In the endless sea of ​​fog, Liu Biao and Qian Duo ran fast. At this time, they didn't care about expending their skills. They used flying swords to fly the whole time. They must rush to the location of the holy artifact at all costs. the meaning of.

What happened yesterday was completely beyond Liu Biao's expectations. He never thought that so many Shura bees would be attracted there, causing the team to collapse, thus missing the opportunity to kill everyone.

He didn't even think that Lin Xiao, who was under his control, would actually take away his heart-controlling bell, causing him to suffer internal injuries. Although he carried out a massacre at a critical moment, he only killed three people. The rest of the people dissipated with the help of the sea of ​​fog.

All these changes made him look like a bereaved dog, his hair was messy like wild grass, his eyes became suspicious, and he would sweep behind him from time to time, as if he was worried that someone was chasing him.

"Time is running out, there are still five days at most, and another team of monks will arrive. Once the teleportation array is completed, all our efforts will be in vain!"

Qian Duo spoke anxiously, staring at the endless sea of ​​fog, in a daze for a while.

"No way, we just killed three people. According to the records in the ancient book, if we want to enter that secret place, we need the blood of six people and a living sacrifice of one person at the same time. Everything should be logical, but what a pity! "

At this time, Liu Biao didn't know that, in fact, everyone in the Loose Cultivation Alliance was in the realm of self-cultivation. Where would there be any real trust? Now there is already a team of people who have entered the teleportation formation to repair it. Alright, the arrival of the strong players from the Loose Cultivation Alliance is only a day away.

A thousand meters behind the two of them, Lin Xiao and the others were being carried on a big black sword. At the point of the sword, Xu De was sweating coldly on his forehead, but he didn't dare to slack off, and followed closely behind the two.

Lin Xiao sat cross-legged in the center, the heart-controlling bell in his hand emitted a soft purple light, and a bell inside was constantly swinging, as if a big hand was swinging invisible, if the fog cleared , it can be clearly found that the location pointed by the bell is actually the location where Liu Biao fled.


From behind Lin Xiao, in the Linglong pagoda, there was a sound of water flowing, and at the same time, Xiaoqian's singing with incomplete tone came from the pagoda from time to time, which can be said to be a kind of inhuman torture to Lin Xiao and the others.

Ever since she took a bath in Lin Xiao's pagoda, Xiaoqian has been obsessed with this kind of life. Now she simply takes a bath in it, and she doesn't want to come out at all. If the person who made the exquisite pagoda knew it, this piece The magic weapon will become a bathroom that I carry with me, I don't know if I will vomit blood from being angry.

"Xiao Linzi, do you want to come in and take a shower too? I can even smell the stench on your body?"

Xiaoqian's charming voice came from inside the pagoda, but it almost made Lin Xiao have the urge to vomit blood.

You must know that Lin Xiao is just at the age of youth, and the exercises he practiced are extremely domineering. As a young girl, taking a bath next to him has already tested his concentration. Undoubtedly, it was the seductive voice, which directly caused confusion in his exercises.


Lin Xiao didn't dare to answer the words, he recited a Buddha's words silently in his heart, and at the same time, the Maha Sutra resounded in his body, making his whole heart return to peace again. I don't know if it was because of the ancient times that the old monk's brand was removed, Lin Xiao Xiao's comprehension of the Maha Sutra became more and more thorough.

"Come on? Don't be ashamed! My sister won't eat you!"

Inside the pagoda, Xiaoqian was not willing to give up like this, her voice was even more nakedly seductive, as if she was sure that Lin Xiao would not dare to dare to flirt boldly.

Xu De, who was at the tip of the sword, snickered in his heart. After all, he never thought that Lin Xiao, who was like a devil in his eyes, would be ashamed to be molested by a girl, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

In fact, after returning from the sea of ​​reincarnation, everyone was a little depressed. After all, they were two powerful supreme beings. Although they didn't come out in the end, they were scary enough. Just one of them was enough to kill them thousands of times.

At this time, Lin Xiao even thought of the scene in the space-time tunnel back then. The divine bird must have been Qingluan.

Facing so many masters all of a sudden, Lin Xiao's heart became more eager for strength. Facing such a supreme figure, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he was a little frustrated.

At noon the next day, Liu Biao and his two finally stopped. This is a valley, with dark rocks standing like big knives towards the sky, and soon the wind will blow through the valley, like a crow whine.

"This is here. If you want to seize the sacred artifact, you must let the sacred artifact recognize its owner. This matter was originally extremely difficult, but when the sages left, they left behind and stored the map of the first battle here. The weapon is temporarily in your hands!"

As soon as he fell into the valley, Liu Biao opened his mouth excitedly, took out the storage bag, and said with a sneer, "Brother Qian, blood is needed to open this place, but the blood of these three people is barely enough, you are responsible Bloodletting, I will guard outside the valley!"

Qian Duo was taken aback for a moment, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. He was wary of Liu Biao at first, but he didn't expect that the other party would give him the opportunity to enter the secret path so easily. He sneered in his heart: "Liu Biao, Do you really think that I will trust you by acting so hypocritically? When I win the battle map, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

The three corpses were all from their team, but Qian Duo didn't feel the slightest feeling. He took out the flying general, picked up all three corpses, and let their blood flow out, making the entire valley, There was a bloody smell.

The valley is low-lying. Under the water of blood at this moment, marks of different shades suddenly appeared. As time passed, the marks became more and more clear, emitting a hazy light, which was impressively a magic circle.

"Haha! The magic circle is about to open, and I'm about to get the holy artifact, haha!"

Qian Duo let out a triumphant sneer, and went straight to the core of the formation.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and nine sword lights suddenly shot out from under the valley floor, and one of them just happened to penetrate the money thoroughly. I can't rest in peace, and I don't understand why this is the result.

"Hmph! Are you the one who deserves to share the holy artifacts equally with Lao Tzu? The teleportation formation here originally required nine people to operate at the same time, but I didn't expect that there would be an accident in the middle of the route. Fortunately, I made preparations in advance and arrived on time , you can only become the one who sacrificed blood!"

Standing outside the formation, Liu Biao snorted coldly, but did not enter the formation in a hurry. Obviously, he already knew the formation very well, but chose to wait and see.

The nine flying swords are arranged according to a strange moment, revealing a peerless killing intent, blowing away the mist in the valley in an instant, revealing the entire scene in the valley. Blood, and become more and more strange.


As the nine killing swords ascended, a three-foot-wide altar slowly rose from the ground in the center of the sword formation. Therefore, not only blood sacrifice is required, but also the blood of the human race is required to enter.


The killing swords roared, each one was a high-level magic weapon, even the ancestor of Tiangan would be moved when he saw it, but now they emitted bloody lights, completely covering the altar.

Every killing sword is like a blow from an existence in the realm of heavenly sense. Now that nine are combined, it is extremely difficult for monks in the realm of heavenly sense to enter. I am afraid this is why the casual cultivator alliance will choose The reason for sending three Tiangan Patriarchs.

Outside the valley, Liu Biao's face was always very calm regarding all these things. Presumably, the inheritance he got should be very complete, otherwise he would definitely not be able to truly calculate everything in detail. I am afraid that the secret place he entered should be One of the original sages.

"Hehe! Originally, Lin Xiao and the others were supposed to be in charge of the blood sacrifice, but now that they have escaped, they can't use this matter, but it's a pity for these blood crystals!"

Liu Biao sneered, waved his hand out of the storage bag, and took out five bloody crystals, with a hint of heartache on his face, and walked quickly towards the sword array.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​fog, there was a huge abandoned city. When Liu Biao opened the magic circle, a dazzling golden light suddenly radiated from the center of the city.

As soon as the golden light appeared, it instantly smashed the mist over the sea of ​​fog, and even the entire ruined city completely revealed its true colors. It was actually much larger than the mortal cities, but it was full of dead silence everywhere. .

"Teleportation array, open!"

From the golden room, there was a woman's cold shout suddenly. It was a young girl with delicate features and firm eyes. She stretched out her hand and pressed a huge spar to the center of the room. in the golden light.

I saw that the golden light became stronger and stronger, as if it really wanted to penetrate the world. They were a group of nine people, all of whom were women, but their speed was almost the same as that of Liu Biao and others. finished.


All this was just for an instant, a loud noise resounded from the sky and the earth, followed by a tyrannical divine sense, which swept across the room in an instant, and the serving girl in blue, all at this moment, had the illusion of being forcibly seen through.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!"

The nine girls were blushing, but they didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. They all knelt outside the teleportation formation.

"That's right, as expected, I have lived up to my expectations. Finally, this teleportation array has been built. You can go back to receive the reward!"

At this moment, in the teleportation formation, a figure of Julou appeared, it was the ancestor Mei, she walked out of the formation slowly with a dragon head stick in her hand.

The cultivation has reached this level, but the ancestors are all extremely cautious people. After the ancestors walked out, the teleportation array flashed twice, and the ancestor Fuyun and the Daoist Guangyin appeared.

As soon as the existence of these three ancestors appeared, their faces changed wildly, their eyes directly penetrated the layers of clouds and mist, and they felt the breath from the ancient altar.

"Not good! Someone opened the altar, no matter who it is, you must snatch the holy artifact!"

Old Ancestor Mei snorted coldly, his body turned into a shooting star, and went straight to the depths of the altar.

In this sea of ​​fog, only the monks below the realm of Heavenly Sense are targeted, and the suppression of the realm of Heavenly Sense can be said to be negligible, so the other two ancestors were also stunned for a moment, not in the mood to appreciate beauties at all. Ben flew to the location of the altar.

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