Destiny Immortal Way

048 A trip to muddy water

048 A trip to muddy water


The female stegosaurus in a berserk state suddenly lashed out at a monk with her tail. The latter let out a horrified howl, and turned into a puddle of blood, bursting out a huge burst of true energy. A powerful cultivator at the peak of Aiki, but died just like that.


Suddenly, a sharp sword qi slashed down from the air, chopping the berserk female dragon staggering, and a master in the Embryo state made a move.


This female stegosaurus became even more violent, roaring towards the sky, but although she had the powerful combat power of the Embryo Realm, she could not fly, but her roar had already summoned her companions, and three powerful stegosauruses had already arrived, Slapped to death several monks who were refining the Qi state on the spot.


There was a cold shout in the air, and there were five powerful monks with swords volleying in the air. The leader was an old man in Chinese clothes over sixty years old, with a very strong aura.

In addition to these five monks, there are more than a dozen monks below, all of whom are in the Qi-refining state, which can be described as a powerful combination, but now they are facing these fierce and bloody heads whose Qi and blood are all above the Embryo state. Stegosaurus, these cultivators who refine the Aura state are like paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the old man gave them an order to retreat.

"Follow me to grab those two dinosaur eggs, they are good things!"

Immediately, the leading old man said, driving the flying sword, went straight to the lair behind the female stegosaurus, where there were two dinosaur eggs shining silver and exuding surging life energy.

Greedy fanaticism appeared on the faces of the other four Embryo Boundary cultivators. This is a rare treasure!

A total of five monks from the Embodied Realm attacked, but the other three stegosauruses were very strong, and a total of four people could barely stop them from rescuing them, while the leading old man took the two dinosaur eggs directly, and he had the upper hand in the air , this kind of big guy who has brute force but can't fly can't stop him at all.

"Bastard! Get the hell out of here, old man—!"

The old man slashed out with a sword, and the tyrannical sword of true energy directly slashed the female dragon back. Although it could not cause substantial damage to the female dragon, it can be seen that the old man's strength is very strong.

"Haha...I didn't expect to meet two dinosaur eggs here, they belong to me!"

Greedy frenzy flashed in the eyes of the old man. The flying sword circled around the female dragon and swooped down to grab the two dinosaur eggs. The heart of the monk in the Embryo state trembled.


However, to his surprise, the female stegosaurus suddenly stood up, her long body just reaching the flying sword under his feet. In order to protect her child, the female dragon opened her mouth and bit it fiercely. The flying sword was thrown towards the ground angrily.


The old man was frightened and angry, and urged the flying sword to strike with all his strength, but he was also thrown off by the female stegosaurus. The strength of the stegosaurus was so great that the old man fell heavily to the ground, and his bones almost didn't shatter.


The female stegosaurus suffered a terrible attack in her mouth, and she let go of the flying sword in pain. Although her body was so strong that even the old man's attack couldn't hurt her at all, the organs and tissues inside her body were different. The old man's attack directly hit its mouth, causing serious damage, and its skull was hard, otherwise the sword would have pierced its head directly.

The huge damage caused the female stegosaurus to completely go berserk, roaring and rolling on the ground.However, the movement here had already alarmed the Stegosaurus group. At this moment, a group of Stegosauruses rushed over, and the tyrannical energy and blood made the faces of the five people change drastically.

"Damn! Go away! There is a group of dinosaurs living here!"

The leading old man's face was slightly pale, and he didn't care too much. He quickly drove the flying sword and flew up, while the dozen or so subordinates fled in a hurry. Dare to stay.

A group of tyrannical stegosauruses came chasing after them, and some of the slow-running ones were directly smashed into meat by the angry stegosaurus. The scene was very bloody. At this time, the mild-tempered stegosaurus transformed into an absolute beast.


"Hiss! It seems that Stegosaurus can also be very cruel! These people dare to come and snatch those two dinosaur eggs, they really want to die!"

Lin Xiao hid in the dark, watched from a distance, and was startled by the rampage of the Stegosaurus. Although these big guys are usually gentle, it doesn't mean they are easy to bully!

"It seems that the female stegosaurus won't live long!"

Lin Xiao stared at the female stegosaurus rolling on the ground, and thought to himself, that location is considered to be the center edge of the stegosaurus territory, but the status of the female stegosaurus does not seem to be high in the entire stegosaurus group, so dinosaurs appear Eggs are frequently peeped at.

This kind of primitive race has a particularly strict hierarchy, but this stegosaurus group is pretty good, and it is also very united at critical moments, but this time the female stegosaurus may not be able to survive this catastrophe.

"Those two dinosaur eggs are good things! If I can also fly with a sword, it will be much less difficult..."

Now that the female Stegosaurus is dying, Lin Xiao thinks it is an opportunity, but if he is not careful, he may fall into a doomed situation. He can clearly see the miserable situation of those monks who are refining the Qi state just now.

If they reach the Embodied Realm, they can fly with the sword, and even if they startle this group of stegosauruses, they can also escape from the air.

However, just as various thoughts were rolling in Lin Xiao's mind, a whistling sound suddenly came from the distant sky, which came from the direction where those people retreated.

"That is…"

Lin Xiao's eyes widened suddenly, and with the best of vision, he saw a super big bird suddenly swooping down from the high-altitude clouds, and one of the five small black dots happened to be on the trajectory of the super big bird's dive, blinking. The time disappeared, as if it was directly erased.

Lin Xiao knew that the five black spots were the five Embryo Realm cultivators who had fled far away, but unexpectedly, one of them was directly culled!

"Hiss! Is it a pterosaur?"

A powerful Embryo Realm cultivator was directly wiped out like this, and Lin Xiao's scalp felt numb for a while. He thought of an ancient dinosaur that was born with the ability to fly. Although he couldn't see clearly the super giant that swooped down from the sky just now, The form of the bird, but the form is very similar.

"It seems that it is not safe to fly with the sword!"

Lin Xiao sighed, at first he thought he had reached the realm of rebirth, but flying with Yujian would be much safer. He really couldn't beat these dinosaurs and could escape from the air, but he forgot that there was also a pterosaur.

There are powerful dinosaurs on the ground, and terrifying pterosaurs in the sky. Lin Xiao has a new understanding of this world, and crises are everywhere!


This episode made Lin Xiao's mood even heavier. After returning to his hiding place, he immediately started to practice. This ancient secret realm is full of dangers, and the powerful monks who have escaped from the womb are already considered top-notch masters on the doomsday earth. , but he fell easily here, not to mention that he is now a long way from the Embryo Realm!

As soon as the earth spirit power of the earth spirit fruit was added and merged with the five elements of water and wood, Lin Xiao immediately felt the speed of the real qi in his body suddenly increase, the pores all over his body opened wide, and the overwhelming spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed in.

The five-element spirit fruit itself contains huge spiritual power, and the true energy in Lin Xiao's body continues to increase sharply in a short period of time, Lin Xiao can feel the growth of strength every moment, this kind of pleasure is enjoyable.

Originally, it took a month to advance to the first level of refinement, but it took only three days for Lin Xiao to step into the seventh level of refining Aiki. The spiritual power of the three major five-element spiritual fruits is fused, and the effect is super terrifying!

It's a pity that there are too few earth spirit fruits. In order to upgrade to one level, Lin Xiao only has two left, and the water and wood spirit fruits are not so easy to pick now.

It seems that if you want to quickly improve your cultivation in the future, you have to find another way!


During this period of time, Lin Xiao has been insisting on repairing the flying sword with his own essence and blood. A high-level magic weapon is very precious. If it is completely repaired, it will also be a powerful guarantee at critical times.

In the future, when Lin Xiao enters the Embodied Realm, with this flying sword, he can definitely sweep away any monks in the Embryo-Reborn Realm.

As for the black seal, Lin Xiao temporarily put it aside and tried his best to repair the flying sword. The effect of the flying sword will be greater in the near future.

Next, Lin Xiao simply used up the remaining two earth spirit fruits. Although the amount of true energy in his body had also increased considerably, there was still a distance from the next level.

"Those monks a few days ago should not let it go!"

Lin Xiao's mind was spinning all kinds of possibilities to improve his cultivation. Suddenly, his eyes lighted up, and he murmured, the female Stegosaurus was severely injured. Although her vitality is strong, she is now dying and may die at any time. Lin Xiao estimated those The monks should observe in secret, once the female stegosaurus dies, they will most likely take action.

Lin Xiao also lurked in the past two days to check, and found that the life breath of the female dragon was already very weak, but there were several stegosaurus guarding it nearby. If not, he alone could easily get those two dinosaurs Egg.


As night falls, the sky is vast and wild, and the whole world has a breath of vicissitudes. Only a few stars in the sky are shining with dim brilliance, flickering, and there is no moon. This is a night where you can't see your fingers. Winding through the jungle, even a practitioner like Lin Xiao felt a bit of chill.

In the territory of the stegosaurus tribe, only a few stegosauruses were moving, and most of them fell into a deep sleep, and everything was silent. Such a quiet night made Lin Xiao feel uneasy.

"Is something bad going to happen?"

Lin Xiao sat cross-legged in the cave, frowned deeply, and muttered secretly, he believed in his intuition very much, and it was because of this keen intuition that he saved himself from danger several times, and now this feeling appeared again!

"Watch it change!"

In the end, Lin Xiao sighed slightly, and slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, the tip of his nose suddenly loosened slightly, and there was a bloody and brutal breath in the air.

The Stegosaurus who had been sleeping outside all woke up one after another, growling uncomfortably. Beasts have an innate sense of danger.


Suddenly, four beams of light pierced the night in the distance and flew towards this side at high speed. The flying sword buzzed, and there was a monk driving the flying sword and flying towards this side.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying roar followed, breaking the tranquility of the night, bloody and brutal evil spirit swept over like a sandstorm, and one could see a black shadow like a mountain crazily on the distant land. Galloping towards Stegosaurus' territory, the super terrifying aura rushed over like a torrent, quickly approaching Stegosaurus's territory, causing chaos here immediately.

Many stegosauruses trembled in front of this super terrifying aura, growling in panic and uneasiness, like prey meeting hunter!

"Haha...Bring this dinosaur over, we will definitely be able to snatch those two dragon eggs in the chaos!"

An old and thick laugh sounded in the air, full of pride.

"They really came, and somehow they used a method to attract a terrible dinosaur!"

Lin Xiao was startled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself, those are the few monks who had escaped from the Embodied Realm a few days ago, and they attracted a terrifying dinosaur from nowhere, trying to stir up chaos and take the opportunity to seize the dinosaur. Two dinosaur eggs.

"Hmph! That's fine, I'll take advantage of the chaos too!"

This is exactly what Lin Xiao wanted, he decided to lurk in the dark and fish for something in the muddy water!

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