Qiao Manli heard the announcement from the secretary, and hurriedly called to come in. She thought Ye Wei came alone, and she was a little surprised when she saw Li Bingyu, but immediately, she had a good impression of Li Bingyu. She is also very formally dressed, with a faint expression on her face, one can see that she is capable and capable of doing things, but her age cannot be seen. She looks more sophisticated than a fresh college student, but her face and temperament are completely different. With an air of innocence and childishness, Qiao Manli became a little interested in exploring.

Ye Wei introduced Li Bingyu to Qiao Manli, and then handed the revised plan to Qiao Manli and said, "Mr. Qiao, take a look first. If you have any doubts, Xiao Li will explain it to you in detail later."

Qiao Manli is a shrewd woman, and her seriousness when talking about work is commendable, otherwise it would be impossible to make the company so big.Qiao Manli quickly read through the proposal, and asked in disbelief, "Magistrate Ye, did you do this?" If you don't come up with such a well-thought-out plan that is quite like a foreign company's way of doing things, even in your own company, you may not be able to find a few people with such a level.

Ye Wei smiled apologetically and said, "Our county party committee and county government specially organized personnel to research and discuss this. If Mr. Qiao still has any dissatisfaction, feel free to bring it up, and we will definitely modify and improve it according to your opinions."

Ye Wei didn't know the meaning of Qiao Manli's question. He was afraid that the plan didn't suit Qiao Manli's wishes, and if he said it, it would hurt Li Bingyu.Through this incident and these few days of contact, Ye Wei's impression of Li Bingyu has greatly changed, and he even admires that Li Bingyu can always put forward some constructive suggestions when everyone is at a loss, and deep down in his heart , Ye Wei even liked Li Bingyu a little bit, liked to stay with her, liked her faint aura of aloofness, so unknowingly, Ye Wei wanted to protect her.

Qiao Manli was not so easy to be fooled. She raised the proposal, stared at Ye Wei, and asked seriously, "I'm asking who wrote this."

Ye Wei had never seen such a serious expression on Qiao Manli's face. In the past, it was Qiao Manli who asked him for something, so naturally she would not treat him like this. But today, even if she is not satisfied with the proposal, there is no need to do so.Ye Wei was a little uneasy, but he didn't know whether he should say it clearly, so he couldn't say it out loud.

"I wrote it," Li Bingyu said lightly.

"You?" Qiao Manli gave an even more disbelieving expression.

"Yes, it's me. I came up with the idea. I also wrote the big event framework. County Magistrate Ye and Secretary Luo just gave some instructions on the route and location. If Joe is not satisfied with anything, feel free to say it ".Li Bingyu met Qiao Manli's gaze without any emotion.

"Have you ever worked in a foreign company?" Qiao Manli asked.

"Yes, I have worked in a foreign company for nearly 3 years."Li Bingyu didn't know what Qiao Manli meant when she asked this question, and her eyes wandered a little.

Qiao Manli's next words stunned the two of them: "Come to my company, you can choose any position below the vice president."

"Huh?" Li Bingyu was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

Qiao Manli said word by word: "Am I not clear? Then let me put it another way, Miss Li, I sincerely invite you to join my company, and I will give you generous treatment. Do you hear me clearly?"

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