduce you next time One or two college students will let you know, I guarantee you will be good."

After a while, five topless youths walked in from the outside. The leader was slightly fatter, wearing a denim vest, showing wild chest hair, and a cobra tattoo on his stomach.

"Sister Chun! It was that stupid hat who didn't have long eyes who provoked you. Tell brother, I'll settle it for you right away!" The young man took out a bull knife from his back waist and rubbed it against his chest several times.

Chun Shisanniang walked over with a smile, touched the young man's chest, and said, "Brother Mao, you are still so wild, and you are attracted by women. You are in the ** Pavilion on the second floor. This guy is a cop. Be careful, brothers. Just a little scaring and scaring is fine, don't kill her, it's fatal."

The young man nodded and looked at Chun Shisanniang's chest: "Sister Chun, what good is it good for my brother to settle things for you this time? My brother hasn't had meat for two days. If Sister Chun can personally—"

Before he finished speaking, Chun Shisanniang giggled, the water snake's waist trembled, and said: "Look at what you said, Brother Mao, if he is settled, he will come to Loufeng Nightclub. Tonight's money will be mine."

The burly men immediately cheered up, and the young man patted his chest: "Don't worry, Sister Chun, I'll leave this matter to me, and I'll punch out the shit in a while."

After a few people went upstairs, Chun Shisanniang walked to the front desk and said, "When they come down, you go up and pay the bill immediately."

The front desk clerk nodded obediently.

When two servings of hairy belly came, Li Chui directly threw it into the pot, took two sips of beer, and then picked up Zhongnanhai and smoked twice, his whole body was warm and he was sweating profusely.

at this time--

With a bang, the door of the ** Pavilion was pushed open.Five young men rushed in, and the leader, Brother Mao, was holding a sledgehammer. They only saw the back of Li Chui smoking, and shouted: "Bastard, even Sister Chun dares to provoke you. If I don't dig a pair of 'Zhaozi' from you today, I will give you a pair of photos." Chest hair doesn’t count as a mess.”

"Chest hair? What a disgusting name." Li Chui stood up from the chair, turned around slowly, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, he held a cigarette in one hand, and a toothpick in the other to pick his teeth, his lips were stained with red oil .

When Chest Mao saw this face, his large intestine almost fell out of his anus in fright. With a buzzing sound in his head, he quickly turned around weakly, and whispered with an apologetic smile: "Go——I went wrong." His voice became trembling.

The others were completely puzzled. Brother Mao has always been brave and invincible, but he was not so cowardly when he saw Brother Hu. When he went upstairs just now, he was discussing about extorting money from inside, why suddenly——

"Crack!" Li Chui patted the table and said calmly, "Come back."

Chest Hair froze immediately, turned around with a smile on his face, pretending to be surprised: "Oh, this-isn't this Brother Hammer, why are you here?"

Li Chui threw away the toothpick, spat, walked up to Chest Hair, and exhaled two puffs of smoke from his nostrils, "Chest Hair, I haven't seen you in a year, you're doing well, oh, your chest hair is growing out. Bought it?" Li Chui took out a butterfly knife from his back waist and hit a few times.

The chest hair saw the butterfly knife's heart shrink, and the sweat dripped from the temples and brows.

"Why didn't your elder brother Gecko Qiang come? Damn it, I've been wanting to talk to him a long time ago, teaching people how to be bad in Dongcheng."

"Brother Hammer, you—I think I made a mistake, you eat slowly, this meal is mine, haha." Chest Mao said and turned to leave.

Li Chui pulled him over and said: "Don't go! Now I am a people's policeman, what do you want to do with the murder weapon in your hand?" Li Chui said and snatched the bull knife from his hand.

"Money, take out all the money on your body!"

Chest Mao was helpless for a while, and obediently took out a handful of change from his pocket, and handed it all to Li Chui, as well as a delicate lighter and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

Li Chui looked at the younger brothers behind the chest hair and glared at him one by one, and frowned: "The chest hair didn't teach you the rules? What are you looking at! I have given out all the money, and I want to say it again."

Chest Mao quickly turned around and said angrily: "Brother Hammer said, you didn't hear me, if you tell you to take it, you can take it."

Seeing the big brother talking, the younger brothers also took out the valuables from their pockets. This group of young and Dangerous boys are very poor, and the money of five people plus one piece is only more than 1000 yuan. Fortunately, they collected a few good lighters .

"What are you here for?" Li Chui sat down and asked.

The chest hair was wiping sweat: "Brother Hammer, that's right—that coquettish girl Chun Shisanniang asked us to come up and teach you a lesson, and said that after we have finished teaching you, the cashier below will come over and pay you. not related."

"Where is she?" Chun Shisanniang's tricks were expected by Li Chui, but he didn't expect to find the former defeated general.

"Maybe it's still below." Chest Hair said quickly.

"This meal is up to you. Next time, don't come out with a sledgehammer to scare people. The children will scare you to tears when they see it. Also, button it up. It's really indecent to show your breasts." Li Chui said, pushing the door open. gone.

When the chest hair left, he immediately slumped on the seat like a puddle of mud.Recalling the scene when Li Chui burned his own chest hair with fire, he still has lingering fears.

A younger brother was puzzled: "Brother Mao, just now—"

Chest hair gave him a cold look: "Do you know who he is? The godfather of the Hammer Party in Shenshui Street, Xicheng! Fuck, Chun Shisanniang, a coquettish bitch, dare to provoke him? Brother Hu wanted to expand his army to Xicheng last year, but in the end —Anyway, remember, you would rather mess with King Yama than the Hammer Party!"

"Why? Are there many of them? Are they good at fighting?" A young man deliberately showed his thin biceps.

Chest Mao seemed to recall something more frightening than burning chest hair, and said inconceivably: "They are all mad dogs, a bunch of mad dogs, whoever provokes them will be killed, even Brother Hu—ah, Chun Shisan Niang How did that stinky three-eight provoke him!"

The waiter at the cash register kept staring at the stairs. As soon as Brother Mao came down, she would immediately call the chef behind and go up to check out together. But after waiting for a long time, what she saw was not chest hair, but Li Chui with a round belly .

This is how to do?The waiter didn't know what to do, "Just now, Sister Chun said to wait for Brother Mao to come down, but she didn't say what to do when this dead note comes down?"

She was still hesitating, but Li Chui walked over and tapped on the table with her fingers: "Little sister, where is Chun Shisanniang? You agreed to treat me to dinner, so you didn't run away first, let me go?"

The waiter stammered: "I don't know, I didn't see it." Just as he was about to say, please pay the bill, but before he could say it, Li Chui pointed to a few bottles of foreign wine with four-figure prices on the counter and said, "Forget it, anyway, upstairs There are new friends here for a treat, they are still drinking, don't go up and disturb them, these bottles of foreign wine will be packed for me, and someone will pay upstairs later."

"Ah? This—" The waiter was a little hard to decide, looking around for the manager.

Li Chui patted the table and said: "Little sister, why are you living here? You don't even know the mighty chest hair brother? I gave him all the money, and he will settle the bill later!"

"Brother Chest Mao pays the bill?" The waiter didn't understand, but seeing Li Chui's serious face, he thought that maybe Brother Mao asked him to do this, buy more expensive wine, and then kill this guy.

The waiter put several bottles of xo and Remy Martin into a bag, and Li hammer picked it up, saying: "Brother Mao will come down later, if you ask him for money, he will definitely be taken by you." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the hot pot restaurant, Strapped the packed wine to the back seat, and tooted away on the motorcycle.


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