Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 69 Li Mei's Mind

Brother Three Volumes Three Great Communities Chapter 69 Li Mei's Thoughts

"Old guy, I won't let you go." Liu Meng secretly vowed in his heart that in these two weeks, he must knock down the old guy, and rely on his own strength!

But the thing to do right now is not how to destroy Li Hammer, but to negotiate with the supermarket owner on how to satisfy the thirst of 90 people at once.

Li Chui thought of a way to do this, found two lists, and asked the students in the two classes to write their names, and the drinks and quantities they wanted to drink today.

A group of poor students headed by Song Dazhuang, like monks who occasionally get dirty, are very addicted. He took the lead in writing a dozen Cokes on it.

Seeing Liu Meng deflated, Zhang Jun and Chang Mao were almost as happy as seeing Li Chui deflated, and thought to themselves, "It's not bad to let their dogs bite dogs."

Some wrote about drinking five bottles of Coke, while others wrote about drinking ten bottles of orange juice.When Liu Meng took the list from Li Chui's hand, he almost spit out his gall.

On the first day alone, nearly 1000 yuan was spent on water alone... Fortunately, Liu Meng's father gave him a gold card before leaving, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

"Aha, time flies so fast, one day's training is over, I'll make a military training summary report." Li Chui gathered students from two classes, each of them had a bottle or two of unfinished drinks in their hands, The face is filled with happiness.Only Liu Meng had a bitter look on his face.

"Everyone is very serious about today's training, and of course there were some unpleasant episodes, but this did not dissuade everyone's enthusiasm. For this reason, I need to announce here again that this instructor is a person who clearly rewards and punishes. Whoever works hard in military training in the future, You can rest, if anyone is not serious, I will let him and classmate Liu Meng go to buy water together. Okay, that's it for today, everyone line up to the cafeteria for dinner..."


After dinner, the students had a period of free time. Those senior seniors began to wander around the girls' dormitory downstairs dishonestly. They were all dressed up, hoping to find a beautiful school girl. There were also many people on the basketball court and football field. Some sports classmates.

Li Mei was wearing a pink plaid shirt, black skirt, and a pair of casual sandals. She kicked a small stone away on the football field, looking around.I can't bear the call in my heart: "This is a big deal. It takes 10 minutes to call people to the football field."

No, I haven't seen him yet, it's really insincere. "

She patted a speck of dust on the skirt, and a shyness suddenly appeared on her face. This little skirt was her favorite, and she was usually reluctant to wear it.

In the shade of a tree in the distance, Mo Dayou was wearing a mask, like a thief, he grabbed Li Chui's hand, pointed at Li Mei on the football field, and said, "Uncle, that is Li Mei, are we really going to do this? A little nervous..."

Li Zhu said: "Need to be nervous, this is the only way to see if Li Mei likes you in her heart, so that I can proceed to the next step. Hurry up and go to the small lake, and spend 200 yuan to find two tricks to pretend to fight."

After Mo Dayou left, Li Chui walked slowly towards the football field, and when he came to Li Mei, he suddenly yelled.Li Mei was so scared that she almost didn't sit on the ground.

"What is this guy doing? It's going to scare people to death. Oh... so it's Brother Roar. I heard that you lead military training for freshmen, but I didn't expect it to be true." Li Mei patted her heart and said.

This is the first time for Li Chui to observe Li Mei up close. She is of medium build, her eyes are not too big and her skin is fair, but there are some small freckles on both sides of her cheeks, which affect her appearance. Without these freckles, she would be considered the last Cute little schoolgirl.

"Student Li Mei, you're here for a date, you're so beautifully dressed, who are you waiting for?" Li Chui jokingly said.

"No, I just had dinner and went out for a walk, and I'm leaving." Li Mei said and turned to leave, with a trace of disappointment on her face because she didn't see Mo Dayou.

At this moment, Li Chui took out his mobile phone and pretended to be flustered: "What? There was a fight by the lake, what was it called... Mo Dayou, what a strange name, I'll go and have a look."

Li Mei's ears are very sharp. First, she heard someone fighting, and then she heard Mo Dayou's name. She immediately panicked. She turned around and pulled Li Chui: "Brother Roar, what's wrong, who did you call just now? Who fought?"

Li Chui hurriedly walked to the Weiming Lake in the west, shook his head and said: "I don't know yet, one of my students called me, saying that he saw someone fighting by the Weiming Lake, and he seemed to know the person who was beaten, called There is a lot."

"What? You were beaten by someone? It must be Li Zhongtai." Li Mei panicked and ran in front of Li Chui. She didn't match the image of a lady just now. The little skirt fluttered in the wind. Li Chui saw the white hair inside Panties.Quickly dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to watch.

It seems that Li Mei likes Mo Dayou, otherwise, she would not become flustered and lose her mind after only listening to a few words, and run to Weiming Lake faster than herself.

This matter still needs to be smoothed out by oneself, Li Chui hurriedly followed behind.

When he and Li Mei came to the appointed place by the Weiming Lake, Li Chui was taken aback. Mo Dayou was fighting with three students who were bigger than him in both stature and weight, and there was a bald-mouthed man watching a theater next to him. With a cigarette in his mouth, he looks like a boss.

"You brat must have spent a lot of money to hire so many extras, what a waste..."

Suddenly, a big one stepped on Mo Dayou's stomach and kicked him down. The other person lifted his thin body, and an uppercut that he thought was very chic almost made Mo Dayou's stomach sour. type it out.

"Damn it, the acting is quite realistic." Li Chui called out, "Mo Dayou, it's time to run..."

It’s okay if he didn’t shout, but this shout distracted Mo Da, who was concentrating on fighting, his face was distorted when he was punched by a big man with a big swing, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, his brain buzzed, and the scene in front of him changed. Faltering, the body fell down involuntarily.

"Li Zhongtai! I'll fight with you." Li Mei yelled, with an angry and fierce expression, she ran towards the bald man with her two slender legs, and stretched out her hand to grab the stern face of the bald man.

She is weak and slow, and was easily grabbed by the bald man's wrist. The bald man took a puff of cigarette coldly and casually: "Go away, freckle girl, I don't hit women, you better not force me." Li Mei was thrown down by his strength, her hair was messy, her plaid shirt was hung up by a small tree branch next to her, her fan's bra was exposed, her short skirt flew up because she fell to the ground, and her white panties were exposed. in the air.

In order to date her sweetheart, the image that she had cleaned up for a long time before she was satisfied was immediately disrupted by this blow. Li Mei was so angry that she burst into tears, hugging her knees with her hands, looking at Mo Da being beaten, she felt very distressed.

The bald man spat out disdainfully, and continued to say to the three big guys: "Teach me a lesson for this fly, damn it. It's really strange that there is a freckled girl pleading for you."

With blood on his face, Mo Da lay on the ground, allowing the three people to kick and beat him. Seeing Li Mei crying, his heart felt like a needle prick.I couldn't help but think of the plan I had with Li Chui. If Li Mei saw that she was nervous in a fight, it meant that she had herself in her heart. Seeing herself being beaten was very sad, which meant that she liked herself.

At that moment just now, she rushed up to fight Li Zhongtai without fear of difficulties.It seems that she really likes herself, and she likes him very deeply.

"Skin-headed boy, if you stop your follower now and apologize to classmate Mo Dayou, maybe I can forgive you." Li Chui took out cigarettes from his pocket and said calmly.

The bald man turned around and saw that he was wearing a police uniform. He was a little frightened, and suddenly thought that he might be an instructor of military training. He immediately felt relieved, and said coldly, "Go away, you die as a soldier, it's not your business. It’s best not to worry about it, or you’ll die in an ugly way.”

Li Mei seemed to have found a life-saving straw, she stood up from the ground, took Li Chui's arm, and begged for help: "Brother Roar, please save him, you were so heroic in saving Zhang Meishan, they will beat Mo Dayou to death. "

"Beat someone to death? It's not such an exaggeration." Li Chui appeased Li Mei, walked directly in front of the bald man, waved his hand, and sent the cigarette bomb in his mouth flying away. The moment he wanted to fight back, Li Chui's body was like a fierce tiger, and suddenly he jumped up, and his steel-like knee pressed heavily against the bald man's chest.

"Oh..." The bald man's eyeballs popped out, his mouth opened wide, and the veins on his forehead burst out. The three big guys behind him saw that the general was being beaten, let go of Mo Dayou, and charged towards Li Chui.

These three high school students didn't look like high school students at all, and all of them were over 1.8 meters five, and they were so fat that they didn't look good. Later, Li Zhu found out that they belonged to the school's judo club, and they would use judo in the future. As a specialty, admitted to the university.

But today they met "Devil Lee"...

Li Chui's right back fist full of explosive power hit a big man's heart hard. The big man's body almost flew up, his heart almost stopped beating, and he fell to the ground, his body trembling constantly, white foam flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes rolled up.

Then, he easily dodged the entanglement attack of the remaining two big guys, swept one with a low kick, and knocked the last big guy unconscious with a high kick.

These students who have no actual combat ability and only fight in school are as easy as destroying trees and destroying rotten ones for Li Chui.

"Stinky boy, can you still get up?" Li Chui hadn't finished smoking a cigarette. Mo Da had suffered a lot of skin trauma. It may be that the calf was kicked by the big man, and he was suspected of breaking a bone. He tried hard, but still Did not stand up.

Before Li Chui stretched out his hand to pull him, Li Mei rushed over first, and without knowing where the strength came from, he helped Mo Dayou up, let his arms hang on his shoulders, and then quickly ran towards the infirmary.

The power of love cannot be ignored, and it is often unexpectedly powerful.

Li Chui held a cigarette between his hands, and flicked the ash on the bald man's face. The latter had difficulty breathing, and looked at Li Chui in pain, daring to speak out.

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Li Zhongtai!"

"It's kind of like coming to the toilet to talk..."


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