Invisible lover

Chapter 17 Worship Director

Seeing that Xu Yan was upset, Tang Zhiwei jokingly said: "Xu Yan, why do you get so excited when you see a handsome guy? You are not calm at all. You have to learn from the three of us. Being with beauties all day is as calm as water."The other two nodded in agreement.

Xu Yan said contemptuously: "Come on, you still feel like water. Who rushed to help the director turn on the water? Who rushed to surround him as soon as he heard the director came out? Duplicity."

Hao Qiang picked up the cup and said: "Little sister, you don't understand this. To the leader, you must do your best. This is a matter of attitude. Although our department is a temporary department, our director is genuine. There, it is today, maybe it will be tomorrow, not to mention our director is so eye-catching, which man doesn't like to hang around."

Wang Xiaoqing said: "Brother Qiang, you are too tasteless. It's not as simple as being seductive. Our director, in the entire organization, no, even in the entire Minjiang River, is one of the most beautiful beauties, with that temperament, that figure, that..." .

Tang Zhiwei patted Wang Xiaoqing's head and said, "You boy, you're going to drool if you talk about it. If you say a good word, why does it taste so bad in your mouth?"

Wang Xiaoqing argued: "What I want to say is that our admiration for the director is like the water of the Minjiang River, which is endless."

Xu Yan was amused by the performance of several people singing together: "Speaking of beauties, you are more capable than each other. When I talk about handsome men, you all put on bad faces. You are really not enough friends."

Li Bingyu came out from the back room with the materials: "Which handsome guy dares to make a bad face at us Xu Yan? Isn't this bullying our laboratory?"As he spoke, he handed over the materials in his hand to Wang Xiaoqing and said, "Let's summarize this and give it to me tomorrow."

Xu Yan became interested, pulled Li Bingyu and said: "Director, the authorities have spread the news that the new county magistrate is handsome, but unfortunately I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Li Bingyu said with a smile: "What a little girl, do you believe everything she says?" Xu Yan scratched her head in embarrassment, and Li Bingyu said again: "Okay, we can play whatever we want after get off work, and work hard now, we are In the new department, you can’t let others gossip.”After speaking, he went in with a smile.

Xu Yan was puzzled and said, "The director is only a few years older than us, how can he speak like a person in his seventies and eighties?"

Hao Qiang said: "So if someone can be a leader, you can only run errands."

Ye Wei officially took office. He decided to first understand the current situation of government work, so he took a few days to listen to the reports of each unit one by one. When he heard that the new county magistrate would listen to the work report, all units attached great importance to it. But it's a chance to make the first good impression on the leader, so I have carefully prepared every report, and I want to be perfect in every report, so Ye Wei suffers, and the repeated bombing for several days makes him dizzy swelling.

After finally getting all the reports from all the units, Ye Wei felt relieved and calmed down to think about the next step. Secretary Yu Bo told him that there was still a department waiting to report, and Director Li of the research office was already waiting outside. up.

Ye Wei felt strange, in his impression, the government didn't seem to have such a department. Yu Bo saw his doubts, and told him that this department was established temporarily recently, under the dual leadership of the county party committee and the county government.Ye Wei had no choice but to signal Yu Bo to come in.

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