Brother Three Volumes Three Great Communities Chapter 54 Gao Fushuai

Yang Cai'er forced a smile, and said, "I'm done with the matter. I'm here to sell the leave, Sergeant Bian. If there's nothing else, I'll go to the community." [26nbsp;] Bian Guoren was always thinking about making money from the school's military training, and he didn't pay attention to observing Yang Cai'er.

After Yang Caier left, he hurried to Gao Gao's office, "Gao Institute, after my smooth lobbying, the vice principal agreed to add 50 yuan to each person, but the condition is that I lead the team to lead and supervise."

Gao Da was overjoyed at first, and then began to think: "Old Bian is usually so lazy and runs away when he sees something, but this time he is so active. The vice principal must have benefited him, and the old boy will not be corrupt behind my back, right? I'm going to find someone to put in there and take a good look at it."

"This - the police officers, serve the people, go to the school to lead students in military training, and can also expand their horizons and business. Since the vice principal agreed, I can't object. I don't know if Sergeant Bian has found a good candidate. ?” Gao Da looked at him and said.

Bian Guoren immediately smiled and said: "I have really thought about this issue seriously. We can have two people from each department. We have so many departments, and ten people can be formed casually. In our community department, I think Lao Cao and I In the past, Lao Cao was old, but it was still no problem to train a few middle school students, and it would allow him to earn some extra money, I think he would be very happy."

Gao Da nodded and said: "Yes, but I think that Li Chui should also go with you—"

Before he finished speaking, Bian Guoren immediately objected: "What do you want him to do? That guy doesn't distinguish between priorities, doesn't take things seriously, is frivolous and lazy, and has already dragged our department down. This kind of person——" Bian Guoren saw that Gao Da's face was not friendly, so he stopped talking, and he didn't want Li Chui to go with him. This is to make money. This kid is a thorn in the head, maybe something will happen.

Gao Gao thought to himself: "You're talking about yourself, I think Xiao Li is good. I went to the bar that night, and the investigation couldn't be clearer."

Gao Da said: "He has just finished training from the police academy, and he still remembers all kinds of training skills very clearly, and he is upright and quite just. He has also fought against wanted criminals before, and his courage is commendable. Recently, because of his duties, the protection Zhang Meishan, called Roaring Brother by netizens, has a certain reputation and can play a role in publicity.

Also, Lao Bian, everyone is a colleague. I don’t like that you, as a leader, have prejudices against your subordinates. You told me Li Chui was a gangster the other day, and you had to go to the bar to find evidence. Back then, you issued a military order, saying Why did you come to see me first, and the result? "

"I—Gao Suo, this is all a conspiracy by Li Chui. This guy colluded with the people in the bar to put on a show. In fact—" Bian Guoren saw that Gao Suo's face was as black as iron, so he stopped talking. Saying that Li Chui is not, the director will not only not blame him, but will protect him.

"That's it." Gao Da knocked on the table and said: "Li Chui is brave and resourceful, and he is fully capable. As the leader, you, Lao Bian, will lead the team to train students to become captains this time. Li Chui—just be you." Deputy, be a vice-captain."

"What!" Bian Guoren was surprised and angry. How could Li Zhu, he is not even a formal police officer, but still in the state of internship, so he was asked to be the deputy captain of this mission?This kid must have bribed Gao Suo!It's disgusting--

Li Chui returned to Huze Garden, ready to go around the community.Just after leaving the police area, I found Yang Caier slowly driving over in a patrol car. The patrol car was similar to an electric sightseeing car. You could clearly see that Yang Caier was a little careless, with a trace of sadness in her eyes, and her short hair was messed up by the wind. , with a sense of laziness.

"Senior Sister, I heard that I have taken leave for the past few days and went to the capital? Ahhaha, it must be a blind date." Li Chui waited for Yang Cai'er to stabilize the car and said with a smirk.

Yang Cai'er was startled, and took a deep look at Li Chui.

This time Li Chui really guessed it. Yang Caier is a single-parent family. She lived in an ordinary family in the capital since she was a child. Since she can remember, she has never seen her father, not even a photo. She has only been taken care of by her mother since she was a child. he.Once, she asked her mother, hoping to hear something about her father from her.

It's just that every time this topic came up, her mother would lose her temper and tell her directly that her father had died a long time ago.Yang Cai'er watched the other children playing with their father, full of envy and sadness in her heart.As she grew older, she realized her mother's difficulties, and gradually developed a bit of hatred for her father in her heart.

Later, she worked in the deep sea, and her mother was still in the capital. It was her mother's intention to return to the capital this time. She introduced someone to her, hoping to marry someone, and strongly opposed her continuing to be a policeman.

That man, Yang Cai'er, also saw it. It was a coincidence that the man's family was from Shenhai, and his family conditions were good. He had several large-scale companies and had set up headquarters in the capital. He was also of the same age and good-looking. Diamond king and fifth.

This time when they came back from the capital, the two of them took the same plane, but Yang Caier didn't want to be a housewife in her heart. She couldn't say that she didn't have a slight liking for this diamond king, but she didn't have the collision full of sparks of love as imagined in her heart. , She likes the job of the police, she likes it from the bottom of her heart, but she doesn't want to see her old mother and worry about her affairs, and her heart is full of contradictions.

Seeing that Yang Caier was in a daze, Li Chui knew he had guessed right, and said with a smile, "Senior sister, I don't know what kind of partner I found? I have a chance to introduce him. Actually, before I became a policeman, I used to work in a dating agency. I have solved many problems of men and women, and they all call me Love Saint."

In fact, Li Chui is a little bit older than Yang Cai'er in terms of age. Yang Cai'er smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, don't talk about it, have you finished filming the police report? Nothing happened in the community these two days, right?"

"Of course the filming is over. There is nothing serious. The big star Zhang Meishan has moved into Huzeyuan."

"Really?" Yang Cai'er's eyes flashed, and she said, "Zhang Meishan is an international superstar, and she actually lives here, so I will definitely ask her for an autograph if I get the chance."

"Tch, she's just an actor. Senior sister is a hundred times stronger than her. If senior sister asks her for an autograph, it's a self-deprecation." Li Chui said shyly.

The two wandered around the community, maybe because of the tranquility of the community, or Li Chui's humorous conversation, Yang Cai'er was constantly amused by him, and his mood improved.

Seeing the off-duty time, two people came out of the police area. An Audi a8 with daytime running lights on and a streamlined body drove slowly and stopped at the gate of the police area.

The car door opened, and a man with a height of about 180 cm, wearing a black shirt, and neat hair came out of the car. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and two straight legs. He looked like a model on TV. With a faint smile.

This kind of man looks handsome, tall and mighty, with a broad forehead that looks full of wisdom, drives a luxury car, shows off his wealth, and is fatally attractive to women.


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