Destiny Immortal Way

090 stone statue

090 stone statue

In Guanghan Realm, black snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky, and the originally white world fell into darkness in an instant. It was deathly quiet, without any life, as if the whole world had come to an end.

In the center of this world that is about to be destroyed, a golden palace is floating. Although whenever snowflakes fall, the palace will emit a golden light to block everything out, but as time goes by, this golden light becomes more and more dimmer. The Guanghan Palace that many people imagined is now disappearing with time, like a mountain that is about to collapse, causing everyone to fall into an unprecedented panic.

The small world of Guanghan Palace is divided into nine floors. Now the first four floors have been destroyed, and the sound of wailing can be heard everywhere. The broken ground is all stained red with blood. I don’t know how many people died in this mutation. people.

"Look! The fifth floor is about to become unstable!"

In the space on the fifth floor, the desperate voices of the monks came. They didn't want to fight at first, they just wanted to teleport back, but at this moment, they had no intention of completely crushing their thoughts.

A series of cracks appeared in the sky, as if the sky was cracked and was about to fall. The monks had no other thoughts at this moment, and went to a deeper position at all costs, because only in this way could they survive.

The stone statue on the ninth floor now has a pair of arms that have been turned into flesh and blood. Under his body, there is a complicated magic circle. The flesh and blood of all the monks who died in the Guanghan Realm gather here.


The ear-shattering heartbeat sounded like the beating of a divine drum, causing people to fall into endless fear. Every time this sound came, the cracks in the sky would continue to widen, and monks who ran too slowly would undoubtedly You can only die.

"The ninth floor is open!"

At this time, these ancestors had tried their best to break the restriction, but now they suddenly dispersed, and a silver light seemed to fall from the end of the world, directly piercing through. Everything is like a dream.

Which one of these ancestors is not a cruel and merciless generation, now without the slightest hesitation, fearing that they will fall behind, they go straight to the ninth floor, because that is where they want to reach.

Behind these people are the elites of the major families. Originally, they were all hunting for treasures, but now they all gathered together and followed their respective ancestors. There are hundreds of people.

"Little Linzi, let's follow!"

Xiaoqian looked excited, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she is eager to find an opportunity to show off.

Linley and Xu De at the side also looked eager. To allow so many ancestors to enter at all costs, there must be something different from other places on this ninth floor. If Lin Xiao was not there, They probably rushed in directly.

"No! The familiar aura just now gave me a feeling of horror, as if we have entered into a conspiracy!"

Lin Xiao frowned. He didn't know what happened outside, but his perception could predict the existence of a crisis, which made him hesitate.

At this moment, most of the crowd had already entered, and the silver passage became darker and darker, as if it was about to collapse at any time. The previous restrictions, as time went by, continued to ### aisle.

"go in!"

With a flash of Lin Xiao's eyes, he had already made a decision, and he led the three of them directly towards the passage.

The small world on the ninth floor is like a huge square before the end of the world, but the square is so magnificent that it is impossible to see the end at a glance. It is all made of huge unknown stones and extends to a very far place.

"in front of!"

Someone let out an exclamation, and then hundreds of sword lights flickered, rushing straight to the southeast corner of the square. At this moment, one could vaguely see the outline of a door, which was too far away to be seen clearly.

This time, all the ancestors went crazy. They are different from ordinary monks. They know far more about Guanghan Realm than ordinary monks. Now this is like an opened treasure. Difficult to calm down.

The four of Lin Xiao were still able to keep calm and did not get too close. After all, even if there is really something good, there are so many ancestors, it is undoubtedly a tiger's mouth.

"I once guessed that between Wu Ziyan and Liu Bo, there must be some calculations, but now they have come to the end of Guanghan Palace, and even Wang Lin's figure has not been seen. Could it be that some accident happened?"

Lin Xiao whispered in his heart, vaguely doubting his original guess.

The teleportation array of Guanghan Palace will be opened every fifteenth day. This has been confirmed by many monks, because there are many ancient books in the front space, and there are also rough descriptions of Guanghan Palace. So this matter is no longer a secret.

There is not much difference between what Wu Ziyan said here and what Wu Ziyan said back then. It is the ancestral land of the Wu family. Because of this, Lin Xiao would not believe that if he could come here, the other party must be among the crowd. What is the specific party? The plan, but not what he can know.

At this moment, hundreds of monks, led by more than a dozen ancestors, went straight to the stone gate, but when they were a hundred meters away, they saw the strange sculpture erected in front of the gate .

Endless blood rushes towards the face, emanating from the stone statue, it seems that these hands have slaughtered a large number of lives, otherwise they would not have such evil spirits, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

"A broken statue should have been destroyed long ago!"

An old man reborn from the Nine Heavens looked at the statue with an angry face, and a sword light directly cut into the statue. For some reason, he was full of disgust for this statue, which is almost all monks. The idea was born.

At this moment, a strange scene happened. The stone statue suddenly raised its right hand, which was already flesh and blood, and slowly slapped it in front of it.

This palm is very simple, without any modification, but when all monks see it, they will be shocked, especially some ancestors with sensitive senses are even more frightened at this moment. This palm is not only aimed at the old man, Rather, it includes everyone.

This palm contains an inexplicable energy, it seems that everything in the world is already within this palm, and that tyrannical breath seems to be in charge of the life and death of all things.

"No, he wants to catch us all!"

The ancestor of the Long family exclaimed, reaching his state, there are very few things that can shock him, but now he doesn't care about his image, he directly wraps up his family members, retreats to the corner, his eyes are flickering , I don't know what I'm thinking.

The rest of the patriarchs also reacted in the same way. They wanted to flee with their subordinates immediately, but their reaction was still slow. The palm fell suddenly, and the entire Guanghan Palace trembled. The endless square was directly torn apart. Hundreds of monks , Under the opponent's palm, more than half of them were killed or injured.


An ancestor whose body was shrouded in mist, because he rushed too fast, was the first to bear the brunt at this moment. His body was directly pulled out of the mist, revealing his extremely old body, vomiting blood in the sky.

The old man looked about 70 or [-] years old, his back was arched, and he was getting older at the moment, but his eyes were full of light, and his whole body exuded an astonishing aura. Obviously, he was not an existence that was about to decay.

"Liu Daoyou, are you okay?"

Immediately, the ancestor of Tianganjing rushed over, and said with a look of surprise, if they hadn't hidden quickly just now, they might be the ones who were injured now, which made them frightened.

The ancestor of the Liu family was not the weakest of the group, but he was injured by the opponent's palm, and only the last group of people who were born out of the strong died, which made many people feel lingering fear.

Their eyes have never been able to leave the statue, and the sound of heartbeats from inside made them tremble. If it weren't for the things in Guanghan Palace, which were full of temptations for them, I'm afraid they would have chosen to leave immediately This dangerous place.

"He's still alive?"

The ancestor of the Wang family also had hesitation in his eyes at this moment. At that moment just now, his blood had already coagulated. If he hadn't reached the realm of heavenly sense, they might not be able to avoid the existence of this group of immortals.

"Impossible, after 5000 years, he can't still exist!"

The patriarch of the Liu family said with a gloomy expression that he had just suffered a blow from the stone statue. Although he was injured, it did not affect his combat effectiveness. Murderous aura bloomed in his eyes, and he was about to rush forward again to avenge that blow.

They are about to get what they want, but now they are blocked by a stone statue. They are all unwilling, but no one is willing to try with the ancestors of the Liu family. After all, if any accident happens to them, it may affect themselves family.

"Liu Daoyou, don't worry, this stone statue is weird, before you see the truth, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

An ancestor who is also in the realm of Tiangan, comforted in a low voice at this moment, and told all the thoughts of the realm of Tiangan, but his eyes kept scanning the crowd below, as if looking for something.

With the slap of the palm, the stone statue fell into a calm state again. It seemed that it had never moved, but it stood there like a big mountain, which made people dare not look down upon it.

In the hidden corner behind the stone statue, Wu Ziyan showed a look of pity on her face. She glanced at Wang Lin and said, "It's a pity that the strength of this stone statue can only be recovered by one tenth. Otherwise, these people will definitely be wiped out!"

"There is still half a day left, and the teleportation array will open. It is enough to block it, let's go!"

Wang Lin spoke in a calm voice, took Wu Ziyan in his arms, and went straight to the gate behind the stone statue.


At this moment, the entrance to the eighth floor space was directly blasted away from the outside world, and a sea of ​​thunder poured in directly, and a hazy figure could be vaguely seen inside, his eyes emitting thunder, as if to sweep away everything In the corner, it was Long Shaoqing who was chasing after him angrily.

Now he is in a miraculous state, his strength has been sublimated to the extreme, like a god of thunder overlooking all living beings, with every gesture, endless thunder and lightning gushes out, as if to destroy the world.

"Aren't you here? I can feel his aura. He has been here before. Today, no matter what, I will tear him to pieces!"

Long Shaoqing spoke in a cold voice, looked at the passage leading to the ninth floor, and rushed up with just a flash of his body.

(I just finished eating and sent a new update! Keep asking for a collection of warm quilts! Quack, you understand!)

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