Destiny Immortal Way

015 Man of Destiny?

015 Man of Destiny?

"Hey! I have no ill intentions towards you!"

Seeing Lin Xiao's expression, the master of Tianji sect sighed.

"Master! What's the matter with you? What's going on here?"

Feeling that the master of Tianji sect really did not have any malicious intentions, Lin Xiao felt relieved, and couldn't help asking, because the current master of Tianji sect is already so old that he looks like he is going to die soon.

The Master of Tianji Sect waved his hand, then closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. The starry sky above gathered into a large nebula, which was blocking the power of heaven's punishment.Feeling the majestic power of heaven, Lin Xiao also showed heart palpitations, feeling unprecedented oppression.

"You all go back!"

Suddenly, the unquestionable voice of the master of Tianji Sect resounded, and Lin Xiao felt a very powerful aura in the surrounding Lingshan Mountains, some of which were extremely terrifying.

"Master! Are you okay?"

A thick voice passed over, and the sound waves vibrated the air. It was obviously a super powerful existence.


Ni Yun's anxious voice also came over, as if she wanted to come this way.

"As the master of Tianji Sect, I order you to retreat, and without my permission, you are not allowed to come closer here!"

However, the master of Tianji sect suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted sharply, the majesty of the master of a sect was fully revealed, and at the same time, the space around the altar was turbulent, isolating this space from the outside world.

Lin Xiao clicked his tongue, what kind of method is this!It is really amazing to isolate a space!

The Master of Tianji Sect shouted back the disciples of the Tianji lineage who wanted to come here, then closed his eyes, and continued to recuperate and recover. He is now seriously injured, and his already aging body is getting older, and he can't even straighten his back Yep, Lin Xiao even felt death in him.

Lin Xiao frowned deeply, staring at the unpredictable master of Tianji sect in front of him, the latter's time may be numbered.


After a long while, the master of Tianji Sect slowly opened his eyes, his cloudy pupils were lifeless.

"Senior! Are you okay?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Hey! I'm afraid the time is running out for the old man! If you have any doubts in your heart now, just ask!"

The master of Tianji sect sighed and said lightly.

"You really deduced my future just now?"

Lin Xiao asked directly without hesitation.

"Not bad!"

The master of Tianji Sect nodded.

"Then what did you deduce? Why did you become like this again?"

Lin Xiao was shocked all over, and couldn't help asking, if he could foresee his future in advance, then he could make preparations in advance to cope with the future.

"I only saw a blurry corner, hey! I only inferred that you are very likely to be recorded in the Tianyan secret art, so the old legendary Destiny One!"

The Master of Tianji Sect slightly shook his head and sighed.

"Tianyan secret technique? Destiny?"

Lin Xiao's eyes became more suspicious.

"The secret technique of Tianyan is an ancient secret technique. It can be practiced to a high level to deduce the secret of the sky and gain insight into the corner of the future. However, spying on the secret of the sky is a kind of behavior against the sky. Consuming the corresponding lifespan, the most serious one, will attract heaven's punishment. In the records of Tianyan secret art, there is a field that is taboo for all masters of Tianji. According to the records, any existence in that field cannot be punished. Deduction, such an existence is called a man of destiny! A man of destiny, adhering to the destiny, has great luck, which is of great significance! I deduced your future just now, and it resulted in the punishment of heaven, so, I think, you are very It may be the Man of Destiny in the taboo legend!"

The Master of Tianji Sect looked solemn and spoke eloquently.

"The Man of Destiny, the Man of Destiny... How is it possible... How is it possible..."

Lin Xiao shook his head and muttered to himself. The words of the master of Tianji sect shocked him. Let alone him, anyone would find it unbelievable. After all, the doomsday earth has just transitioned from modern civilization to cultivating immortal civilization. It's just a set, and I'm afraid only those who can spy on the secrets like Master Tianji can reluctantly accept it.

"Just now, I used Dao Yun to lead you, sat down with you to discuss the Dao, and then deduced it, but your future is blurred, and I can't see anything, only infinite variables!"

The Master of Tianji Sect sighed, the aura of twilight in his body became stronger.

"Infinite variables?"

After a while, Lin Xiao came back to his senses, and said with a slight frown.

"That's right! Destined ones are born with destiny, and it's not an exaggeration to call them the sons of heaven. Therefore, no one can deduce your future. Your path is destined to be extraordinary, but everything depends on you!"

The master of Tianji Sect nodded.

"Born by destiny, isn't it still limited by heaven and earth?"

Lin Xiao felt an inexplicable resistance in his heart, and said coldly.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, don't go against the will of heaven, otherwise you will have a bad end, don't do it!"

Hearing this, the Master of Tianji Sect's face changed slightly, and he warned seriously.Since the doomsday earth entered the era of cultivating immortals, people believed in the destiny in the dark, and the inviolability of the Dao has become a taboo. In ancient times, the three emperors and five emperors, many great sages had to follow the fate of the heavens, uphold the will of heaven, and manpower can hardly resist the sky!

"This astrolabe is given to you. It has the ability to travel through the air, and it is easy to travel thousands of miles. It may save your life in times of crisis!"

Then, the master of Tianji Sect turned his hand and took out a simple disc, said.

The astrolabe is made of unknown material, the whole body is black, with complicated notches on it, the two sides are almost the same, and there are two concave circular holes on it, one left and one right, one front and one back.It doesn't look like much, but it's definitely a powerful magic weapon.

"This is a first-grade magic weapon! It can be activated by injecting true energy!"

The master of Tianji Sect explained.

"magic weapon!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help showing a look of shock. There are magic tools under the magic weapon. The monks in the Dragon Dynasty of China generally use magic tools, and magic weapons can only be refined by super powerful monks through special means. Come out, there are very few in the entire Chinese Dragon Dynasty.

Magical artifacts and treasures are divided into nine grades. Although this astrolabe is only a first-grade magic weapon, if it is placed outside, even monks in the Embodied Realm will be jealous, which shows how precious it is!

"Master! Why are you helping me so much?"

Lin Xiao rubbed the astrolabe, and asked suspiciously, there is no need for the majestic sect master of the Tianji lineage to help him, a small casual cultivator. Power, there is no need to be like this!

The world is always fair, if you want to get it, you have to pay!

"Hehe... I'm helping you so much because I want to form a good relationship with you. Now I don't have much lifespan. If I have troubles in the future, I hope you can reach out and help me! I am satisfied!"

The master of Tianji sect smiled lightly, his old body was very weak, as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind, there was a touch of worry in his dim eyes.


Lin Xiao was stunned, feeling that this was too absurd. The lineage of Tianji has a transcendent status in the Chinese Dragon Dynasty. It is not a problem even if it is passed on for thousands of years. How can it be difficult? Why do you need the help of a small monk yourself? ?He felt it was too realistic.

"You don't need to think too much, I will not interfere with the grievances between you and the Wang family, and I can't interfere! But now I will give you a fortune, as for how far you can go, it depends on you!"

The master of Tianji sect shook his head lightly and said.


Immediately afterwards, the entire altar suddenly trembled, and the scratches on it seemed to come alive. Suddenly, a huge beam of light shot up into the sky, and all the rich spiritual energy around them swarmed. And Xuan's Dao rhyme rises and permeates, and the starry sky above hangs down a ray of starlight, and the thunder roars above, but it still can't break through. It is obviously blocked by the powerful prohibition of Tianshan Mountain. Even the power of Heaven's Punishment can be temporarily blocked by the means of reaching the sky.

A Taiji diagram loomed on the surface of the altar, exuding strong Dao rhyme fluctuations. Lin Xiao was startled for a moment, and then blissful to his heart, he quickly restrained his mind and closed his eyes to practice the profound arts!Because he felt that the bottleneck of his cultivation was beginning to loosen, and there were signs of a breakthrough.

There is no doubt that this is the good luck sent to him by the master of Tianji sect!Right now he is feuding with the Wang family, and there is nothing more practical than improving his cultivation.

In the Body Refining Realm, as long as there is enough pure aura, one can continuously break through. The aura here is very large and pure, enough for Lin Xiao to break through to the Ninth Level of Body Refining.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he took out a glistening spiritual grass from his bosom, which was the nine-leaf spiritual grass that was sold in the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, and then Lin Xiao swallowed it directly under the surprised eyes of the master of Tianji Sect. Take it.

The profound art in Lin Xiao's body suddenly accelerated, and a powerful refining power refined the Nine-Leaf Spirit Grass, extracting the essence of it.

After the master of Tianji Sect was surprised, a strange light flashed in his eyes. There was indeed a secret in this young man. Usually, natural materials and earthly treasures require special techniques to extract the essence and be used by monks. However, Lin Xiao's profound art To be able to directly extract the essence of the Nine-Leaf Spirit Grass, even a strange person like the master of Tianji Sect has never seen such a miracle.

The essence of the Nine-leaf Spirit Grass was transformed by Lin Xiaoxuangong, and it quickly flowed through his limbs and bones. A cool feeling permeated and merged into every cell in his body.With the Xuangong running, the aura of heaven and earth poured in from the surroundings was quickly refined and fused, and the huge and pure aura washed over Lin Xiao's body. This was a process of tempering.

I saw that Lin Xiao's whole body was radiant, and there was a miraculous streamer running on the surface of his skin, and every inch of muscle contained powerful power.After fighting against the masters of the Wang family during this period of time, and experiencing the baptism of blood, his cultivation base has been polished extremely solidly, and he only needs one opportunity to break through.

Now with the help of the Nine-leaf Spirit Grass and the master of Tianji Sect, everything will come naturally, waves of powerful power surge in Lin Xiao's body, and his aura is soaring crazily.


With only half a stick of incense, Lin Xiao's Tianling Gai rushed out a powerful energy and blood, transformed into a dragon shape, and roared to the sky. At this moment, his body was clear and flawless, his body was perfected, and he was qualified to step into the real world of Taoism. door.

However, this was not over. The Dao Yun rose on the altar, and Lin Xiao did not wake up because of his cultivation breakthrough. The master of Tianji Sect, like an immortal, released his own Dao Yun, deduced it on the altar, and wanted to help Lin Xiao hit the ground. A big realm.

Refining Aiki!The condensed zhenqi is released outward, possessing powerful destructive power.Only by successfully refining Aiqi can one be regarded as a true cultivator and be qualified to ask about cultivating immortals!

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