Destiny Immortal Way

042 A Gathering of Heroes

042 A Gathering of Heroes


The earth was trembling, and the surrounding mountains were shaking, as if there had been a major earthquake. This sudden change broke the calm here, and the mirror-like lake surface rippled and rippled, and even set off the sound of splashing water.

"What happened?"

Lin Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly, his eyes gleaming, trying to find out the source of the accident.

"It should be that the gate of time and space is about to open!"

Hu'er at the side suddenly said solemnly.

"The Gate of Time and Space? Is this near Songshan Mountain?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao was slightly startled, and hurriedly asked.

"Mount Song? Brother Lin, I don't know what Mount Song is. A few days ago, I accidentally discovered the source of space-time fluctuations on that huge mountain range. The gate of time and space is slowly forming..."

Hu'er was taken aback for a moment, and then said eloquently, in fact, what Hu'er said was when Lin Xiao attacked and killed Wang Chong in Songshan. What the latter didn't know was that it was because of the nine-tailed fairy fox that It distracted Wang Chong and his son, and gave Xia Yuan and Qin Fengyang a chance to rescue him.

At that time, the reason why Hu'er appeared there was because he felt the source of space-time fluctuations. At that time, the space-time fluctuations were still very weak. However, Hu'er didn't notice Lin Xiao at that time.

It's just that Hu'er has selectively modified these processes, and now she doesn't want to tell Lin Xiao her real identity.

"Fox! How do you know it's the gate of time and space?"

After listening, Lin Xiao couldn't help showing suspicion. Hu'er is a simple girl who doesn't know much about the world, and seems to have lost her memory. How could she know the legendary gate of time and space that can connect the past, the present, and the future.

"I don't know why, as soon as I saw it, its name automatically popped up in my mind, as if... as if I had seen it a long, long time ago!"

Hu'er shook his head blankly, frowning slightly, as if trying to remember, but there was no result.

"Okay! Don't think about it if you can't remember it! Hu'er, take me to the gate of time and space!"

Lin Xiao rubbed Hu'er's long hair, sighed slightly, and then said, it seems that the seal in Hu'er's body is unusual, her memory seems to be sealed.

At this moment, Hu'er's identity became more and more mysterious in his eyes, like a mystery!

"But...Brother Lin, there are a lot of villains out there!"

Hu'er is a little scared and authentic. Although she is smart, her mind is too simple.

"Fox! Don't be afraid! You will follow me from now on! I will take you to the outside world and I will protect you!"

Lin Xiao tightened Hu'er's hand, and comforted Hu'er with a smile, Hu'er is too simple, although this place is hidden, but recently Songshan has discovered a gate of time and space, and strange people from all directions have come here one after another, there is no guarantee that this place will not Wouldn't it be very dangerous for a fox to be discovered by someone?

So, after much thought, Lin Xiao decided to take Hu'er away, at least by his side, he can protect her!

"Well! Brother Lin, I believe in you!"

Hu'er stared into Lin Xiao's eyes, suddenly smiled, nodded innocently and said, for some reason, she always felt an unprecedented peace by the latter's side.

"Brother Lin, come with me!"

Hu'er pulled Lin Xiao, and suddenly stepped towards the lake. She suddenly exuded a sacred and peaceful radiance. Lin Xiao was slightly startled. He still can't fly in the air.


But at this moment, a vortex appeared in the center of the lake, and a suction force dragged the two of them into it quickly.

Soon, Lin Xiao appeared in a dry and empty cave. There was nothing unusual here. On the other side of the cave, there was a dark passageway.

"Hee hee...Brother Lin, that's right there!"

Hu'er pointed to the dark passageway on the other side of the cave, and said with a smile, there was a smug look on her brows, she discovered such a secret exit!

"Let's go!"

Lin Xiao chuckled, and pulled Hu'er into the entrance of the passage. The passage was pitch black. Fortunately, the passage did not branch off, and a line led to the outside. There was nothing unusual about it. It was just a simple passage, and there Know who made it in the first place.

But Hu'er said that she has lived here since she was a child, maybe that person has something to do with Hu'er!Such a guess flashed in Lin Xiao's mind, but he didn't think too much about it. Now that Hu'er has confirmed that there really is a gate of time and space in Songshan Mountain, and it may be about to open, Lin Xiao's whole mind is devoted to it.

After all, there is very likely an ancient secret realm behind the gate of time and space, and that would be a great fairy tale.

Not long after, the two came out smoothly. This is a valley with dense forests, which seemed very hidden. After the two came out, the entrance of the passage was closed by itself, and there was no abnormality at all from the outside.

Moreover, with Lin Xiao's strength, he couldn't push it away.

"Hee hee...Brother Lin, only I can open this place!"

Hu'er laughed and put his little hand on it, and the passage opened slowly!

"Hehe... This mechanism is really mysterious, and it actually recognizes people!"

Lin Xiao chuckled lightly, and there was a strange look in his eyes. He walked all the way before, but he didn't find any clues. It seemed to be just an ordinary passage, but he didn't expect it to hide a mystery.


The place where the two came out happened to be in Songshan Mountain, not far from the highest peak, Junji Peak. At this time, Songshan Mountain was shrouded in a huge Buddhist pressure. Songshan Mountain is said to have 72 peaks, each of which is Soaring into the clouds, at this time, looking from a distance, there is an ancient temple looming on the top of the 72nd peak, bursts of Zen singing come out, and there are many visions, as if there are countless ancient Buddhas chanting. At this moment, the 72nd peak of Songshan Mountain Show a unique verve.

"Before the doomsday, there was Shaolin in Songshan Mountain, and then it suddenly disappeared. Now that the gate of time and space is about to open, what kind of secrets are there in such a scene?"

Lin Xiao's eyes were bright, at this time, the situation on the top of Junji Peak was changing, huge and thick clouds gathered from all directions, and there was a huge space-time fluctuation in the center.

"Brother Lin! There are so many people!"

Hu'er leaned close to Lin Xiao with some fear, said softly, his eyes wandered in Songshan Mountain.

Although Songshan Mountain is vast, there are people all over the mountains and plains at the moment, and everyone has a strong aura, especially those around Junji Peak, all of whom are flying with swords. Among them, there are three old men who seem to be in charge here, unfathomable, Lin Xiao Feel a coercion from the spirit in them.

"Spiritual consciousness fluctuates?"

Lin Xiao was shocked, and hurriedly pulled Hu'er to hide it. The three old men must have transcended the realm of rebirth, and they had already developed divine consciousness, which is a very magical power.


"Get in—!"


Suddenly, a direction outside Songshan shouted to kill Zhentian, Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and knew in his heart that it should be those casual cultivators who were fighting with the strong men of these big families again, trying to break in.

But this time it was unexpected to Lin Xiao, the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, the loose cultivator side seemed to be very powerful, and it was time to make a cup of tea. It seems that these days, many strong casual cultivators gathered again , Looking from a distance, dozens of monks flying with swords are vaguely seen fighting, and the powerful sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the amazing fluctuations can be felt from a long distance.

"Hmph! These casual cultivators are really making trouble!"

On the top of Junji Peak, one of the three leading elders snorted coldly, as if he was quite impatient.

"Forget it! Now the gate of time and space is about to open, we are just trying to seize the opportunity, and these casual cultivators can stop it for a while!"

Another old man shook his head slightly.

"Haha... It seems that you also feel that you can't fight against the casual cultivators in the world!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded, and a stream of light shot directly towards the position of Junji Peak in the distance, carrying a terrifying coercion. Wherever it passed, the strong people from the big family all changed their colors and shot one after another He wanted to stop it, but was blown away by an invisible momentum.

The powerful monks in the Embodied Realm couldn't stop the footsteps of the coming people, and they were thrown away like straws, which was really shocking.

"It seems that there are real masters among casual cultivators in the world!"

Lin Xiao revealed a look of surprise, and secretly sighed, this is obviously another strong man who has surpassed the realm of rebirth. Like the three old men on the top of Junji Peak, he has the power of spiritual consciousness.

"Mo Wuyan! Unexpectedly, you dare to show up!"

The three old men all changed their colors. One of them stood up slowly and sneered. Compared with them, the cultivation base of the visitor was only higher than theirs. If he rushed in directly, no one could stop him at all.

"Hey! Why don't you dare? Could it be that you, Long Xiuyang, are going to fight with me now?"

The person who came didn't care, and smiled disdainfully. This is a middle-aged man in a green shirt, with a flying sword on his feet. proud.

Lin Xiao was surprised to find that what this casual cultivator named Mo Wuyan was stepping on was actually a flying sword of magic weapon level, and the spiritual fluctuation was very powerful, even if it was not much worse than his high-level magic weapon flying sword, Of course, this comparison refers to the case where the flying sword in Lin Xiao's hand was not damaged.

"Two friends, it is not appropriate to use force here. Now that the gate of time and space is about to open, everyone should regard peace as the most important thing!"

"Yes! Is there any grievance more important than the ancient secret realm?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, the other two old men hurried out to smooth things over.

"Mo Wuyan..."

Lin Xiao stared at the middle-aged man in the blue shirt, touched his chin, and revealed a look of deep thought. He had vaguely heard of the name Mo Wuyan. There were some conflicts in the family, and the masters of the Long family went out to encircle and suppress this person, but Mo Wuyan retreated completely.

This caused quite a stir at the time, and this Mo Wuyan was considered a character, and that incident could be said to have given the casual cultivators all over the world a big face.


Mo Wuyan didn't seem to want to really fight with the old man of the Long family. When he saw someone trying to smooth things over, he stood with his hands behind his back and waited quietly. Now the time and space fluctuations at the top of the Junji Peak became more and more intense, affecting everyone's nerves.

Next, more and more powerhouses came, especially those big families. The powerhouses in the Embodied Realm were all in groups. The Huaxia Long Family, Ouyang Family and other big families had already received a summons and dispatched a large number of powerhouses Coming here, Lin Xiao also saw Wang Hong, following an old man. The old man was obviously a strong man in the realm of rebirth, with a long breath, and he might have gone a long way in the realm of rebirth.

The morale of the casual cultivators suddenly weakened, but there were also a few strong men who could hold on to the situation. Apart from Mo Wuyan, there were actually two more, both of whom were old Taoists who were over sixty years old. Real Yun!

These two are also well-known powerhouses among the casual cultivators in the world, and they are existences that even those big families don't want to provoke easily.

"Today is really a gathering of heroes!"

Lin Xiao was amazed, the vicinity of Junji Peak was covered in darkness, at this moment, the monks in the Embodied Realm seemed to be worthless like Chinese cabbage!


In the evening, a thunderstorm suddenly exploded above Junji Peak, as if it came from the endless nine heavens, thunder and lightning flashed in the thick clouds on the peak, and the brilliant heavenly power spread, shocking a group of monks to land down quickly Far away, even those strong men who have transcended the realm of rebirth, monks seem to have an instinctive fear of thunder and lightning.

It is rumored that when a cultivator reaches a certain level, there will be a catastrophe.

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