Huadu Animal Police

Chapter 96 Complete Military Training

Brother three volumes three major communities Chapter 96 perfect military training

"Bian Guoren!" Old Gao roared angrily, "Don't think too highly of yourself. What are you, and you still ask yourself? Ask yourself, are you blind?" Unrecognizable!"

As soon as Lao Gao talked back, it immediately caused an uproar among the students. The classes led by Lao Gao applauded their instructors one after another, and some even yelled and cursed in a low voice.

Bian Guoren couldn't help but shouted, "Old Gao, what's your attitude! Do you still have me as the captain in your eyes! Do you still have discipline?"

"Bian Guoren, don't bullshit me with the captain of the bastard. For so many years, you are just a little accountant. You borrowed me 30 yuan to pick up girls and return it to me! I don't know what you did. Don't bother to say, don't shame your face."

When Bian Guoren was young, he was most reluctant to be mentioned by others. At that time, he had just graduated and studied accounting, and a lot of funny things happened. Not many people in the police station knew about it, and Lao Gao happened to be one.

When the old matter was brought up again, Bian Guoren blushed a little, and pushed Lao Gao: "Who are you talking about lending you money, make it clear!"

Lao Gao was even more angry, and pointed at Bian Guoren's nose, "Old Bian, Lao Bian, I didn't expect you to be such a white-eyed wolf. Back then, you couldn't even eat enough. When you went to my house every day, you could eat four big steamed buns for a meal." , lent me 30 yuan to pick up girls, that's my monthly salary, ****, you still don't admit it! You're still not human."

Li Chui watched the two yelling and yelling, and was secretly happy. Lao Gao was straightforward, and he knew everything with Bian Guoren, enough for him to drink a pot.

Of course, Bian Guoren would not admit it. This is like Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was originally a young monk who also served as a storekeeper and cleaner. His nickname is Zhu Chongba.

In front of so many ministers, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't bear his face, and immediately expelled this old friend.

Bian Guoren is somewhat similar to him now. He did borrow money from Lao Gao back then, but now he will definitely not admit it, "Old Gao, how dare you slander me, when will I owe you money..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lao Gao, who was already furious, swung his fist and cursed: "You white-eyed wolf, I really regret why I helped you back then!"

Bian Guoren was unable to dodge in time, and was hit in the socket of his left eye. Immediately, his eyes blurred, sour, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

Seeing that Li Chui moved his hand, he quickly reached out to hug Lao Gao: "Brother Gao, don't do anything, calm down!"

Those students were watching, with horrified faces, the instructors fighting?This is an anecdote, many students took out their mobile phones to secretly shoot.

The vice-principal was also taken aback, reached out to support the eye frame, and hurriedly ran down the main stage.

Bian Guoren is not easy to provoke, the dignified captain was beaten, how embarrassing to say it, saw Li Chui hugged Lao Gao, and kicked him.

Lao Gao twisted his body and dodged to one side. This kick missed him, but it hit Li Chui's lower back.


Li Chui's lower back was injured two days ago and hasn't fully healed yet. Now he was kicked again. He grinned his teeth in pain and broke out in cold sweat: "Don't hit me." He said so, but subconsciously let go of Lao Gao. .

Lao Gao was like a wild donkey running wild, years of imbalance and oppression broke out at this moment, his body jumped up, and he waved his fists indiscriminately.

The vice-principal and other instructors also ran over to start a fight, and the scene was disrupted for a while. Bian Guoren and Lao Gao were disheveled and embraced each other. You scratched my face, I tore your hair, you scratched my ass, and I Squeeze your anus, the strength of the two of them is not small, it is difficult for others to pull it away for a while.

Li Chui is an opportunist. He is good at taking advantage of things and making things worse.Looking at Bian Guoren's fat butt, he kicked it while no one was paying attention.

"Ouch..." Bian Guoren staggered, Lao Gao took advantage of the momentum to pursue, his two fists were like the pincers of a big crab, waving left and right, Bian Guoren was at a disadvantage for a while.

at this time……

A loud and generous voice sounded like a bell: "Stop!"

Li Chui was squeezed into the crowd, his hand was pinching Bian Guoren's chest, he quickly let go and saw... Director Gao Da and Deputy Director Zhou Caifeng!The two leaders are here.

He quickly withdrew from the crowd and shouted, "Stop beating, the director is here."

The sound really worked, and everyone saw Gundam one after another, and quickly dispersed. As the director, Gundam still has dignity. Bian Guoren is most afraid of Gundam at the city police station.

When the crowd dispersed, Lao Gao was still not satisfied, just like a boxer, punching Bian Guoren with straight fists left and right.

Seeing the momentum, Li Chui hurried over and hugged Lao Gao's waist again, pulling the two of them apart until they saw Gundam, and then they stopped.

At this moment, the image of the two of them is quite embarrassing, Lao Gao's clothes are torn, and his chest is exposed, revealing the slap on his chest to protect his heart hair, looking like a green forest hero.I was looking at Bian Guoren, his left eyeball was black, his shirt was torn into strips, exposing his white belly, and his right breast was swollen a lot, who pinched it just now...

When Bian Guoren saw Gao Da, he was startled at first, and then the villain complained first, and ran over and said, "Gao Suo, you are here, and you want to make me the master, but Lao Gao disobeyed my order and even took the initiative to fight against me." .”

The fight between the two instructors had already had a very bad effect. Gao Da was very angry in his heart. He came today, but he had other things to do. Yesterday he received a complaint call from Liu Meng's father.He voluntarily admitted to giving Bian Guoren several shopping cards worth 5000 yuan.

Hearing this, Gao Da was immediately full of energy. After recording the call, he called Zhou Caifeng and rushed over the next day. He wanted to investigate Bian Guoren's corruption, but he did not expect to see him fighting with his colleagues.

The last glimmer of hope and affection for him was instantly shattered.

Gao Da gave Bian Guoren a cold look, ignored him, and asked Li Chui: "Vice Captain Li, what happened just now?"

"This..." Li Chui looked at Bian Guoren and then at Lao Gao, and said, "It's Captain Bian and Lao Gao who had some minor fights because of some well-intentioned conflicts. Well, why are you here at Gaosuo? The most urgent thing now It's better to resume training, as for the reason, you can ask yourself."

Gao Gao looked at the more than 800 students behind him, and frowned. It was really embarrassing to fight in front of so many people, "Inspector Bian, Lao Gao, you two come with me. This place is temporarily handed over to Deputy Director Zhou and Li Chui Vice-captain management."

It seemed that the joint practice in the morning could not be carried out. Zhou Caifeng discussed with the vice-principal and Li Chui, and decided to train separately for the time being. In the afternoon, they will determine the order of the queue.

At noon, Li Chui had a meal and Zhou Caifeng briefly talked about the training situation during this period, and then ran to the infirmary to change the dressing.

Before going there, Li Chui deliberately called the young and beautiful little nurse who happened to be on duty, and Li Chui didn't want to be changed by that aunt with body odor.

When I came to the infirmary, there was no one there, only the little nurse was on duty.Dressed in white and wearing a nurse hat, she smiled slightly, showing the dimples at the corners of her mouth, looking cute and moving.

"Come here." The little nurse saw Li Chui, opened the door, let him into the dressing room, sat on the hospital bed, and carefully unwrapped the bandage on his arm.

A deep fragrance of a woman's body came, and Li Chui greedily sucked it in. Looking down, the little nurse's chest was covered with white flowers, which made people's hearts throb.

"Officer Li, your military training is coming to an end, isn't it?" The little nurse skillfully untied the old bandage, looked at the blood-scabby wound inside, and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect your physical fitness to be so good. It's time."

"Really? Hehe, it's all related to my usual emphasis on physical exercise and maintenance. Tomorrow is the last day of military training. I really miss the life of military training." Li Chui stared intently at the little nurse's chest, the pink lace bra, The round breasts look full of vitality and elasticity.

"It's great that you are instructors. You get a subsidy of 300 yuan a day, and I only get 50 yuan a day..."

"What?" Li Chui was shocked, and the little nurse was startled, and looked up at Li Chui's surprised face.

"What did you just say?" Li Chui asked, "How much is it per day?"

The little nurse was taken aback by him, wondering if she had said something wrong, and said, "I said you are subsidizing more than 300 yuan a day...I only have 50 yuan."

"300 yuan? How do you know?" Li Chui was very surprised. When he came to train the students, he clearly said 200 yuan. How could it be [-] yuan?There must be something tricky about it. The vice-principal has always been in contact with Bian Guoren. Every time he wanted to talk to the vice-principal, he was dismissed by Bian Guoren, or he was by his side. These sensitive questions could not be asked.

If it was [-] per day, then Bian Guoren would have gone too far. Everyone worked so hard every day, but he reaped benefits from it. This was the hard-earned money of his colleagues.

The little nurse whispered: "Don't you know? I'm not sure. This is what our director said. The school held a meeting and decided to provide funds. Each person is 300 yuan a day. It seems that there are special allowances for your leaders. .”

It’s okay if you don’t listen, but after listening to Li Chui, he suddenly stood up, Bian Guoren has done a little too much, let alone corrupting his parents, even plotting against his colleagues, this kind of person is simply outrageous, he should be punched twice more today.


In the school's temporary command room, Gao Da first asked Lao Gao about today's fight.

Gao Da asked Lao Gao to go back first and continue to lead the military training of the students, and then called Bian Guoren in, he said with a smile: "Inspector Bian, leading the military training during this time, it is really hard work for you."

Bian Guoren stood straight, without looking sideways, and said, "Unfortunately, if I can contribute to the students and those parents, I am happy to help."

"That's right, it's just Sergeant Bian, did those parents give you any favors?" Gao Da asked directly.


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