The heavens mourned, blood, bones, piled together, when the night was about to fall, under the afterglow of the setting sun, Lin Xiao's blood-red long hair, straight body, combined with such a background, made people fear from the heart , This is Lin Xiao in their eyes, strong and tenacious.

The black robe on his body has been broken and can be seen in many places. The exposed blood-colored skin is as if forged from blood-colored divine gold. At this moment, he merged into one with the setting sun, and his figure turned into a divine light. , Go straight to the combination formation.

"Kill him!"

The monks of the Wang family roared collectively, their eyes were already blood red and full of anger, Lin Xiao killed too many of them and drove them crazy, but they didn't know that all of this was caused by themselves, if it wasn't for them They took the initiative to provoke Lin Xiao, so there would be no killing today.

"Old Ancestor, why haven't you come back? With you here, how could it be the Demon King's turn to do whatever he wants!"

The monks of the Wang family suffered heavy injuries in this battle. Even if Lin Xiao was successfully killed, it would be difficult to make up for their losses. Everyone felt sorrow in their hearts, and longed for their own patron saint to appear. This is human nature, when you bully others , I want others to be as weak as possible, instead of being bullied, I hope someone can show up instead.


Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to these things, his body was shrouded in divine light, and he stepped into the formation. It was like a small galaxy, and the core of this galaxy was the manifested spirit.

"Suffer to death!"

Zhenling opened his mouth lightly, without any emotion, carrying the endless Tao in his body, and quickly ran towards Lin Xiao. The whole galaxy trembled and emitted rays of destruction, trying to fix Lin Xiao here.


Lin Xiao sneered, and he was holding the magic pestle in his hand. This is a secret treasure that is mainly aimed at the primordial spirit, and it should have some effect on the formation spirit. Otherwise, Lin Xiao will not necessarily enter the formation. As long as those people can't afford it, he can win.

With a stick, it seems like an endless starry sky, and it is always difficult to touch. This is a kind of power of space. Zhen Ling's index finger stretches out, and a thread of Tao appears on the fingertips. With a light touch, it is like a The invisible sky knife cut down.


From Lin Xiao's storage bag, a dark fragment rushed out in an instant, a golden light scattered, and all the galaxy in front of him was swept away, only Lin Xiao was left facing each other across the air.

This fragment, Lin Xiao has already learned from the Lord of the Blood Palace, is one of the fragments of the divine map, which is extremely destructive to the prohibition and formation. Of course, this is only one of the fragments. The one left by Wu Gang There is no way to break a large formation, so not all formations are suitable, but it is enough to face a heavenly sense formation.


The formation spirits were torn apart and turned into strands of Dao principles. These were the ancestors of the Wang family's perception of Tao, and with the help of formation techniques, they condensed a formation spirit, but at this moment it became so fragile.


The monks of the Wang family vomited blood collectively, their eyes filled with horror. They came to kill with confidence, but in the end it turned out to be such a result. They even saw their heads flying up and their bodies being sucked.

Lin Xiao looked calm, looking at the Taoism scattered around, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, he shook the Hunyuan Bell in his right hand, and quickly inhaled it. This is the manifestation of the rules of the Dao. Po, maybe it can be preserved, but now Lin Xiao can't, but he can barely keep it for three days.

For Lin Xiao, three days is enough. Once he is given the opportunity to comprehend, it will be a fortune. After all, such a thing is probably only available in the natal magic weapon of the ancestor of Tiangan.

"Do you like human heads?"

The ancestor of the Liu family walked in with a hoarse voice, his cultivation had reached his current level, and he naturally didn't need to sneak up on the younger generation, his eyes were sharp and scary.

"Possessing strange supernatural powers, a tyrannical body, and even strange evil skills, the subduing magic pestle, the seal of turning the sky, the Hunyuan bell, and the lightning leopard, how many backhands does he have?"

"If I'm not mistaken in guessing this evil skill, it's the same as that used by Xue Tu back then. In the words of the old monster Beiming, this is a blood cultivation technique. For me, it might not be a kind of luck!"

The heart of the ancestor of the Liu family was beating wildly, and everything about Lin Xiao was full of temptation for him, so he couldn't help but make a move any longer.

At this moment, he naturally also knows that so far he is the only one who is in the realm of heavenly sense, and there must be tricks in it. After all, he knows the blood feud between the Wang family and Lin Xiao. I am afraid that no one wants to kill Lin Xiao more than the ancestor of the Wang family, but now the other party If he didn't come, he would not let Lin Xiao go because of hesitation. He was extremely confident, and with his own strength, he could completely overwhelm Lin Xiao.


As the ancestor of the Liu family stepped forward, the earth roared under his feet, and the entire cage of heaven and earth that he arranged was trembling, exuding the breath of destruction. At this moment, his extremely powerful, withered body looked down on all living beings like a god. .


Facing the question from the ancestor of the Liu family, Lin Xiao spoke indifferently, and with a knife in his hand, he took off the heads of these people like chopping ears of wheat. Yunzi confronted him tit for tat, he didn't think he would lose for sure.


Seven hundred heads, as Lin Xiao's words roared, seven ropes made of human heads rushed out quickly, each with hundreds of heads on them, their faces were full of fear and panic, densely packed at this moment filled the sky.

"Are you a ghost cultivator?"

The ancestor of the Liu family frowned slightly. There was no weak person among these heads, and each one was exceptionally strong. Although one alone was nothing, the combination of so many made him feel a sense of uneasiness.

At this time, Lin Xiao had already been determined to be a body cultivator, a Qi cultivator, and a blood cultivator. Now there was another ghost cultivator, which made everyone a little suffocated. Lin Xiao's mystery became more and more confusing. This kind of mystery, It's like a mountain pressing down on everyone's heart.

Lin Xiao did not answer the question of the ancestor of the Liu family. He obtained this secret technique from Xu De. It will increase the chance of ghosts appearing.

From the very beginning, Lin Xiao never thought about leaving, that was not his character, so the seemingly brutal harvesting of life was just for this moment.


Another human head flew out, the flesh and blood on it had decayed, emitting a stench, but it was this human head that caused the world to groan, because this person who was once recognized by the Dao of Heaven has now fallen Such an end.

"The head of someone with a strong sense of heaven?"

The ancestor of the Liu family was really shocked this time. If Lin Xiao had really killed the existence of the Heavenly Sense Realm, then even he would have to pay a high enough price today, otherwise he would not be able to capture and kill Lin Xiao at all.

"It's Patriarch Guangan!"

Looking at the head gradually covered by human heads in the sky, the crowd in the distance exclaimed. After all, once such a strong man is encountered, he is destined to be remembered by others. At this moment, someone has already recognized it. When the first person shouted the name, the rest of the people were full of horror.

"During the time you disappeared, went to the sea of ​​fog?"

The scalp of the ancestor of the Liu family went numb for a while. At this moment, he finally understood why he was the only one who could come to so many ancestors. This must have a lot to do with Tianlongzi.

"This head must not be obtained by him, it must be picked up by him. Although Patriarch Guang'an is not a strong person in the realm of Tiangan, it is not something that Lin Xiao can kill!"

The ancestor of the Liu family whispered in his heart, constantly comforting himself.

At this moment, he naturally wouldn't know that the Patriarch Guang'an back then was indeed not a strong man, and he was even vaguely about to fall to that level. Otherwise, Lin Xiao would have had an extremely difficult battle, but the head of the strong man with a sense of heaven , but it is undoubtedly powerful.


When the head of the Patriarch Guang'an was swallowed up, the whole body trembled in a big formation, and the shrill screams echoed in the air, truly covering the sky and darkening the sky.

At this moment, Lin Xiao had to admit that Xu De's ghost cultivator was very talented. Back then, he was able to condense a heavenly ghost with just a hundred human heads, but now that he has enough human heads, both in terms of quality and quantity. , unexpectedly failed.


Thousands of fierce ghosts were roaring, and every head and face seemed to show a struggling expression. They were both male and female, and they all fell in this battle, full of unwillingness.

"Is adding him enough?"

Lin Xiao whispered, and took out a dry head again. This head was like a piece of dead wood, the whole body was already gray, but when it appeared, the trembling of the Heavenly Dao became more intense. Trembling with excitement, shattered the sky.

"This is?"

The ancestors of the Liu family changed color, the ancestors of the Tiangan could be counted on their fingers, and there were only three people who entered the blood palace. The ones just now were the ancestors of Guang'an. Now he can naturally guess that this is the ancestor of Fuyun, but these Many people have asked Tian Longzi about the ancestor's life and death, but they did not get any reply. Now that their heads appear, it naturally proves that everything is true.

"No! This old man Fu Yunzi has seen it before. This person created the Three Songs of Floating Clouds, which shocked the world. It is absolutely impossible for him to be killed by this Lin Xiao. The one who did it must be the existence in the blood palace, and this Lin Xiao was just lucky. It's just these heads!"

"That's right! That's how it should be. This Lin Xiao can't be that powerful. If the old man captures him in this battle, he will naturally know all the results!"

Seeming to have finally found the answer to convince himself, the ancestor of the Liu family murmured, with a trace of sarcasm on his face: "Even if Fu Yunzi exists, he can't fight against this old man. Just a moment's head is not enough!"


Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, using both hands to continuously execute the decision, one after another imprint entered into the big formation, this is his first time setting up the formation, everything is as strong as possible, because this battle is a perfect heavenly powerhouse , and this person, even among those with a strong sense of heaven, can be regarded as a powerful existence.


Filled with blood and the howling wind, Lin Xiao stood calmly in the time formed by the blood, killed seven hundred monks, and made all the onlookers terrified. This has already demonstrated his strength. Under the roar of heaven and earth, he went straight to the ancestor of the Liu family.

Following Lin Xiao's actions, the huge formation formed by countless human heads behind him, with the heads of two strong sense of heaven as the eyes of the formation, came roaringly behind.

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