Zhang Mingyuan listened to Li Bingyu's sensible words, and thought that it was not in vain to work for her, so he said: "You tell me that you want to leave Futian, I can understand, you will not be happy if you stay here, let's go, you are a good girl , leave here, you may be able to find a good home, I did not ask for your opinion, I helped you transfer the job, the secretary of the county party committee of Minjiang County is my fellow townsman, he will help you arrange, I also ask him to take care of you, You won't suffer if you go."

Li Bingyu was moved when she heard this, but she didn't want to accept it. She didn't want to live under someone's tree anymore. She wanted to rely on herself, so she said, "Dad, thank you for being so thoughtful for me. I went out on my own, and I didn’t want to stay in the office anymore.”

Zhang Mingyuan said: "You are a girl, what's wrong with being in the government office? Outside work is so easy to do? You have to face the same problem everywhere. Your work ability is obvious to all, and you have a bright future in the government office. Why did you give up? Besides, Minjiang is a suburban county of the provincial capital, and there are many more opportunities. Take a step back and say, even if you go there, you will not be happy, and it will not be too late to make plans.”

Seeing what Zhang Mingyuan said, Li Bingyu couldn't say anything more. In fact, Zhang Mingyuan had selfish intentions. As long as Li Bingyu left Futian, it had nothing to do with him.

In this way, Li Bingyu left her hometown of Futian, went to an unknown city, and started her more exciting and tortuous life.

Luo Hongchun was in a bad mood these days. The personnel layout he had worked so hard to do was disrupted by a word from the city. It is said that the county magistrate is still very young, less than 40 years old, and he is the son-in-law of the director of the Municipal People's Congress. This is another spoiler.

Luo Hongchun is in his 50s and is well maintained. Without the fat of a man of his age, he looks lean and young.Luo Hongchun does not have a strong background in the provinces and cities, but this person has a strong style and bold methods. He has done a lot of things that are beneficial to the common people. His political performance has always been good and his reputation is also very good. In place, so the official career has been smooth.Luo Hongchun is actively working on his next position in the city, so he hopes to leave someone he can rest assured on the site he has worked so hard for.

Luo Hongchun was thinking hard in the office when Secretary Fang Xiaolan came in and asked for instructions. There was a lady who asked to see her and said she was from Futian. Then Luo Hongchun remembered that the deal between himself and Zhang Mingyuan should be fulfilled.

Luo Hongchun was annoyed, and wanted to push the matter to the Personnel Bureau, but then thought again, after all, it was entrusted by Zhang Mingyuan, and the face must be saved, so he instructed Fang Xiaolan to let her in.

Li Bingyu walked into the office in style, holding a box of Futian's unique dried fish in his hand, which Zhang Mingyuan ordered to bring to Luo Hongchun. Li Bingyu stood in front of Luo Hongchun's desk and said, "Secretary Luo, hello, my name is Li Bingyu." , This is what Secretary Zhang of Futian asked me to bring to you."

Luo Hongchun's eyes lit up, beauty, a delicate oval face, a pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes, thin eyebrows sinking into the temples, small and straight nose, red lips with a polite smile, Li Bingyu was wearing a gray suit skirt, long Her long hair was coiled on the top of her head, neat and tidy, and she exuded a faint temperament, which made her more elegant and calm, and also made her a bit difficult to get close to.

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