Destiny Immortal Way

123 Long Xiuyang

In the pitch-black sky, no trace of stars can be seen. This is a corner of the palace. Standing below, Lin Xiao looks up, just like standing under a crater and looking at the sky.

There are no signs of life around, only the loud noise of lava flowing in the distance, and the overwhelming flames. Under such silence, looking at the starry sky will make people feel a cool illusion.

Today's Lin Xiao has observed the surrounding scene, there is no way to go left and right, he can only go forward, and this crater is the only peculiar place, which made him choose to stay, but in the end he still chose to give up, because the crater outside The sky in the sky is too strange, it doesn't belong to the world he is familiar with, it is more like an illusion.

The road is ahead, we can only move forward!

Leaving the two patriarchs behind, Lin Xiao did not let down his vigilance, his body was always in a state of fighting, ready to send out a quick blow at any time, so he just stopped for a while, and drove the Lightning Leopard, whose stomach was already very round , quickly walked forward.

As the Lightning Leopard kept running, Lin Xiao heard sharp wind noises from time to time, but he was unmoved, his eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

The fiery red channel is all solidified by magma. Even if it has become a solid now, the heat inside it is still like a heat wave, rushing towards the face, which is unbearable, and it is because of this heat that makes this Although the magma solidified, cracks still appeared, and magma would rush out of it from time to time.

"Is this the Blood Palace, or another space?"

When Lin Xiao encountered the crater for the second time, his face suddenly showed surprise. He had experienced the environment of Guanghan Palace and knew that there must be a small world in such a large palace, but now this small world is inevitable. Somewhat too big.

Although he didn't deliberately calculate, but at the speed of the Lightning Leopard, they rushed over a distance of more than a hundred miles. At this speed, even though the cave was abnormally tortuous, this small world had already come to an end.

When the third crater appeared, Lin Xiao's face instantly turned ugly. He stopped the tired and panting Lightning Leopard, because he realized that these craters might be the only passage here. Otherwise, there is a psychedelic formation here, and they have been going around in circles.

The shard was sleeping on Lin Xiao's chest, it would only play a role when it came into contact with the restriction, now Lin Xiao has no doubts about this, if the shard is useless, then entering the Blood Palace will be full of joy for him. crisis.

This blood palace is a mysterious existence, Lin Xiao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, thinking that the original passage location should be able to block the two ancestors for a period of time, so he has more time to choose and think.

"Liu Biao once said that he was sent by the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and now the Loose Cultivation Alliance has indeed sent three ancestors of the Heavenly Sense Realm, which shows that the information they have should be relatively accurate, but there are so many Time to prepare, their astonishment when facing the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood is definitely not fake!"

As Lin Xiao continued to recall the whole incident systematically, he vaguely discovered some doubts. It seemed that the changes in the Blood Palace were beyond the control of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. This matter made him always suspicious. There may be something hidden.

Ancestor Tiangan, this is the strongest combat power of each force. If there is no complete assurance, the Loose Cultivation Alliance will definitely not send people, and the sacred artifact is related to the rise and fall of the human race. He does not believe that the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance will Make such a reckless behavior.

The three Heavenly Ancestors are heaven-like existences to the reborn strong, but they are too insignificant compared to the holy artifacts, and these three ancestors are intriguing with each other. He does not believe that these people will really have Get the strength of the holy artifact.

"Could it be?"

Lin Xiao thought of a possibility in an instant, took a deep breath, and didn't dare to think about it anymore, because even he had doubts at this moment, and couldn't believe his own guess.

Judging from the current situation, even if Lin Xiao does not show up, the three ancestors will inevitably collapse, and there will be bloodshed in the end, so Lin Xiao has to suspect that some people have ulterior motives and want to kill the three elders. ancestral.

This possibility is too low, no doubt the people of the Loose Cultivation Alliance will not agree to this matter, but if this matter is not explained in this way, it does not make sense at all.

"It seems that the Loose Cultivation Alliance is not in harmony!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, but he didn't hesitate any longer. There was too much fog here, and he knew that the sooner he left, the safer he would be.


Lin Xiao forcibly took a breath, but there was a burning pain from the position of the trachea. The temperature here, if it is an ordinary person, it will be cooked directly, but even a monk, if you want to wait It's too long, and it's not realistic.

At this time, in the main city of Shencheng, the ancestors of the major families gathered together, that is, the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and Mo Wuyan, who has rarely appeared all the time, was also among them, and his eyes glanced at the people present. everyone.

This is the most luxurious lineup that has appeared since the opening of Songshan Teleportation Formation. The ancestors of the major families appeared at the same time, and their hidden masters also appeared one after another, showing a posture of guarding against each other.

Sitting in the leader's seat was a bald man with a dazzling golden dragon on his face, looking ferocious and trying to rush away.

At the same time, his eyes were one black and one red, which was extremely strange. He was wearing a black dragon robe, and his body was like a whirlpool, which made people dare not peep.

This person is Long Xiuyang, the Daxiu of the Long family who suddenly disappeared when the dinosaurs attacked the city of God. Now his cultivation has overwhelmed many existences who are also in the realm of heavenly sense, and he is a little uncomfortable, let alone questioning up.

Long Xiuyang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked proudly across all the people present, and slowly said: "Although the city of God is in crisis, it will not be conquered. It's on!"

"Hmph! Long Xiuyang, do you really think that all of us here are stupid? You have opened up the beneficial inheritance of cultivation, but we have to pay for it with our lives. If you really belong to the Long family, you must be superior. ?”

Mo Wuyan snorted coldly, not showing any face to the other party.

None of the people present dared to speak out against the Long family, but there was only one person, Mo Wuyan, who dared to challenge the Long family, because the hatred between the two parties had reached an irresolvable level.

In fact, the ancestors present also knew that Long Xiuyang's image had changed drastically, and his strength had also improved by leaps and bounds. He must have obtained a rare fortune, but they dared not say it. Now that Mo Wuyan mentions it, all of them have hot eyes Look at Long Xiuyang.

"Mo Wuyan, do you really think that there is no one in our Long family? You wantonly provoke the relationship between us and the major families. The inheritance obtained by Long is left by our Long family. Naturally, you don't need to verify anything. !"

Naturally, Long Xiuyang didn't care about Mo Wuyan, and if there was any disagreement, he would fight.

"Hehe! Don't argue about these two fellow daoists. As the head of the nine major families, the Long family is naturally the number one in strength. Only in this way can it be stable. Let's talk about the sacred artifact first. , otherwise, once the strong man of the dinosaur clan frees up his hand, our city of God will be lost!"

Sitting not far from Long Xiuyang, the patriarch of the Wang family smiled with a peaceable attitude.

"Hmph! Sending three fellow Taoists from our Loose Cultivation Alliance to die while the old man is away, you nine big families are a little too vicious! If that's the case, you don't need to take this sacred artifact, the old man will go by himself! "

Mo Wuyan snorted coldly, turned around and was about to walk out of the main hall. Behind him, the other three ancestors of the Loose Cultivation Alliance also turned and left at the same time.

This group of people took action when Shencheng needed them most and defended Shencheng, but as soon as the situation stabilized, they began to intrigue. Mo Wuyan can become the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. It chilled him to jointly exclude them.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Mo, the matter of the holy artifact is very important. There is still a way to awaken the ancient sages. This matter is not something that your casual cultivator alliance can undertake!"

Just when Mo Wuyan and the others were about to step out of the main hall, Long Xiuyang, who was originally quiet, sneered and spoke with playful looks in his eyes.

If Lin Xiao were here, he would definitely turn pale with shock, because all this shows that his guess is true, the Loose Cultivator Alliance will naturally not let his own people die, but the other nine families, bullying the Loose Cultivator Alliance Insufficient, deliberately weakening them.

Hearing Long Xiuyang's words, the three people behind Mo Wuyan hesitated slightly, and their steps were a little bit hesitant, but Mo Wuyan turned around and left as if he hadn't heard it, and went straight to the teleportation formation. go.

Seeing Mo Wuyan leave, Long Xiuyang's face suddenly became gloomy. He used words to stimulate him in order to overwhelm the other party with great momentum. After all, the existence of the Loose Cultivation Alliance and so many ancestors of Tiangan have already threatened Long Xiuyang. The status of the family, this is the reason why he did the trick, and now he is even more shameless, forcing Mo Wuyan to compromise without any scruples.

For a faction, whether it is truly powerful or not depends on their leader. If Mo Wuyan stayed today, it would mean that a faction bowed its head, but if he left, it means that the whole thing has gone in an unknown direction develop.

"Fellow Daoist Long, you have gone too far. The Loose Cultivator Alliance has contributed too much to guarding the city of God. You are chilling them. If the Loose Cultivator Alliance withdraws from the city of God, it will be a loss for us! "

The ancestor of the Nangong family opened his mouth with a dissatisfied face. At the same time, his figure flashed, and several nearby ancestors also left at the same time. Obviously, they wanted to follow Mo Wuyan to rescue the three sent out Patriarch.

As people left one after another, the entire hall fell into silence. Long Xiuyang's eyes were so gloomy and scary that people couldn't see through them. They all chose to be quiet, not daring to offend the Long family at this time.

Although Songshan's teleportation formation was opened, all major families chose to come here to develop their power, but their foundation is still on the earth, and no one will choose to offend the Long family unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Sanxiu Alliance is rootless duckweed. They don't care about the threat of the Long family. The Nangong family has all moved here, completely abandoning the foundation of the earth. Therefore, facing the Long family, they can still maintain their toughness. It can't be that decisive.

"Hmph! Let's collect their corpses and welcome the sages back!"

After being silent for a long time, Long Xiuyang suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a roar from outside his body, and he rushed directly to the outside of the hall.

(A new arrival! The collection in the past two days is not bad, and the book has 40 words, and it is expected to be on the shelves on February 2! Please support Tianmu! Thank you!)

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