059 Crisis

Lin Xiao and Xiaoqian had been hiding in the valley for three days. During the period, they saw nine large-scale battles. One of them was almost discovered. If it wasn't for Lin Xiao's cleverness, he lay down and pretended to be dead. A group of dinosaurs were discovered, and the consequences were disastrous.

With the continuous increase of flesh and blood, the golden door became more and more solidified, but there was still something missing in the method, which could not be fully presented.

There are roaring sounds outside every day. Lin Xiao and Xiaoqian are a bit overwhelmed by the severe noise pollution. If there is a court, they will definitely sue these dinosaurs.

Taking advantage of the time when the dinosaurs were busy fighting, Lin Xiao opened a cave on the opposite side of the stone wall. Although the magic weapon of the black sword was badly damaged, it was still extremely sharp. It didn't take long to complete the project. .

There is no shortage of dinosaur bones in the valley. Lin Xiao used the bones to block the entrance of the cave, leaving some gaps for him to observe the situation on the opposite side. At the same time, he also drew a blood groove to introduce the blood of the dinosaurs into the cave.

Dinosaurs in the ancient world are full of magic weapons. Although there is very little aura contained in the blood, the advantage is that there is a continuous supply of blood here, which is equivalent to a natural blood bank. Such a huge amount, for Lin Xiao Say, enough.

"Xiao Linzi, don't you think lying in blood is disgusting?"

Xiaoqian opened her mouth with dissatisfaction, pinched her nose, and chose to hide in a corner far away from Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was very helpless. He had reminded the other party more than once that his name was Lin Xiao, but when she talked about it, he always had to bring a kid. As time passed, Lin Xiao was lazy to explain. Said, he was silent.

As soon as he entered the blood pool, a fishy smell rushed towards his face, causing Lin Xiao to frown immediately, and forcibly sat cross-legged in the blood pool, performing the exercises on the sky tablet.

From the blood pool, strands of spiritual energy flowed through Lin Xiao's pores and merged into his body in an instant, causing streams of clear springs to flow in his blood that had already dried up.

"It really works!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes. He already knew something about the exercises on the stele. In the pool, a steady stream of blood from the outside world poured in, which just saved him from struggling.

That day in the Human Race's camp, Lin Xiao had already taken a crucial step, but his body was too injured at that time, and he didn't have a foothold in that realm. Now, as long as he has enough spiritual energy, he will have no problem entering the Embryo.

Quickly suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Lin Xiao fully integrated into his luck, and everything outside could no longer affect him in the slightest. Now he urgently hopes that his strength will improve, otherwise, once he encounters the elders of the Wang family Zu, he probably doesn't even have the strength to fight back.

If it is said that Lin Xiao's blood was just small rivers before, now it can be described as the Yangtze River, but there is no river water in the Yangtze River, and the riverbed has suffered a lot of trauma due to excessive development.

"Hey! It seems that you need to heal your injuries first, otherwise even if you enter the realm of rebirth, you will still have sequelae!"

Lin Xiao at this time was obviously aware of this problem, but he didn't regret the crazy absorption of spiritual energy that day. In life, one must have a few crazy things, otherwise he would be in vain.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the shouts of killing from the outside resounded through the sky, and at that time, the Gate of Space and Time slowly condensed into an outline, and it did not dissipate, but appeared in the air, which undoubtedly made these dinosaurs even more crazy , Now there has been a melee of dinosaur groups in the outside world, and their caves have been blocked by corpses.

It's just that this group of crazy dinosaurs didn't know that in a corner they didn't pay attention to, someone was secretly stealing blood. It was rare at first, but as time went by, it was like a river.

Inside the cave, the blood-colored mist was steaming, and there was a faint figure sitting cross-legged in it. With the waving of his hands, the blood that flowed in would be turned into spiritual energy, and it would float in the air, turning it into a holy place for cultivation.

At the beginning, Xiaoqian was very disgusted with Lin Xiao's actions, and felt too disgusting, but now she can't wait to do it next to Lin Xiao. After all, even a monk can't refuse the comfortable feeling of spiritual energy rushing into her body. Now she is also sitting cross-legged in Lin Xiao. Beside Xiao, quickly running his own exercises.


Lin Xiao uttered a soft drink, and opened his eyes instantly, and two bloody lights rushed out of them, like two rubies, emitting a bright demon light, which made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Following his voice, the blood-colored mist poured into his body even more crazily in an instant, making his whole aura reach a critical point again. It was as if a turbulent wave came from within his body. The sound of the shore.

"No! If you absorb too much of this blood energy, it may affect your mind!"

Lin Xiao whispered, he had already discovered the disadvantage of devouring blood, there was always a ball of flame in his heart, beating back and forth, he had to stop.

Although Lin Xiao hadn't stepped into the realm of rebirth, the power from his body was already very surging, much higher than the ninth level of Aiki before him, giving him an unprecedented sense of power.

At this moment, Lin Xiao inadvertently looked back at Xiaoqian, only to see Xiaoqian's clothes tightly attached to her body in the mist, and the outline of her body appeared clearly in front of Lin Xiao, especially the chest. The ### made a cluster of evil fire rush up in Lin Xiao's body.

Lonely man and widow, such a tempting scene, Lin Xiao couldn't help but started to walk towards Xiaoqian. After all, every move of this loli could make a man pleasing to the eye, but Lin Xiao just didn't pay attention to it all the time.


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the outside world, the ground roared, and golden lights were emitted from the blood-filled cracks in the valley. activation.

The golden lines are intertwined with each other, but they don't want to touch each other. It is very mysterious. This is the space teleportation array, and each of these lines requires exceptional precision. A mistake in one line is enough to destabilize the entire space door.

All the dinosaurs stopped their conquests, and their eyes were full of excitement looking at the finally opened teleportation array, and even a few of them couldn't wait to rush towards the location of the teleportation gate.


The golden thread was like a sword, splitting these disobedient dinosaurs into several sections in an instant. This scene immediately stopped the dinosaur army that was about to move, and no dinosaurs dared to take risks anymore.

This scene lasted for two days. Not only did the army of dinosaurs outside the valley not disperse, but they gathered more and more. Even in many hidden areas, the monks of the human race looked excited.


On this day, the roar of the earth reached the extreme, all the cracks collapsed, and a huge gap was born from the earth. The stone wall trembled slightly, and the soil on it receded, revealing golden gates that radiated golden light. In the middle of that crack.

At the same time, similar things happened one after another on the ancient land, a plain in the south, and a snow mountain in the north. A golden portal exuded this ancient and rich aura, quietly floating there.

If a monk can stand on the sky and have a panoramic view of the positions of these three teleportation arrays, he will find an astonishing discovery. These three teleportation arrays are actually on the same straight line, and even the Cracks are also strikingly similar.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was looking at Xiaoqian with an embarrassed expression on his face. If it wasn't for the earthquake that day, he might really have given Xiaoqian to that. If she is truly beastly, she may not necessarily be Xiaoqian's opponent.

"Boy Lin, do we want to go in?"

Xiaoqian asked curiously. Although she had not met Lin Xiao for a long time, she had some feelings. After all, it was hard to find a younger brother who could be trained by her all the time. If she knew, it would be this obedient one. Little brother, it is actually very dangerous, I am afraid I will not think so.

"This portal is very similar to the portal we saw on Mount Song at first, but it's much smaller. Let's take a closer look!"

Lin Xiao pulled Xiaoqian and continued to hide.

Although his current strength has recovered, if he rashly enters an unfamiliar environment, he will be too passive, and Hu'er got lost during teleportation. He really doesn't want to leave here until he finds it.


At this moment, a huge Tyrannosaurus rex passed by from the outside world, a pair of wings hung down like two heavenly knives, and the whole body was covered with scales. This is a set of natural battle armor. feeling.

This tyrannosaurus rex is obviously much stronger than the one I saw last time. It is not flying with the help of its jumping force, but it is really flying. It should have surpassed the scope of the realm of rebirth, and crashed into the gate of time and space. , The huge figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the entire dinosaur army went crazy, but hesitant. After all, this is the supreme tyrannosaur.


A stegosaurus covered in bruises, stepped the valley to the ground with one foot, and bones could still be seen vaguely on the back, but no one dared to treat him as a weak person, because this foot had already explained the problem. The dinosaurs all started backing away, annoyed each other by their sides.

This is the Supreme of the Stegosaurus Clan. When he entered the valley, he immediately sensed where Lin Xiao was, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. impossible.

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