Destiny Immortal Way

013 Long Shaoqing, Peerless Face

013 Long Shaoqing, Peerless Face

This is a young man with extraordinary momentum, majestic and upright, like a sacred mountain standing there, with such a powerful force that one can hardly breathe, his whole body seems to be bathed in divine light, as rich as jade, it is rare to see The beautiful man just walked over like this, making Lin Xiao's heart beat wildly as he was following behind Ni Yun.

This young man is really extraordinary. His whole body is enveloped by luck, and he faintly condenses into the state of a dragon and a tiger. Lin Xiao has never seen such a miraculous monk.

"Hehe... I didn't expect Brother Long to leave the customs. I haven't seen you for several months, and it's even more unfathomable!"

Ni Yun smiled lightly and said in surprise.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, Ni Yun, you are even more beautiful!"

The young man stared directly at Ni Yun who was approaching with a golden light, and the enthusiasm in his eyes was undisguised, and he laughed loudly.

"Brother Long is amazing! I don't know why Brother Long came to Tianshan Mountain?"

Ni Yun chuckled and asked, while Xiaoyu next to her was staring at the young man adoringly, Lin Xiao couldn't help being stunned, this girl seemed to be infatuated.

"I left the customs half a month ago and came here to visit the master of Tianji sect, but I can't wait for the master until today!"

The young man surnamed Long shook his head slightly, and sighed with some regret, but his expression did not appear gloomy. His tall body had an overwhelming self-confidence, and his spirit was high.

"Brother Long, you don't have to wait any longer. My grandfather usually doesn't like to be disturbed. If you really don't want to see him, there's no use waiting any longer!"

Ni Yun smiled lightly.

"I see!"

The young man surnamed Long was not at all depressed, and smiled generously, the master of Tianji Sect is an expert outside the world, not everyone can see it if he wants to, even Long Shaoqing.

"Today is so predestined, how about traveling together?"

Immediately, Long Shaoqing said, with a soft smile on his handsome face, he only stared at Ni Yun from the beginning to the end, while the two people beside Lin Xiao were directly ignored by him. Don't pay him the slightest attention, this is a natural trend.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Brother Long. I'm going to take him to see my grandfather!"

Ni Yun shook her head lightly, glanced at Lin Xiao beside her, and said casually, while Lin Xiao next to her heard the words, but secretly screamed, because the two torch-like eyes had already fixed him tightly .



Lin Xiao's complexion changed suddenly, and two sounds of dragons and tigers faintly sounded in his ears, and an extremely terrifying momentum crushed him, as if an ancient mountain descended. The cultivation of this young man surnamed Long definitely surpassed him by a lot, and it was completely out of his reach. Facing.

"Brother Long! What are you doing?"

Ni Yun's pretty face under the veil changed slightly, ### trembled slightly, moved horizontally in front of Lin Xiao, said slightly displeased, he could tell Lin Xiao's strength at a glance, where was Long Shaoqing's opponent, even if it was just a stock The momentum can also seriously injure Lin Xiao.Although she didn't care much about Lin Xiao, after all, it was the person her grandfather wanted to meet in person, so Ni Yun naturally wanted to protect her.

"It must be extraordinary for a mere kid at the eighth level of body training to be able to meet the master. I, Long Shaoqing, really want to get to know him!"

Long Shaoqing is very domineering, and the aura around him is howling. Lin Xiao felt a blur in front of his eyes. Long Shaoqing was already standing in front of him. , looking down on Lin Xiao with a lofty attitude.

Thinking that he, Long Shaoqing, would not be able to see the master of Tianji Sect after waiting for half a month in Tianshan Mountain, but this little cultivator who was only at the eighth level of physical training in front of him was getting such treatment, he felt a little uncomfortable, and wanted to see what Lin Xiao was doing Surprisingly.

Shift shape!Lin Xiao was terrified, this young man was really terrifying, he forcibly moved himself in front of him, even Ni Yun had no time to stop him.


The terrifying situation rushed straight to Lin Xiao. He had no ability to resist, and he gushed out blood, which made him furious. This person is really too domineering. When we first met, he relied on his high level of cultivation ### himself, and What was even more exaggerated was that under the oppression of the other party, his legs bent unbearably. The other party wanted him to kneel down, it was really disgusting!

"I, Lin Xiao, do not kneel to the sky or the ground, but to my parents. You are not qualified to make me kneel!"

Lin Xiao blushed furiously, let out a long roar, and looked at Long Shaoqing resolutely with his eyes, the profound art in his body was running crazily, resisting the oppression from Long Shaoqing.

But Long Shaoqing is really too powerful, this general trend is stronger than the three bodiless realm experts Lin Xiao had seen at the beginning, so although Lin Xiao supported himself with great perseverance He didn't kneel down, but his seven orifices were overflowing with blood, the bones in his body were crackling, and his body showed signs of being on the verge of collapse.


Lin Xiao stared at the stars, relying on a great willpower to support him, he felt that he was at the end of his battle, the scene in front of him was blurred, he vaguely heard the roar of thousands of gods and demons, his chest seemed to be bursting with anger open like.

Ni Yun was shocked, she accidentally caught Long Shaoqing's transposition, which made her angry, the latter was really too domineering and powerful, and when she came back to her senses, she was also defeated by Lin Xiao. Xiao was startled, the mere [-]th level of body training, even temporarily withstood Long Shaoqing's overwhelming pressure, even though he was at a disadvantage and was about to run out, but this was enough to surprise her, at this time Lin Xiao really into her eyes.

The maid Xiaoyu was also stunned, she didn't expect that this young man whom she had always looked down upon could resist the oppression of Long Shaoqing, the young man of the imperial city.

"Hey! Boy Long! You actually embarrass my guests in Tianshan Mountain, it's too embarrassing for this old man!"

Just when Ni Yun was about to make a move, an old voice came from the depths of Tianshan Mountain, Lin Xiao suddenly felt his whole body lighten up, and a hidden and mysterious force protected him.


Long Shaoqing's face changed slightly, he restrained his momentum, and bowed his hands respectfully towards the depths of Tianshan Mountain.

"Hey! You go back!"

The old voice was light and calm, but it contained an unquestionable majesty.

"Then Shaoqing will bid farewell!"

Long Shaoqing's expression changed for a moment, then he glanced at Lin Xiao, stepped on a radiant flying sword, and turned into a rainbow that shot straight into the sky.

It really is a bodiless state!Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the rainbow light that disappeared into the sky, and sighed secretly, the imperial city is indeed hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and such a young person has such advanced cultivation, Lin Xiao deeply felt That huge gap.

This imperial city is really murderous every step of the way!Lin Xiao said inwardly, the look of Long Shaoqing when he left just now implied murderous intent, this is a very conceited and terrifying young man with a domineering style.

"Come in!"

The old voice sounded faintly, and Lin Xiao was in the middle of the Tianshan Mountains in a blink of an eye, Lin Xiao was amazed by such a method.

"Are you OK?"

Ni Yun asked a little apologetically, it was also because she didn't take good care of her.

"No problem!"

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, his injury is not serious, coupled with the unpredictable mystical skills, the previous injury has been repaired quickly, and it does not have much impact.

Thick clouds and mists lingered in the Tianshan Mountains, and the aura was so abundant that tiny liquid droplets condensed and floated in the air. Taking a deep breath casually made Lin Xiao feel comfortable all over his body, the profound skills in his body continued to function, and his injuries soon stabilized .

"Xiaoyu, you go back first!"

Although Ni Yun was surprised, she didn't ask any further questions, she turned her head and said something to Xiaoyu, and then led Lin Xiao to the depths of Tianshan Mountain.

The terrain in the Tianshan Mountains is very complicated. There are scattered buildings looming in the mountains. This is a fairyland outside the world. Seeing the spiritual and intelligent rare and strange beasts, Lin Xiao felt the not weak aura fluctuations in their bodies.

In addition, Lin Xiao keenly sensed that there is a mysterious and mysterious fluctuation flowing everywhere in the Tianshan Mountains, which is similar to the aura in Ni Yun's body. Presumably this is the unique characteristic of the Tianji lineage.

During this period, Lin Xiao didn't see any other people from the lineage of Tianji, presumably Ni Yun deliberately guided him, that's fine, for Lin Xiao now, the less people know about his existence, the better for him.

On the way, Lin Xiao also learned something about Long Shaoqing from Ni Yun.Long Shaoqing, the leader of the younger generation of the Huaxia Long family, is already a cultivator who has emerged from the womb, and has great potential. Master Tianji once said that this person is blessed by the heavens and will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future.

The Chinese Dragon Family, looking at the entire Chinese Dragon Dynasty, no one does not know. According to the ancient saying, this Dragon Family is the royal family of the Chinese Dragon Dynasty, and Long Shaoqing is the prince of the Dragon Dynasty.

I didn't expect to meet someone from the Long family!Lin Xiao frowned deeply, and he couldn't help worrying. With his current strength, he was like an ant in front of such a big family. Even Long Shaoqing himself had the ability to instantly kill Lin Xiao.

"Don't worry, Brother Long really went too far today, but he won't argue with you if he thinks about it!"

As if seeing Lin Xiao's worry, Ni Yun said softly.From his point of view, Lin Xiao's level of cultivation can't be seen by Long Shaoqing at all. I'm afraid it was because the master of Tianji sect didn't see him but wanted to see Lin Xiao, and he felt dissatisfied to embarrass the latter!

Lin Xiao shook his head and didn't say much. Naturally, Ni Yun didn't see Long Shaoqing's murderous intentions towards him.

After a cup of tea, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened up. A bare mountain peak glowed with glistening brilliance. This is obviously a treasure mountain. The energy contained in it even scared Lin Xiao secretly. Go, there is a vast starry sky at the end of the ladder, and a figure like a fossil is sitting there, with mysterious Taoist rhyme flowing around his body, his clothes fluttering, as if he wants to ride the wind and go away.

Lin Xiao and Ni Yun climbed the ladder and arrived at the top of the mountain not long after. The top of the mountain was artificially cut off and turned into a platform. The platform was as smooth as jade, shining with azure blue light. Xiao inspected it and couldn't see why, he could only instinctively feel the mystery contained in it, which seemed to be an altar.

In the center of the altar, an old man sat cross-legged, with his back facing Lin Xiao. He had gray hair, and although Dao rhyme flowed around him, he gave people a feeling of twilight, as if he was going to sit here in the next moment.

"Grandpa! What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiao saw each other for the first time, and didn't think there was anything wrong, but Ni Yun next to him exclaimed, she was no longer calm and breezy before, and she actually lifted her veil, revealing a worried face Stunning appearance.

hum!This stunning face was reflected in Lin Xiao's eyes, and the latter's mind suddenly exploded, what kind of face is this!Words such as "overwhelming country and charming city" all appear pale and feeble, the skin is condensed and jade, the face that can be broken by blows is shining, and a pair of deep eyes are misty, like a bay of fairy springs flowing in it, the aura is compelling.

This is definitely the most perfect masterpiece of the heavens. It is no exaggeration compared to the legendary Nine Heavens Xuannv. Her long hair like a waterfall reaches the intersection of her hips and slender waist, forming a perfect arc.

But this was not the reason that made Lin Xiao lose his composure, but that peerless face was so familiar, it penetrated to the bone marrow, and he would never forget it for thousands of years.


Lin Xiao stood there blankly, staring at that peerless face in confusion, muttering.

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