Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 80 A Man Like Running Thunder

Brother Three Volumes Three Great Communities Chapter 80 A Man Like a Ben Lei

The black shadow slowly approached, and the iron antique street lamp at the door emitted a dim light, gradually illuminating the black shadow's face. It was a slightly dark, but dark and healthy face, with slender eyebrows, and a pair of narrowed eyes. Line eyes, high nose bridge, naturally upturned lips. 【26nbsp;】

A typical handsome man, but there is a lazy expression on his face, which makes him have an unspeakable ruffian. The black jacket makes him even more mysterious. He holds a black butterfly knife in his right hand , with a frightening pistol in his left hand!

This pistol is golden in color, and it is much larger than the usual guns. If compared with the police pistol, the pistol is like a toy, but this pistol is more like a cannon!Gold Limited Edition Desert Eagle.

The thin man who was concentrating on reading felt as if some cold wind was blowing, and the surroundings seemed to be covered with unspeakable pressure. It felt like... being in the ten-meter-deep seawater, the pressure from all directions made it difficult for him to breathe.

This feeling is very bad. I raised my head slightly, my eyes almost popped out, and a person appeared in front of me. Before I could yell out, the desert eagle weighing five or six catties clicked like a golden iron hammer. There was a heavy blow on the thin man's head.

"Well Well!"

The thin man let out a muffled grunt, and passed out. A blood bag appeared on the left side of his head, and traces of blood spilled from it.The anal hair opened its mouth wide, and the sudden attack made him turn pale with shock.Before he could utter a sound, the long and thick gun barrel directly pierced his mouth and deep into his throat.

Two teeth were broken, a sense of vomiting welled up, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.Looking up and seeing that terrifying face, the fear deep in An Mao's heart made him whine uncontrollably.

"You have two choices, the first is to live, and the second is to die. If you choose to live, just nod." Li Chui's cold voice sounded in An Mao's ear, and the word "alive" was so tempting.

The head of the anal hair nods up and down like a chicken eating rice.

"Where is Zhang Tian?" Li Chui said, and slowly took out the gun that was covered in blood and anal drool.

Anal Hair took a deep breath, the air outside was so fresh, why didn't he know how to cherish it all these years?Looking at the gun that looked like a small cannon, he didn't dare to do anything else.

"On... the second floor, talk to... and the representative of the Scissors Club..." After An Mao finished speaking, Li Hammer raised the golden desert eagle and hit the back of his head with a hard slap. A trace of happiness emerged and passed out.

Fainting is the best option, at least you can live.When the boss asks, you can still have an excuse to deal with it...

The living room on the second floor.

"Watanabe-kun, don't worry, first taste the newly picked Tieguanyin this year." There was a purple sand tea set on the table, and my younger brother poured tea for the two of them.

Seeing that Watanabe's face has been unkind, Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Mr. Watanabe, please rest assured, I will offer 20 for Li Hammer's head, and 2 for those who provide information about him. The news has been released. Even if you can't kill him, you can get [-] yuan for providing information about him. In addition..."

Zhang Tian said with some pride: "Just before you came, I have already found the number one killer in the deep sea, the best at disguising... the killer king." named him.

Watanabe saw that Zhang Tian was not inactive, and even found a killer, which proved that he took this matter seriously. In fact, in terms of the internal struggle of the Scissors Club, Watanabe and Murata Hiroichi belonged to two different camps. The vice president has been in the position for a long time, and Murata has been eunuched. In Japan, a country full of machismo, it is actually equivalent to death. The death of Murata Koichi will be beneficial to Watanabe. Glad, this time is just for superficiality.

"Well, Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​you know that our Scissors Association has always attached great importance to the comprehensive strength of our partners. If you can wipe out that hammer party today, I will report to the association, and the pace of our cooperation can be further accelerated."

Zhang Tian laughed and snapped his fingers to the younger brother behind him: "What kind of tea are you drinking? We should drink some red wine to celebrate. Take out my bottle of more than 2 red wine."

Zhang Tianben was a rough man, he was good at mixing things up. In order to show off, he specially spent a lot of money to order a wine cabinet in Europe, and bought some expensive red wine as a token.

He can't taste the quality of red wine, so he might as well drink some Erguotou, but the upper class pays more attention to taste. He doesn't want people to think that he is just a nouveau riche, and he also wants to become an Asian nobleman like European countries, just learning. Unlike, temperament is inherent and difficult to change.No matter how you look at him, his vulgar temperament looks like a street thug, and he wears tens of thousands of watches, which people will think are fakes.

The two looked at each other with smiles, as if they were admiring a beloved work of art. Just as they raised their goblets, they heard a bang from the heavy mahogany door.

The sound was like a sudden muffled thunder, shaking the eardrums of the people in the living room. The three-finger-thick mahogany door had an explosive hole in the lock, and sawdust flew.

Everyone was startled, and before they could react, with a click, the mahogany door flew in from the outside and hit the camel hair carpeted floor heavily.

There was a man standing at the door, wearing a black jacket, the golden version of the Desert Eagle in his hand was smoking from the muzzle, short hair, and a pair of eyes full of melancholy and pity, as if the holy Jehovah looked down on the sinful people in front of him.

Zhang Tian shivered tremblingly: "Li Chui!" Immediately shouted to Watanabe in front of him: "He is the murderer who killed Mr. Murata, Li Chui, don't stand still, kill him! Take revenge for Mr. Murata."

He gave an order, and the three bodyguards rushed over behind him, but they hadn't gotten close yet...


I only heard another explosion, the sound wandering back and forth in the living room, making people's ears buzzing.Then, the person in front yelled loudly.

The Desert Eagle's 12mm bullet hit the man's right arm, and exploded the moment it touched his body. His right arm was blown off, and blood and flesh flew across the air. trajectory, falling on the table.

Desert Eagle, this kind of pistol is not used to kill people. It was originally developed to shoot those sturdy beasts, such as wild boars weighing several hundred catties, or lions and tigers.

Even a beast of this level can be shot in one shot, let alone a relatively thin person.

The deterrent power of this shot is enough to shock people's eyes. The first bodyguard's face was pale. He didn't dare to look at Li Chui more. He didn't even see Li Chui's face clearly. The place howls.The two bodyguards behind them felt weak in their calves, and they dared not take a step forward, so they could only retreat.

After Watanabe scolded "Zina pig" severely, he waved to the five people behind him.He brought these five people specially. When he learned that Murata was murdered, he realized that if he didn't have an absolutely reliable bodyguard by his side, he would also end up being castrated like Murata.

These five people took out their pistols one after another, and before they could shoot, the sound of explosive gunfire rang out again, and one of the bodyguards saw with his own eyes that his five fingers holding the gun were blown apart, and his fingers flew flying.

In a moment of stupefaction, Li Hammer rushed over like lightning and a ghostly figure, his legs jumped up like springs, in mid-air, his chest was folded in, his waist was bent, his legs were pulled up, and two knees as hard as iron stone flew away. rise.

Fly with iron knees!

Knocked the two bodyguards who had just pointed their guns away, fell to the ground and passed out.His speed was too fast and his movements were too sudden, making it difficult for the other two bodyguards to aim, and the bullets flew away.

Li Chui landed steadily, Zhang Tian and Watanabe had retreated to a corner of the living room, two Zhang Tian bodyguards were in front of them, looking at Li Chui in horror.

As soon as Li Hammer landed, he pounced on one of the bodyguards holding a gun like a tiger. The man quickly pulled the trigger, but at this moment, Li Hammer's forward body spun strangely, and the bullet rubbed against the bodyguard. He turned his face and shot into the heart of the bodyguard behind him with a puff.

The man looked at the companion who raised the gun to shoot in disbelief, and looked at the hole in his chest. Blood flowed out, and he was limp to the ground.

The man who shot was even more flustered, and quickly adjusted his direction, but Li Hammer had already turned behind him, and the gun handle slammed on the back of his head and passed out.

The whole process took less than a minute, not even half a minute, and six people fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.Li Chui grinned at Zhang Tian: "Damn donkey, life is good, and there are tens of thousands of bottles of red wine to drink." He put the gun on his belt, sat on the sofa, picked up the wine bottle and muttered Gudu Niuyin usually drank a few sips.

The corners of Zhang Tian's mouth trembled, not because he felt sorry for the bottle of red wine, but because he had never thought about it, let alone seen Li Chui would have such a thunderous method. Looking at the men on the ground holding the broken arms and howling, the smell of blood came quickly. Filling the entire living room, he was scared and regretted.

Li Chui pointed to the two bodyguards standing in front of Zhang Tian and Watanabe: "You two, if you want to live, go now, keep heading north, don't look back in this life, Siberia is the most suitable for you, there you can find A Russian girl, be a door-to-door son-in-law, and live your life."

The two glanced at each other, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads and temples, their eyes were full of awe and horror, and they ran outside with their heads down.

When a catastrophe is imminent, survival is the most important thing. This is human nature.

Zhang Tian didn't tell him to stop, because if he stood in that position, he would think so.

"Come and sit down and have a drink." Li Chui waved to Watanabe and Zhang Tian, ​​"Gudu" This is the sound of Zhang Tian hearing Watanabe swallowing saliva, and he was also scared.

How can this man who is like Ben Lei not scare his opponents? If you have such a friend, you will be very lucky. If you have such an enemy, then it will be your sorrow.

Zhang Tian wiped his sweat, his heart was beating wildly, and he kept thinking about how to deal with Li Chui. He had already given up his plan to kill him now, at least he thought he didn't have that ability, and he was thinking about how to survive.


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