Destiny Immortal Way

063 gas gathering

063 gas gathering

Body training, refinement of aura, and rebirth are the three small steps for cultivating the Tao. This is compared to the illusory fairy way. For ordinary monks, these three steps are as difficult as climbing the sky every time.

Someone once compared that cultivating the Tao is like a small fish in the water, swimming desperately to the sea, but the journey is not only difficult, but also has many unknown dangers, knowing that the fish in the sea will eat fish, but still persist in going.

When Lin Xiao reached the realm of rebirth, his body was like a huge vortex, crazily absorbing the gathering of aura, but for some unknown reason, the gathered aura could never allow him to break through, at this moment he The body is like a bottomless pit.

"A drop in the bucket!"

Lin Xiao withdrew his gaze towards the sky, and smiled helplessly. A huge vortex had begun to appear in the sky today, frantically gathering spiritual energy from all directions, but all these seemed to be still insufficient for his body.

"This is the realm of rebirth, where is the real strength?"

Lin Xiao murmured, recalling the several experts in the Embodied Realm that he had killed, he couldn't help feeling a little rejoicing. If it wasn't for the existence of the magic weapon, he might not have the slightest chance of winning in the face of the Embryo Realm.

But soon, Lin Xiao's eyes revealed a firm gaze, and now he is about to take this step, he no longer needs to hesitate, and he can even feel that even without the help of magic weapons, he can torture and kill the existence of the same level , This is a kind of strength without the help of external objects, which is what he really pursues.


Lin Xiao snorted coldly, and the Heavenly Monument Kungfu in his body instantly started to run faster, and many hidden places that were once hidden are also rapidly disintegrating when he is about to break through, allowing him to absorb them more quickly. Aura.

In the distance, Xiaoqian had barely refined the magic weapon, her hair was dancing, and she was holding the magic weapon exuding black light. From her body, she exuded an illusion of heroism. At this moment, she didn't even choose to turn her head back, but He stood firmly in front of Lin Xiao.

She also knew clearly that she was very unreliable, but now when this sword was handed to her, she couldn't continue to be free and easy, because she understood the weight of holding this sword.

"Boy Lin, since you put your life in my sister's hands, today my sister will go crazy for you!"

Xiaoqian spoke with a determined face, and the hand holding the magic weapon tightened a little more, but her words, I don't know, it seems that Lin Xiao looks much older than her.


The spirit wind whistled, and was quickly gathered by Lin Xiao to his side. The area around the body, even because of the concentration of spirit energy, had already been atomized. Walking into it, there would be a phenomenon that the spirit energy was about to liquefy. Among them, Lin Xiao's The body shape is well hidden in this aura.

"Is it still enough?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth, the realm of rebirth is a watershed for monks, a complete rebirth, and in this, the more spiritual energy absorbed, the greater the benefits for him after he advanced, this is unusual for him clear.

At this time, with a light wave of his right hand, a gray storage bag flew out from his waist. This was obtained from the human camp, and the spirit stones he snatched from Liu San were all low-level spirit stones, but But there are thousands of them, and all of these were exchanged by Liu San with female cultivators, but now they are all cheaper than Lin Xiao. Even if those female cultivators who were sold know, they will thank Lin Xiao for Liu San's death. .

Lin Xiao had never seen or even owned these spirit stones before, but at this moment, he did not have the slightest doubt, they were all crushed, between wealth and strength, he believed in strength even more, and even if he broke through It is not too difficult to obtain these spirit stones after reaching the Embodied Realm.

With the shattering of the spirit stone, a surge of spiritual energy far purer than the outside world poured into his body instantly, causing his spiritual energy, which had already been dried up due to the breakthrough, to reach [-]% in an instant.

If at this moment, a monk knew about Lin Xiao's situation, he would be surprised to say nothing, because although a monk's cultivation of Taoism is a battle between heaven and earth, once he reaches the realm, everything will come naturally.

Even if there is some difference, it won't be too much, and Lin Xiao's situation is extremely rare. Once he successfully achieves rebirth, only the aura will be more than ten times stronger than that of the same level, so his own combat power will naturally become stronger. .


Lin Xiao waved his hand and crushed the spirit stone in a storage bag again. This time it was obtained from Wang Chong. When he killed him, Lin Xiao took his storage bag as well. Xiu said, each of the storage bags of the direct descendants of these big families is a small treasure.

Compared with Liu San, Wang Chong is richer. He has no low-level spirit stones, but he has hundreds of middle-level spirit stones, and among them there are three high-level spirit stones. In Lin Xiao's heartache, he also All crushed.

The colorful fragments of spirit stones piled up in a small pile beside Lin Xiao. Even a reborn strong person would feel distressed. After all, spirit stones are only for auxiliary cultivation. , will be too much.

This time, the aura was more pure, and even a little domineering. It rushed directly into Lin Xiao's limbs and bones, causing a sound of turbulent waves crashing on the shore in his body, as if in his body. In the middle, there is a big river.

"Fifty percent? Still not enough!"

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched. Although he realized that a large amount of spirit stones might be needed to break through, but now it is too much. It is estimated that even some extremely wealthy monks would find it difficult to give up like this.

This hesitation was only for a moment, and Lin Xiao took out two storage bags again. These were from Wang Chong's third uncle and the elder, and they were also taken by Lin Xiao when he killed them. No one saw it, so Daoist Yilong and the others were still discussing why there were no storage bags on the bodies of the Wang family when they were sorting out the corpses, and whether the Wang family was too poor among the nine major families.

The items in the two storage bags have been sorted by Lin Xiao. In addition to the change of clothes, there are also some elixir and panacea, but Lin Xiao will not choose to swallow these before he has a detailed understanding of the purpose. of.

"It's the last time!"

Lin Xiao secretly made up his mind, this breakthrough, he can say that he spared no expense, if he can't succeed, he has a clear conscience, once again crushed all the spirit stones obtained from the storage.


A mouthful of turbid air was spit out from Lin Xiao's mouth, and a huge amount of spiritual energy poured into his body, which was undoubtedly the first time for him. Suddenly, the spiritual energy got a little out of control, almost directly breaking through his veins.

In Lin Xiao's body, the aura has gradually solidified into a liquid, just like blood, and began to flow in the body, but after Lin Xiao swallowed all the aura, the blood was still a bit weak, unable to truly fill up .

"not enough?"

Lin Xiao has a feeling of wanting to go crazy ###, he has spared no expense to break through, but the devouring of aura is too huge, at this moment he doesn't know that the aura he absorbed is more powerful than other Those who are born out of a strong body must be more than ten times stronger.

At this moment, his eyes turned to his storage bag. There were not many spirit stones there, but there were three drops of blood of unknown origin. In this situation where there was no other way, he decided to fight at all costs.

In the past, he had always longed to reach the realm of rebirth, so that he could avenge Qin Yue, but now that he has finally achieved it, if he was allowed to stay in this position because of his aura, he would naturally not choose.

"If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence. Fight!"

A trace of determination flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes, and he directly waved his hand and took out a drop of green snow from the storage bag.

If it is a spirit stone, Lin Xiao will definitely not hesitate, but the origin of this blood is unpredictable, and their owner is extremely powerful, and the consequences after devouring it cannot be calculated at all, so his current behavior is undoubtedly due to Gambling, he is betting his life on a future, which seems silly, but life is like this, if you don't work hard, you will get nothing.

"Xiaoqian! If I die, you have to help me find a girl, her name is Hu'er, she is my younger sister, take care of her for me...!"

Lin Xiao spoke softly, if he had to say that there was something he couldn't let go of, it might just be Hu'er. The innocence of the other party made him still unable to let go, so he couldn't help but exhorted Xiaoqian, as if he was dying. A previous entrustment.

The moment he said these words, Lin Xiao had already swallowed a drop of the green blood into his body. Since he couldn't refine it and see no effect, he used the most primitive method of swallowing.


The spiritual liquid entered the body, and a wave of warmth emanated from the throat, but when it reached the dantian, there was a sudden roar, and the spiritual energy in Lin Xiao's body boiled instantly.

"Eighty percent!"

"Nine percent!"

This speed of improvement is too fast, beyond Lin Xiao's control, and this speed has no intention of stopping at all, and is still growing rapidly.

"Ten percent!"

In just one breath, Lin Xiao's meridians were completely filled with rich aura. This is already the limit of what he can bear, and it is also the limit of the realm of refining Aiki. Even in ancient times, there were probably very few people. Able to swallow so much aura at once.


As soon as his throat was sweetened, Lin Xiao spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face was full of horror, because the speed of spiritual energy growth was still continuing, and his meridians had completely reached an unprecedented expansion, which directly caused Lin Xiao's internal injuries.

The broken meridian this time is different from the previous ones, because this time it is more thorough, just like a bottle of water filled, if you want to forcefully add more things, you must discard some, otherwise you will lose some The bottle burst.

"Boy Lin, are you alright?"

Xiaoqian, who was in the distance, ran over immediately after hearing Lin Xiao's instructions, just in time to hear the sound of Lin Xiao spitting blood, an anxious expression appeared on her face, and she asked hurriedly concerned questions, but no answer came out at all.

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