Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 141 Not Enough

As the Great Elder's methods were displayed one by one, the sky trembled, and all the monks chose to retreat one after another, fearing that they would be affected, but they couldn't help but look at what was happening in the sky. After all, such intense It is not necessarily possible to encounter many times in a lifetime.

"Is this over?"

Outside the formation, the ancestor of the Liu family had a regretful expression on his face. Although he used to form an alliance with the ancestor of the Wang family, but now that the structure of the nine major families has been broken, it means that there are huge interests to be divided. has become fragile.


The blood-colored spear pierced the center of the blood mist. At the moment of contact, there was a force of suction from the tip of the spear, just like a small vortex, rapidly expanding, and the destruction within it Power enough to tear apart the void.

This bloody spear is a rare secret treasure. The moment this vortex appeared, a breath that made everyone's souls tremble came out from it. It seemed that this secret treasure came from hell, which made people feel creepy.


Just when everyone thought that Lin Xiao was bound to die, there was a sudden cold shout from the blood mist. Immediately after the sound, Lin Xiao's white palm was like a monument in the sky, and he suddenly photographed the The tip of the spear.


All the flesh and blood in Lin Xiao's right hand exploded, and the white bones could be vaguely seen. After all, the magic weapon that used the body to fight against the attack seemed a bit like hitting a stone with an egg, but Lin Xiao didn't back down at all, and punched it down again.

"Boom! Boom!"

Lin Xiao took big strides, one punch at a time, and when his body rushed out of the blood mist, he punched three times in succession, with his own unyielding, and that crazy killing, as if at this moment, he forgot the pain , It's just a weapon of war, one punch is not enough, two punches are not enough, three punches are not enough, until it explodes.


The moment Lin Xiao's fourth punch landed, there was a sound of porcelain shattering from the bloody spear. After all, this was just a secret treasure. With Lin Xiao's strong fighting power, even the ancestor of Tiangan I couldn't even bear it, so the result of this was already doomed.

"Impossible, my blood mist technique has never been missed since I practiced it. Even my ancestors once said that if I can practice to the extreme, I can even defile the Taoist body of the heavenly sense realm, how could you fine?"

The fearful expression on the Great Elder's face, compared to the shattering of the bloody spear, he was even more shocked that Lin Xiao was able to walk out unscathed under the blood mist technique, but this hesitation was only for a moment, and his face was full of fear. A wave of resentment said: "Even if you can get out of the blood mist, you will still die!"

"is it?"

Lin Xiao said lightly, this blood mist technique is indeed very strange, but as a blood cultivator, all the blood in the world can be used to strengthen himself, this blood mist technique naturally cannot hurt him at all.


The bloody spear collapsed, turned into countless fragments, and went straight in all directions. There was a scream from all around, and those who couldn't dodge were affected by the fragments, and instantly felt a terrifying wave coming from it. The breath sucks the soul.

So far, it is only a blink of an eye, the big golden hand has approached Lin Xiao less than a foot away, the surrounding air is tense, all voices are suppressed, strands of Dao, from that big hand It overflows and suppresses everything.

"Is it a blow from heaven? Can't I bear this blow now?"

Lin Xiao said lightly, he has the teleportation talisman he got from Liu Biao, and the star compass given by the master of Tianji sect, he can avoid this blow, but he is not reconciled.

I have experienced life and death, and countless times of tempering, and embarked on the road of extreme monks. I am afraid that no monk can match the efforts. I began to doubt whether the path I chose was right.

Lin Xiao is also a palm, without any supernatural powers or weird moves, but this palm is his comprehension from the hand of the sky tablet. In the end, the palm is the sky tablet, and everything is under it.


When the two palms collided, the sky and the earth trembled, and there was a thunderous sorrow. At the moment when the two palms touched, some monks saw an astonishing scene. There were cracks appearing in the place that was bombarded. was shattered.

"My God! Is that still a human?"

At this moment, I don’t know who yelled a sentence, but it represented the heart of all the onlookers at the moment. If you are not a strong man of Heaven’s sense, but killing the bodiless realm is like cutting grass, and now it is even more against the power of Heaven’s sense’s blow. His fighting power is like a myth, if you don't witness it with your own eyes, you can't believe it at all.

It was only one palm, Lin Xiao was so simple from the beginning to the end, but everyone who hit him trembled, and many people even secretly withdrew from the ranks of chasing and killing. Feeling powerless, some people even thought that even if the ancestors of the Liu family made a move, they would not be able to suppress Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was drenched in blood and his body was crumbling. This was a blow from a real strong man. In order to face it, he paid a heavy price, but even so, his body still exuded a sense of oppression, like a mountain standing on the ground. There.


The Great Elder was also extremely surprised. He just stood there dumbfounded for a long time without saying a word. After all, he did everything he could. From the pride at the beginning, to the equal treatment at the end, to the panic now, he felt like A joke in general.

"What do you have to say?"

Lin Xiao stopped in front of the Great Elder, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was a suffocating aura erupting. Undoubtedly, at the beginning, Lin Xiao did not have these. It is an invincible belief, which is enough to shock even the strong sense of heaven.

Lin Xiao didn't wait for the elder's words, nor did he think about letting go of the other party. He only spoke out of respect. The hatred between the Wang family and him has no solution!


The body of the Great Elder turned into a cloud of blood mist. Lin Xiao opened his mouth and inhaled into his body, causing his body to wither instantly like a plant. He already understood that if he wanted to perform this technique, he could only devour the blood mist on the opponent's body.

When all the blood mist was absorbed by Lin Xiao, his body was completely withered, his eye sockets were sunken, and his hair was withered and yellow, just like a mummy crawling out of the underworld. Compared with just now, there is a stronger breath.

"Blood cultivator, since that's the case, without blood sucking, how can you be qualified as a blood cultivator?"

Lin Xiao's voice was hoarse, and his eyes swept towards the monks of the Wang family, as if he had spotted prey, and his body rushed out instantly.

"not good!"

The faces of the six monks who had been reborn from the Ninth Heaven who had rushed to the aid of the Great Elder suddenly changed drastically. One of the female cultivators turned pale, and all of them chose to retreat. Even the Great Elder was no match for the other party. , naturally not an opponent.


Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, and his body had already rushed in front of the six people, like a demon god, he shot quickly and enveloped the six people in it.

"Lin Xiao, you are too arrogant!"

The faces of the six monks of the Wang family suddenly changed wildly, with a sense of humiliation. They once ruled the roost, but now they are treated as minor roles. They were not treated equally at all, which aroused their blood, and they all gave up and retreated, intending to face Lin Xiao. .


A pitch-black death knell was directly blown away by Lin Xiao's punch. The movement was unimaginably fast, even surpassing the existence of the realm of heavenly sense. Today, he planned to kill and waved his hand on the chest of the death knell's owner.


Lin Xiao's right hand pierced the man's chest, and Lin Xiao held the beating heart in his palm. The man's face was full of unwillingness, and he was able to reach the realm of reborn nine heavens. Who is not a genius, but now he has one move in a row? I can't stand it.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Xiao used the blood cultivation technique with his right hand to quickly deprive the opponent of his flesh and blood energy. In just an instant, a headless mummy was left on his hand, and a fullness appeared on the index finger, emitting Amazing blood.

This scene completely shocked all the monks in the distance, and they were no longer willing to step forward, seeing Lin Xiao as a devil.

Loose cultivators can naturally choose to retreat, but the monks from the Long family and Wang family all rushed out with wry smiles. Hundreds of red lights streaked across the sky and came straight to Lin Xiao's position. This is where the family is strong When it comes to family relationships, these people must give up life and death.

Lin Xiao's speed reached the extreme, his body flickered from left to right, his withered body was not enough to look at even a magical weapon, and he strangled the remaining five monks in an instant, making his five fingers vaguely plump.

The road of blood cultivation is to rely on the power of devouring flesh and blood to achieve his own strength. Lin Xiao knows this, but he has never used it because this is a road of no return. Once he steps on it, he may lose his mind at any time. After devouring the flesh and blood from the great elder of the Wang family, he became eager and obsessed with powerful strength.

"not enough!"

Lin Xiao murmured, now his blood cultivation is only comparable to the strength of the fifth heaven. Every time he improves, he is accompanied by a lot of killings, so that his body will appear as dry as it is now, and then with powerful flesh and blood Make yourself full.

Looking at nearly 200 monks coming from the sky, Lin Xiao did not hesitate, and took a step forward in an instant. He needs blood now, because only in this way can he display his plan.

At the same time, in the center of Shencheng, in a huge fairy palace, Tianlongzi sat cross-legged on a golden throne with a proud face. His long blood-colored hair was three feet long, like a huge cloak, without wind. And moving, there is no appearance of a sage of the human race, full of evil spirits.

At this moment, under him, the patriarch of the Wang family and the others stood imposingly below, with a look of daring to be angry and dare not speak out. At this moment, they naturally knew in their hearts that the person invited here was not a sage of the human race, It is simply a demon god, but it is easy to invite a god, but it is difficult to send him off. He can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Senior Tianlong, the clansman of the junior was slaughtered wantonly by this person, please allow the junior to go and capture this person!"

The patriarch of the Wang family forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said respectfully.

"This deity is now at a critical juncture of practicing, you can't leave, otherwise the deity is in danger, but it is a loss for your human race!"

Tianlongzi said with a playful face, reaching his level, naturally there is no need to really explain anything, but his explanation is enough to make many people vomit blood, because this senior seems to have no intention of retreating at all.

"As a Destiny One, how much blood you can absorb depends on your own good fortune. This deity is on your body and feels the breath of the senior brother. This is his last wish back then. This deity will fulfill you!"

Tianlongzi murmured to himself, closed his eyes again, completely ignoring the thoughts of the group of people below.

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