Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 128 Chasing Game

"Little Lin Xiao, the old man didn't kill you back then, but now you feel that the old man is weak, so can't he kill you?"

Fu Yunzi snorted coldly, sensing the movement behind him, his teeth itched with hatred, but he didn't have the slightest intention to turn around and strike.

As a man with a strong sense of nature, it is extremely humiliating to be chased by a junior in the bodiless state, but Fu Yunzi also knows that if he can't find Kuafu's heart quickly, use the other party's The blood draws out the holy artifact on his body, no matter how much blood he has today, it is not enough to purify the holy artifact.

Now he has figured everything out and realized that this is a scam. The primordial spirit back then was a lie, and even the sacred artifact was a lie. The purpose of everything was to attract people to come here and purify it with blood Hallows, this is a huge hoax.

Behind Fu Yunzi, Lin Xiao was silent all the time, and just followed behind Fu Yunzi. After all, Fu Yunzi, who was seriously injured, could no longer display the speed of the realm of heavenly sense, but Lin Xiao relied on his physical body to move around. Moving forward, the comparison between the two balances the speed of the two.

"Little Lin Xiao, you have to think clearly. Even if the old man is injured today, it is easy to kill you. With the holy weapon in the old man's hand, killing you is only a matter of time. Now the old man has no time to entangle with you. If If you don't retreat, the old man will show no mercy!"

Fu Yunzi opened his mouth fiercely, how could he not know that Lin Xiao was besieging him as a prey, his teeth would be ringing, but he had no choice but to intimidate Lin Xiao over and over again.

"Senior Fuyun, this junior doesn't intend to be your enemy, but just wants to see the beauty of the holy artifact, why don't you stop and let this junior take a look, this junior will definitely turn around and leave!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth with a smile on his face, and had vaguely seen Fu Yunzi's trace.


Being ridiculed by Lin Xiao, Fu Yun's teeth itch with anger. If he hadn't been suppressed by the holy weapon, he would definitely turn around and kill Lin Xiao. Now he regrets it a bit. He shouldn't have gotten carried away and used the holy weapon just now.

The two were like this, fleeing and chasing, half a day had passed in the blink of an eye, Fu Yunzi in front was getting slower and slower, after all, the sacred weapon had already taken root in his chest, and the amount of blood absorbed had already made him He couldn't take care of himself, so he didn't have the energy to escape.

His face was originally small, but now his eye sockets are sunken, leaving only a layer of dry and cracked skin tightly attached to his head. At first glance, he looks like a mummy. Even as he runs, he can take out The number of pills in the house has become less and less, showing signs of being unsustainable.


In contrast to Fu Yunzi, Lin Xiao was alive and well. In the tunnel, there was a sharp sound of wind, and under the constant reverberation of the tunnel, a thunderous echo was formed, approaching quickly.

Just 10 minutes ago, Lin Xiao had vaguely seen Fu Yunzi's figure, but he didn't make a rash move. He could already judge Fu Yunzi's weakness, but he didn't know if it was the opponent's disguise, he could attack There is only one chance, once Fu Yunzi counterattacks, everything will be in vain.


Another hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Fu Yunzi hadn't taken out the elixir in his hand for a long time, and even started to vomit blood continuously along the way, with a grim expression on his face, the distance between him and Lin Xiao was only less than a hundred feet away.

"You can't be impulsive. As the ancestor of Tiangan, Fu Yunzi must have enough means. I can use them up, but he can't, he can't be impulsive!"

Lin Xiao sneered in his heart, always kept a distance of hundreds of feet, and didn't want to get too close, he didn't want to be stalked by a dying man.

In the blink of an eye, he had already flown ten thousand feet, Fu Yunzi's body was shaky, and he couldn't even fly coherently. Every time he needed a short stop, he looked like he was on the verge of falling, but he was struggling to support himself.

He also didn't take out any elixir for this tens of thousands of feet away, and his body was all shriveled, like a skeleton running, except for the area on his chest, which was bright red, and there were red silk threads in his running. , constantly like, unusually ferocious.

"Little Lin Xiao, do you really think that this old man will hand over the sacred artifact to you?"

Although Fu Yunzi was still flying at this time, his speed was even slower and his voice was even hoarse. Every time he moved, he would vomit blood.

"Senior, junior said, I won't grab the holy artifact, I just want to see you off for the last time!"

Lin Xiao said calmly, he actually said the truth, what he wanted was not the holy artifact, but he didn't want Fu Yunzi to get the holy artifact.

In Kuafu's body, the blood vessels have dried up, and the passages in it are covered with ravines and ravines like spider webs. Even the two people who are running can't determine the route they remember, because Lin Xiao doesn't want to be too far away. Far, also do not want the distance too close.

"Damn boy Lin, this old man has given up his physical body and endured heart-piercing pain, but he still can't lure you into the bait. In this case, this old man will act more realistically!"

Fu Yunzi snorted coldly in his heart, his eyes flashed undetectably, and his body turned into a shooting star again, rushing forward quickly.

The moment he rushed into a fork in the road, his withered hands suddenly thrust forward, and suddenly there was a crackling sound from inside his body, like the sound of bones colliding. At the same time, he On the dry and cracked arm, a blue vein appeared.

Fu Yunzi let out a low growl from his Adam's apple, and a blush suddenly appeared on his face. From the front of his hands, a crack seemed to be forcibly torn open in the void, and his body, with the help of his own speed, directly penetrated through it. past.

On the spirit-seeking plate in Lin Xiao's hand in the distance, Fu Yunzi's figure disappeared strangely, and when he reappeared, he was already thousands of feet away, and after going back and forth like this, it had been going on nine times in a row, even if it wasn't for Lin Xiao If you follow up quickly, you will almost disappear from the spirit-seeking disk.


Lin Xiao laughed lightly, and his body rushed out quickly, like a long rainbow, making it impossible to see the figure clearly even if he walked towards him. Although he couldn't be as fast as Fu Yunzi, it was better in this persistence, and Lin Xiao had Be sure, such a teleportation, Fu Yunzi must not be able to last.

"Hey! Lin boy, although you are cautious, the old man eats more salt than you eat rice. You think you are hunting the old man. Why is the old man hunting you? Once you relax your vigilance, you will be the old man's prey!"

In a tunnel nearly [-] feet away from Lin Xiao, Fu Yunzi snorted coldly, took out a large amount of spiritual stones from the storage bag with his hands, crushed them all with his hands, sucked them in a big mouthful, and a flash of inspiration flashed outside his body, He rushed forward again.

In the blink of an eye, the two had been chasing for a day and a night. Every time Lin Xiao caught up, he would keep a distance of hundreds of feet from Fu Yunzi, and would not approach rashly again. She wished she could turn around and chase after Lin Xiao, but he forcibly held back.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Fu Yunzi kept yelling and cursing in his heart, but he was unwilling to change direction. If Lin Xiao didn't have the Lightning Leopard, he would consider chasing and killing him, but now he is not sure that he will kill with one blow. Just like Lin Xiao said, what he lacks is Time, there is no way to waste it elsewhere.

From hundreds of feet away, Lin Xiao followed silently. When he caught up, he released the Lightning Leopard. He rested for a while. When Fu Yunzi teleported on a large scale, he relied on his own body to chase after him. He knew that Fu Yunzi The direction of escape must not be in a panic.

"This Fu Yunzi is easy to calculate. If I give up attacking him, he may take this opportunity to escape to the place he chooses. If I attack, he may attack me. These two options, no matter which one, are not the same. Safe, and I have to choose one!"

"It's just that Fu Yunzi doesn't know. Actually, I don't need a choice at all. What I need is the temptation you give. As long as you can lure me so that I think it is necessary to make a move, I will naturally not keep it!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered, sitting cross-legged on the Lightning Leopard's body, his eyes kept flickering with calculations, the intrigue with Fu Yunzi all day and night made his eyes bloodshot, but he never tired of it.

If this scene is seen by outside monks, their jaws will definitely drop. After all, the existence of the Realm of Rebirth, chasing the ancestor of Tiangan, no matter how you look at it, it is even more unbelievable.


Just when Lin Xiao was only a hundred feet away from Fu Yunzi again, Fu Yunzi waved his hand and quickly pierced through the entire tunnel. Countless fragments quickly and completely blocked the entire passage. Next, teleportation was performed again.


Lin Xiao snorted coldly, and waved his hands to sacrifice the Overturning Seal. Like a mountain, the passage was about to be cleared in an instant, but at this moment, a void suddenly split from Lin Xiao's chest, and a withered arm appeared strangely. Passing through the void, he came straight to Lin Xiao.

"Sure enough, you still can't help but want to do it?"

Lin Xiao sneered, without the slightest hesitation, ignored the glove, but slapped the position behind him with both hands.


Lin Xiao's palm directly hit the void behind him, and there was a sound of metal touching. From the void, it was also a right hand. It seemed that Lin Xiao would not predict his thoughts. Very surprised, one hit missed, and he fled thousands of miles away.


Thousands of feet away, Fu Yunzi vomited blood. He was the one who attacked Lin Xiao just now. Originally, he wanted to use Lin Xiao to clean up the gap in the passage, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiao was always on guard against him, and even if he was almost The void restriction, which can be hidden from everyone, does not pose any threat to this person, which makes him even more depressed.

"***, I actually missed it too, I should go to the place of the heart first!"

Fu Yunzi just murmured slightly, and fled forward even faster, not daring to stop at all.

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