Hearing the voice, Wang Xiaoqing ran over, wanted to help Li Bingyu up, and asked anxiously, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Li Bingyu shook her head and said: "It's not me, it's the people below, hurry up and call someone, hurry up."After speaking, he covered his feet in pain.

Wang Xiaoqing hurriedly ran to call someone to help lift the injured person from below, and directed the car to send him to the hospital.

At the entrance of the cave, a person jumped straight out from below and landed firmly on the stage. It can be seen that this person's lightness kung fu is very good, and he is the man who saved Li Bingyu just now.

Seeing Li Bingyu sitting on the stage, the man clutched his feet in pain, shook his head and walked over, picked her up, and walked towards the wooden boards piled up beside the stage.

Li Bingyu was suddenly hugged and screamed in fright, but when she saw clearly that it was the man who had saved her just now, she stopped immediately.Because of the hot weather, coupled with the fright and tossing just now, Li Bingyu was sweating all over her body, and her clothes were soaked. The thin shirt was close to her skin, revealing a faint curve, and the man was obviously doing rough work, so she was naked. / Topless, the two are now almost naked and embracing each other.This posture was too ambiguous, but the man didn't show any abnormality, but Li Bingyu was so ashamed that his face was flushed to the neck.

The man sat Li Bingyu on the board, carefully took off his high-heeled shoes, and turned his ankle slightly. Li Bingyu gasped in pain and cried out.

The man didn't feel sorry for her at all, and cursed viciously: "What a stupid woman".Then he started rubbing Li Bingyu with both hands.

The man's scolding angered Li Bingyu, and she scolded all the gratitude to him just now. She wanted to pull her foot back and pay him a few words in return, but before she could move, the man seemed to understand her intention, and held her Tightening her foot, the other hand touched her ankle.

Li Bingyu only felt a rush of hot air pouring into her ankle, and the pain was relieved at once. The man's other hand slowly helped her move, and Li Bingyu immediately felt much more comfortable.

Suddenly, Li Bingyu's eyes fell on the man's arm, and there was a long scar on the left arm, as if cut open by a sharp knife.Li Bingyu suddenly felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and he should have seen it, but he couldn't remember it no matter how he thought about it.

Seeing that Li Bingyu's feet were free, the man let her go, stood up, and said coolly, "Tell your little follower to buy a pair of sneakers, and you'll be fine when you go back and rest for a few days."After speaking, he turned to leave.

Li Bingyu seemed to think of something suddenly, stopped the man and said, "Hey, did you save me? That night by the river."

The man did not speak, did not admit or deny, and walked forward, Li Bingyu said anxiously: "Tell me your name, you still have a piece of clothing with me, so I can return it to you."

Without turning his head, the man still said coolly, "No need."

The day of the event is getting closer, and there are more and more things. Li Bingyu can't get any rest, her ankle is very swollen, and she can't take care of it during the day. can't sleep.Only Wang Xiaoqing knew about Li Bingyu's sprained foot, and Li Bingyu repeatedly told him not to let others know.

Li Bingyu dragged her tired body towards the hotel's exhibition hall prepared for the event. Seeing that there was no one around, Li Bingyu couldn't help but limped, trying to relieve the pressure on her injured foot.

As soon as he entered the hall, he heard Ye Wei's scolding voice saying loudly: "Who decided to replace it? Didn't I make a decision yesterday? Does it count if I say it?"

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