Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 56 The Convocation Before Military Training

Brother Three Volumes Three Major Communities Chapter 56 Convocation Before Military Training

Li Chui returned to the police station and went directly to the meeting room, only to see four people sitting in it, including Gao Da, Bian Guoren, and Lao Cao, as well as Niu Yiming and other colleagues. 【26nbsp;】

Gao Da waved his hand at Li Chui: "Xiao Li, sit down quickly, you are the only one waiting."

Li Chui didn't know what happened, so he sat down next to Niu Yiming, and couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that the leader sees that I'm serious about my work, thinks I'm overqualified, and plans to transfer me from the damn community department? It's really exciting .”

"Okay, everyone is the elite of the department. This meeting is mainly to issue a glorious and arduous task." Gao Da said holding a piece of paper symbolically.

"A glorious and arduous task? It's not about forming a serious crime team, is it? Haven't there been any major cases recently?" Li Chui guessed in his heart.

"Everyone knows that Shenhai No. [-] Middle School in our jurisdiction is the No. [-] Middle School in Shenhai City. It sends many college students to famous universities every year, and it is also a century-old prestigious school. Of course, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and Shenhai No. [-] Middle School has It is very influential, and many students who are ignorant but well-to-do also come in through various channels, and Shenhai No. [-] Middle School intends to let our police station conduct military training for their freshmen."

Gao Da paused, and the police officers below were discussing in low voices. Everyone thought about the same as Li Chuan, guessing that there might be some big case, but he didn't expect to train a group of students!This means waking up early every day to ask students to do morning exercises, watching them sleep at night, giving them physical training, physical fitness exercises, and a certain amount of legal education, which may be more tiring than a dog at the end of the day.

Some people couldn't help complaining, and Li Chui was also slightly disappointed.

Gao Da knocked on the table and said, "They didn't tell you to teach in vain? Each person has a living allowance of 200 yuan a day, and there is no money for food and water. It's a total of two weeks! Each person has more than 4000 yuan, which is more than your salary. It’s still high, you’re just going to teach students, that’s such a good thing.”

There is so much money in Li Chui's pocket that he can't spend it all. He extorted more than 1000 yuan for his chest hair, and today he extorted more than 2000 yuan from Chen Yonghe.Therefore, I am not very eager for money.

Looking at the elders around, Li Chui muttered in a low voice: "Why are there no female instructors? Are we men supposed to teach female middle school students? It seems something is wrong——"

"Good suggestion!" Gao Da slammed the table and said, "Xiao Li's vision is really far-sighted. You are right. There is no way. There are only a few women in our office, and we are stretched. So we can't adjust it." , let some of you teach the female students, but remember that you are the people's police, and you must not have any unreasonable thoughts, let alone go too far!"

"This is the first time for the institute to cooperate with the school. I hope everyone can perform well. If you do well, the institute will give some bonuses. In addition, I would like to announce the leadership of this task. The ten-member military training team is now established , I will rush to the school to carry out the task tomorrow, and the team leader will be the experienced Sergeant Bian Guoren!"

Bian Guoren stood up like a dog, and saluted everyone with a serious and upright face.

"Vice Captain, Comrade Li Chui will be in charge."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Li Chui, who also stared wide-eyed, his face full of disbelief.

Gao Da explained: "Although Comrade Li Chui's working time is short, he has just finished his training at the police academy, and he has all kinds of skills still fresh in his memory. In addition, he has courage, body, and -- domineering!"

Everyone laughed when they said domineering, and Niu Yiming said: "Brother Li, you are really domineering! Brother Roaring, I think you might as well call it Brother Domineering. I don't know if there will be little girls looking for your autograph."

Li Chui was helpless for a while, too lazy to refute.

After the meeting, Gao Da left Li Chui behind, called him into his office, and said, "Xiao Li, how did you investigate Ah Feng's matter?"

Li Chui spread his hands and said, "Old Bian makes me work every day. I'm as tired as a dog. How can I have time? This time I'm going to the military training for another two weeks. I'm afraid the time will have to be pushed back."

Gao Da said with emotion: "It's been so many years, don't worry about it for a while, let's let this matter go, do you know why I arranged for you this time as a team deputy?"

Li Hammer shook his head.

Gao Da said: "The mission of the school's military training this time was contacted by Lao Bian. Usually this old guy is too lazy to be like a turtle. I suspect that he has received any benefits. This is an opportunity to do him. I sent you there just to monitor him. Every move, and then report to me."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do such an important matter. Lao Bian is a cautious person, and he will definitely dismiss me first if there is anything to do." Li Chui sat on the sofa carelessly, took out a Marlboro and smoked it.

"It depends on your ability to adapt." Gao Da patted Li Chui on the shoulder: "Xiao Li, I am optimistic about you. If you defeat Bian Guoren, I can make an exception and promote you as the police chief."

Li Chui shook his head and said: "Forget it, the sheriff, just let me leave this damned community department, join the criminal police team, or the public security team, check women, clients, or catch people, it's better than being like a dog every day Strong patrol."

Gao Da smiled slightly, and secretly said: "Only the most basic work can truly exercise a person's patience and will."

After leaving the office, it was already dark, and Li Chui thought that Gao Da would treat him to dinner, but he didn't expect the old boy to let him go first with the excuse of having to work overtime.

Putting on casual clothes, Li Chui walked to the parking lot, ready to drive home and find Uncle Gen for a meal.Just when he opened the car door, he was startled when he saw a figure in front of him. Looking carefully, it was Yang Cai'er.

"Senior Sister, why didn't you eat with Ergou?" Li Chui was slightly surprised.

Yang Cai'er shook her head and said, "I'm coming back to deliver the car, and I'm about to go home."

"Oh, have you eaten yet? Why don't we go to Shenshui Street to buy a food stall at Mai Ti's, that guy's skewers are not bad." Li Chui said.

Yang Cai'er nodded and said, "Okay."

"En?" Li Chui sensed that something was wrong: "Chen Ergou's oily head and noodles are very golden and handsome, and she won't go when such a king and old five invite her to eat Japanese food. I just invite her to eat food stalls with me casually? No way?" What kind of conspiracy? Could it be that she fell in love with me, the love saint, in such a short period of time? It seems that I am not that good. Anyway, I don’t suffer from eating with beautiful women. "

Sitting in the car, Yang Cai'er asked: "'Kobe', what do you think of Chen Yonghe?"

Sure enough, there was a purpose, and it turned out to be to inquire about news.

When she asked this question, Li Chui suddenly felt that if Chen Ergou really fell in love with Yang Cai'er, it would be a pig's trick. Chen Ergou's father was the godfather of Xicheng, a gangster!

Chen Ergou will definitely not tell Yang Cai'er this news, if he falls in love with her, it will hurt her.A beautiful policewoman was raped by Xicheng Fat Pig's son, wouldn't it be a waste of money!


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