Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 133 Tianlongzi

"Ha ha!"

Fu Yunzi looked up to the sky and let out a loud laugh. As a man with a strong sense of heaven, he displayed his strongest combat power, but he couldn't do anything to a junior. He didn't become angry from embarrassment, because with his supernatural powers, the supernatural powers were constantly trembling and crumbling.

"Time is running out. This third song is Floating Clouds. I can't perform it completely now, and I rarely perform it in my life. Now the first two songs are used as a foreshadowing, and I can use it a little bit!"

Fu Yunzi spoke slowly, and following his words, his body was trembling unceasingly.

A man's words are good when he is about to die. Today's Fu Yunzi, after knowing that he can't kill Lin Xiao, decisively gave up this idea. There is no Kuafu's blood here. Even if he kills Lin Xiao, he will eventually be raped The corpse here, so what he thought of was to pass on his way.

"Wealth is like floating clouds like me!"

With a soft whistling, the blue rain was torn apart, Fu Yunzi bit the tip of his tongue, and spit out nine drops of blood. This undoubtedly aggravated his injuries, and caused the originally long snow-white hair to fall off one after another as he moved. .


There was a roar in the sky, as if someone had plucked the strings of a zither, like a beautiful woman humming vague lyrics softly. This sound was like the sound of heaven, but it made Lin Xiao feel top-heavy.

"Jingle Bell……!"

Fu Yunzi moved the nine drops of blood with his fingers, being extremely careful, every time he touched them, there would be an exquisite music from it, like a mountain stream, or like Huang Zhong Dalu, a lark screaming, different And feet, but every sound seems to be born from the heart.

All of this was in a very short time, Fu Yunzi had already touched all nine drops of blood, and took a difficult step, his body exuded a rotten breath, his vitality, his flesh and blood, were all covered in red. The hydrangea was ingested, and now he is in an extremely weak state. He pressed Lin Xiao with a palm, and laughed loudly: "Don't let my bloodline be cut off!"

At this time, Fu Yunzi's palms have withered, and his body is completely withered, but his eyes are full of madness. He is a strong man with a sense of heaven, so his body is dead, and he still has the existence of Yuanshen. Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for him to get his soul out of his body. The red hydrangea has already firmly controlled him.

With the pressing of Fu Yunzi's palm, the sound of flutes, flutes, and various musical instruments that could be heard immediately sounded in the cave, and the nine drops of blood beside him instantly became dim and dull. They merged into one, turned into a blood-colored ingot, appeared on top of Lin Xiao's head in a single jump, and quickly pressed down.

"It turns out that this is the true meaning of Fuyunqu. This supernatural power is indeed miraculous, but it is still not enough!"

Lin Xiao spoke helplessly, he could feel the will to die in Fu Yunzi, and it was the same with him for a while.

Even so, he couldn't give Fu Yunzi a chance to breathe, because in the world of Taoism, merciful to the enemy is sacrificing one's own life.


At the same time that the ingot fell, Lin Xiao bit the tip of his tongue forcibly to wake himself up. The Linglong Pagoda in his hand rushed out quickly and threw it straight at Fu Yunzi. By now, everything should be over.

At this moment, the ingot made a whistling sound, not allowing Lin Xiao to dodge, and hit directly on the shoulder. For a moment, Lin Xiao's back was covered with blood and flesh, and the white bones were exposed, almost The blow smashed Lin Xiao's body apart.

You must know that Lin Xiao is a blood cultivator and also a cultivator of body training. His physical body may not be much weaker than that of a cultivator with a sense of heaven, but he was injured one after another by Fu Yunzi's supernatural power.

It is conceivable that if Fu Yunzi is not at the end of the road at this time, and with the cooperation of a magic weapon, it will be difficult to find an opponent at the same level. This is why, among the three ancestors, he is the key.

At the same time, Lin Xiao couldn't help being angry and feeling a sense of crisis in his heart. This feeling was extremely accurate every time. A cold light bloomed in his eyes, and he quickly swept towards his feet. Only at this moment did he suddenly realize that Floating Clouds Qu There was no scene of floating clouds, and this last song was incomplete. Of course, he would not think that it was Fu Yunzi's lack of skill, but the other party was too deep because of it.

"not good!"

In an instant, Lin Xiao realized the source of the crisis, exclaimed, and quickly backed away, and at the same time, pieces of magic weapons were listed around his body, not because he didn't trust Fu Yunzi, but because there was only one life.

As Lin Xiao stepped back, his exposed bones were about to move, as if they were about to rush out of his body, to be separated from his flesh and blood, and when the first bone was about to rush out of the body, the successive bones on the body, Also rushing outward.

"What a vicious supernatural power!"

Lin Xiao's expression was cold. At this moment, he already understood that the so-called floating clouds were his own bones. Now their bodies wanted to soar into the sky. If the situation was allowed to develop, the bones would naturally not be able to turn into white clouds, and Lin Xiao would be floating clouds by himself. up.

"You have three chances to save your life, should you use it this time?"

The vicissitudes of life of the Lord of the Blood Palace sounded again, and at the same time, he slowly stretched out a big black hand to point at Fu Yunzi's chest. What came out was Fu Yunzi's frightened and restless soul.

This red hydrangea is just like the ancient hydrangea. There are nine pictures painted on it, but now there are only two pictures, one is a picture of a mandarin duck playing in water, and the other is a picture of a dragon and a phoenix. At this moment, it was grasped by that big hand. live, know where to go.

"Need not!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth with a cold expression. Although the pain of separating his flesh and blood made him feel miserable, he still would not choose to let the other party take action, because only in this way can he truly grow. Three chances seem to be many. Will no longer have the belief of invincibility.


When the red hydrangea was taken out by the Lord of the Blood Palace, there was a loud noise outside the Blood Palace, and the divine chain that bound the ancient sages suddenly broke, as if the way of heaven had been crushed, the six figures, It pressed down to the ground like a mountain.


The mountain range under the Blood Temple roared, and the mountain roads of more than ten miles were all flattened in an instant, and huge cracks appeared on the ground, spreading rapidly towards the distance.

A figure always stands high above the sky. Although he is not majestic, he gives people the illusion of being indomitable. It's just that his long fiery red hair dances in the wind, giving people an illusion full of evil spirits.

"Sage of the human race! You have finally woken up, junior Ouyang Lin welcomes you!"

"Junior Qing Shanzi, pay homage to the sages!"

This catastrophe, like the destruction of the world, caused a group of ancestors to fall into panic. The two wars all fell to their knees. They were waiting here for the awakening of the sages. They had no hope, but now they With unexpected gains, his face was full of surprises.

"Ouyang Lin? Who are you from Ouyang Zheng?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in the boy's eyes, and he glanced at the old man who called himself Ouyang Lin.

This person is the Ouyang family, the only surviving patriarch. He is wearing a navy blue Taoist robe, and his exposed skin is all shriveled. When he saw the boy looking at him, his face was filled with excitement, and he hurriedly replied: "That's the ancestor of the younger generation. I don't know if Sheng Jia and the family ancestor have any friendship?"

There are less than ten monks who can stay now, and they all have envious expressions at the moment. Most of them just want to take the opportunity to enter the Blood Temple, but they never thought that at the last moment, there will be ancient sages revived , full of jealousy towards the Ouyang family, because this sage must have a deep friendship with the Ouyang family.

"I, Tianlongzi, had some friendship with your ancestors back then, why are you here?"

Tian Longzi frowned slightly, his eyes kept scanning the crowd, as if looking for something.

This group of beings who were originally at the top of the outside world, now facing the sages, all of them stopped. With just one look, they felt as if their whole body had been seen through. At this moment, they didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation anymore, and they all lowered their heads.

"Sage Tianlong, now the dinosaurs and apes from the outside world have broken into the city of God. Our human race has just risen and there is no way to resist. Therefore, follow the records of ancient books and come here to wake up the sleeping sages!"

Ouyang Lin spoke respectfully, and at the same time began to secretly think about what kind of friendship the family had with the other party back then, and whether there is hope for the rise of the Ouyang family this time.

"Dinosaurs? It's been a long time since I tasted their blood!"

Tianlongzi's eyes flickered with demonic light, and his face was even more excited, he licked his lips, looking like a hungry wolf.

"call out!"

At this moment, a red light rushed out from the blood hall, and Tianlongzi held it in the palm of his hand instantly. It was the sacred red hydrangea nourished by Fuyunzi. , Empress Nuwa used it to predestinate the three lives, but for some reason, it became a big murder weapon.

The red hydrangea flowed between the palms of Tianlongzi, like a lost child who finally found a home, and Tianlongzi touched the red hydrangea lightly, and went straight to the distant sky. Baili, there is no trace of a sage of the human race, but more like a big monster who hasn't been born for a long time.

At the same time, in the vast universe, there is a blue planet that has been shrouded in mist all year round. At the southernmost part of the star, above a majestic sea of ​​clouds, there is a mountain that is completely solidified by clouds. towering among them.

This mountain was forcibly condensed by great powers with cultivation, and it is lifelike. On the top of the mountain, there are luxurious palaces everywhere, surrounded by each other, which are unusually bright.

"Is it dead? Back then, this clone went to a secret place, and for some reason, it was lost. Now that 300 years have passed, it is strange to hear the news of its death!"

In the main hall in the center, an old man wearing a white robe and full head of white hair sat with his back to the door of the hall, muttering softly, and kept counting with his hands, like a fairy calculating something.


Outside the main hall, a handsome young man in a white Taoist robe, surrounded by clouds and mist, looked like a banished immortal, with his gestures and gestures, he had an extraordinary bearing. He ignored the old man and stood aside respectfully.

"Yuntian, take a trip to the Gouchen Starfield. A clone of your teacher has fallen, and everything you calculated points to that place!"

It took a long time for the old man to give instructions to the young man with a serious face, but the moment he turned around, if Lin Xiao were here, his jaw would have dropped in shock. The old man actually looked exactly like Fu Yunzi.

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