Li Hong said: "No matter how classic the collocation is, there is aesthetic fatigue. Even if you eat too much dragon meat, you will get tired of it. Sister, you believe me, go in and try it, and I didn't say that you must buy it."

The little girl selling clothes on the side also persuaded: "Go and try it, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it."

Li Bingyu couldn't stand their repeated persuasion, picked up the clothes and went in to try them on.Li Hong looked at the other clothes, and chatted with the little girl who bought the clothes.

Li Bingyu came out of the fitting room, pulled the clothes with her hands very unaccustomedly and said, "Xiaohong, why is this dress short and tight, it doesn't fit well".

Li Hong looked back and exclaimed in amazement: "My God, sister, don't move, it's so beautiful."As he spoke, he walked over and grabbed Li Bingyu's hand pulling his clothes.

At this moment, Li Bingyu was indeed different from what she usually saw: the royal blue skirt tightly wrapped her well-proportioned body, making her more exquisite and exquisite. The skirt was very short, revealing her slender thighs and long legs. Her hair was casually coiled up by her for changing clothes, revealing her snow-white neck.

The little girl who bought the clothes also said: "Sister, you are so beautiful, only you can wear this dress with such an effect."

Li Hong said excitedly: "Sister, if I were a man, I would kneel down and propose right away, oh my sister, I love you to death"

Li Bingyu was amused by Li Hong's exaggerated expression, and Li Hong said: "Sister, it's really beautiful, just buy it."

Li Bingyu said in disbelief, "When will I wear it after I buy it? You want me to go out dressed like this, and you won't scare away everyone on the street?"

Li Hong pretended to be deep and said: "It's not good to scare people away, but it will definitely cause traffic jams."Li Bingyu slapped Li Hong and was about to go in and change her. Li Hong pulled her and said, "Sister, wait a minute, I'll take a picture for you, and you can enjoy it yourself when you go back."

While the two were having fun, a man and a woman walked in the door. It was Zhang Xiang and his newlywed wife, also his colleague Wang Jing. Wang Jing was five months pregnant and was obviously pregnant.

Zhang Xiang stared blankly at Li Bingyu who was wearing a tight dress. This was Li Bingyu who he had never seen before. He never knew that she had such a flirtatious side, with towering twin peaks, raised buttocks, and that The slender legs and snow-white neck have a fatal temptation for every man. In Zhang Xiang's heart, Li Bingyu has always been beautiful but never ostentatious. When she also learned to dress like this, what is even more terrible is With her smiling face like a flower, could it be that she is so comfortable and happy when she is away from herself?

Zhang Xiang stared at Li Bingyu relentlessly, as if he wanted to look into her heart, but Li Bingyu didn't notice it at all. Wang Jing, who was standing by the side, was burning with jealousy. She was already divorced, why did she still look like this?When I am dead?Wang Jing walked forward with her stomach straight and said: "What's the use of having a good figure? If you can't even lay an egg, it's the same as being dumped by your husband. I don't care about these clothes. I'm going to buy maternity clothes."

The two people who were playing around heard it, Li Hong turned around and was about to explode, Li Bingyu held her back to stop her impulse, and was about to settle the matter, but when she turned her head and saw Zhang Xiang's murderous eyes, she suddenly felt funny in her heart, so she said angrily : "Xiaohong, I like this dress, you can ask the boss how much it is, pay for it for me, and I will change it."After finishing speaking, he entered the fitting room without looking back, left Zhang Xiang stunned, and was dragged away by Wang Jing.

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