Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 146 Bloody Battle

"Since you have entered the city of God today, the old man has no intention of letting you leave alive, because you have the sweet-scented osmanthus leaves on your body that make the hearts of all those with a strong sense of heaven thump!"

"It's just that this old man didn't expect that you would have so many enemies, let alone that your fighting power would be so strong, but all of this happened to be in line with my ancestor's plan, so the more you kill, the more this old man likes it!"

"Don't you like human heads? I have collected a lot, and I can give them to you!"

The ancestor of the Liu family's long hair fluttered, his face was ferocious, and he had no human appearance at all. Following his words, thousands of heads flew out from his sleeves, and threw them directly at his feet in a black mass. above the sea of ​​blood.

These skulls are different from old to new, some have become bones, some can still see uncorrupted flesh and blood, and even some can vaguely see white maggots turning in and out of the eye sockets, obviously not collected at the same time.


An even more terrifying thing happened. As the head entered the sea of ​​blood, black ghosts appeared from it. They clinged to the head and let out bursts of howls. In formation.

"***! Master De already felt that he was very cruel. What did these people go through before they died, they would be filled with so much resentment, and this is more than 1000 heads, old bastard, what did you do that both people and gods are angry with! "

Xu De's hair is blown up. He is a ghost cultivator. Although he is not proficient, he also understands the formation method of ghosts. Only those who die with resentment and resentment will stay in the world, and these ghosts can reproduce human beings with the help of blood. In the world, naturally, it will not be simple resentment, but should be full of resentment.

"These are people who have survived the catastrophe. They have experienced natural disasters, but they have not escaped the catastrophe. That's why they are like this!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed, and he spoke lightly. He vaguely guessed the origin of these heads, and the anger in his heart was like a flame burning his chest.

With the development of the matter to this point today, the matter of Lin Xiao massacring seven hundred monks has become insignificant, because the real big devil should be the ancestor of the Liu family, and all the people he killed were powerless people.

"The strong are respected, so what can they do if they survive the end of the world? After all, they are only existences living at the lowest level. This old man is the real salvation for them. Today, this old man will use your hands to build Shura Hell, and this old man will treat you well! "

The ancestor of the Liu family spoke with a proud face, grabbed the mountain in his hand, and rushed towards Lin Xiao again. After all, now that his plan has been completed, Lin Xiao's existence has become meaningless.


The blue mountain peak is like a big sword between heaven and earth. A slight touch will immediately hurt the muscles and bones. Lin Xiao's body, a large amount of flesh and blood have been strangled and turned into powder. This is the supernatural power of the heavenly sense realm. The low-ranking monk suffocated.

"Old bastard, you are courting death!"

At this moment, the veins on Xu De's face were throbbing, and he rushed forward with such a large formation. Now he has controlled a large number of heads behind him, endless resentment gathered on his body, a pair of black ghost wings Slowly stretching out of the body, the whole person's momentum directly stepped over the threshold of the heavenly sense, like a black magic sea, where there are stormy waves wherever it passes.


The green hill of the ancestor of the Liu family instantly collided with the formation behind Xu De. Hundreds of heads that had not reached the eighth heaven were all shattered, and Xu De also vomited blood profusely, and retreated rapidly. .


Behind the ancestor of the Liu family, the long hair danced rapidly, and the strong devilish energy reverberated rapidly in all directions. All those ghosts who had paid blood were all sucked into his body, and the whole person became stronger and stronger.

"I didn't expect that the members of the Liu family would be demon cultivators. It seems that this is a disaster for the human race!"

In the palace where Tianlongzi was, an ancestor let out a sigh. Although three thousand ways can become a fairy, the way of the devil has always been unpopular and criticized by the world.

"That's right, the members of the Liu family must be uprooted. Such a cruel family will continue to harm the human race!"

The ancestors of the Wang family and Long Xiuyang spoke at the same time, their faces were full of hatred. After all, they were the ones who suffered in this matter, and it almost hurt the root. They were full of hatred for the viciousness of the ancestors of the Liu family.

"Be quiet, the deity is enlightening, if you disturb me, will you be convicted?"

Tianlongzi's voice came faintly, full of dissatisfaction, his eyes quickly glanced at the ancestor in the hall, as if he was counting the number of people, and after making sure no one left, he closed his eyes again.


The Lightning Leopard roared unwillingly, and at the critical moment, it blocked the blow of the ancestor of the Liu family for Lin Xiao, but it almost exploded its own body, and retreated rapidly with its injured body.

"Seal release!"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, and quickly made a mark on the Hunyuan Bell with both hands, and immediately dissipated from the second mark between the eyebrows of the Lightning Leopard, and a fierce light burst out from its vertical eyes. For the sharp claws, he slapped directly at the ancestor of the Liu family.

At this time, Lin Xiao didn't have extra time to choose. After all, the ancestor of the Liu family was too powerful. If he didn't think of a way to block the opponent, he might have to hate him today. The fear of the ancestor of Tiangan was even deeper in his heart. Possess a powerful tool.

"I need to freeze the opponent's ten breaths, is it possible?"

Lin Xiao retreated to where Xu De was, and said with a cold face, the meaning was already very obvious, if he can do it, he will live, if he can't, he will die.

"Evil star! This kid Lin is really scary, Nana's, he didn't give Master De a chance to bargain at all, this time he really lost his money!"

Xu De cursed angrily in his heart, but nodded with difficulty on his face, and rushed up directly.


Although the Lightning Leopard, after unlocking the seal, has already reached the combat power of the heavenly sense realm, but facing the ancestors of the Liu family, it was still not enough to look at, and was directly thrown out. Can see bones.

"The seal will be released again!"

Lin Xiao caught the Lightning Leopard's body, and a bloody light streaked across his right hand. On the Lightning Leopard, a more powerful aura burst out again. Unlocking the three seals was Lin Xiao's limit. If it wasn't for the ancestor of the Liu family who suddenly turned into a demon, he would definitely not be able to drive him to such a point.


Xu De and the Lightning Leopard shot at the same time. With the help of the endless resentment behind him and the fusion of Yu Tiangui, Xu De has now reached the realm of heavenly sense. got together.

"Hehe, this old man is really amazed. If it's a normal sense of nature, I'm afraid I'd have been killed by these means of yours, but all of this is useless to this old man!"

The ancestor of the Liu family sneered, and with a wave of his big hand, the cyan mountain peak slid around, and a cyan vortex suddenly appeared around it. The overflow caused the mountain peak to suddenly double in size, and vaguely, it seemed that the ancestor of the Liu family had become much stronger.

"Heavenly Devil May Cry!"

Xu De sneered, a trace of desperation flashed across his face, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the ghost in his body suddenly let out a mournful sound, and for a moment, everything in the world seemed to stop at this moment.

Xu De's eyes closed in an instant, and his body shriveled at this moment. After all, a large amount of blood is fatal to a monk. Now he is desperately fighting for Lin Xiao's order, and his expression is now decadent. , almost fell into a deep sleep again.


The Lightning Leopard didn't want to miss this opportunity. With its sharp steel claws, it directly tore off the arm of the ancestor of the Liu family, just like tearing a puppet, without a trace of blood flowing out.


Lin Xiao had waited for a long time, and at this time he had already appeared, reciting the Maha Sutra, holding the Demon Subduing Pestle in his hand, and hit the head with a stick.


The pitch-black phantom swayed, and the grievances in it overflowed. Xu De, who was not far away, opened his mouth and sucked it directly into his body. He didn't forget to lick his tongue. The pieces were tasty and average.

"Subduing the devil!"

Lin Xiao yelled, the Maha Sutra worked to the extreme, and the subduing magic pestle also experienced a huge change. A Buddha statue on it manifested, tall and majestic, shining with golden light, and it was directly pressed down, causing the phantom to crumble in an instant. Instantly loose.

The Subduing Demon Pestle is a sharp weapon of Buddhism. It can be heard from its name that it is a secret treasure against demons. However, demons also have strengths and weaknesses. With Lin Xiao's cultivation, it is impossible to face the ancestor of the Liu family who is possessed by a demon. Therefore, he must be able to hold the ancestors of the Liu family in order to be able to perform meritorious deeds.

Originally, Lin Xiao's ups and downs could also do this, but he had used it many times, and the other party had already prepared himself, so even if Lin Xiao used it, he might not be able to accomplish it.

Staring at the wound torn out by the Lightning Leopard, Lin Xiao's eyes shone brightly. This day Devil May Cry is really amazing, it can even stop the blood in the body, without the slightest hesitation, he directly pressed down with his palm.


The ancestor of the Liu family was only held for five breaths, and the primordial spirit in his body roared, as if he was about to break free. After all, Devil May Cry is just a kind of supernatural power, which cannot be completely sealed.


Lin Xiao showed a fierce expression on his face, and the blood cultivation skills were running to the extreme. In an instant, the blood of the ancestor of the Liu family was gushing towards the wound, so that in an instant, his body had dried up and became more and more serious. old.


There was a sound of broken porcelain, and within eight breaths, the soul of the ancestor of the Liu family was about to break free, and Xu De had reached the extreme, vomiting blood. After all, the ghost has no feelings, so it The weeping will cause a burst of chaos on the Dao, and the person who is cast will be frozen like now.

It's just that the tightness of this fixation can only be the body. Once the soul is in danger, it may wake up immediately. However, the current ancestor of the Liu family is too powerful. Xu De's Heavenly Devil May Cry naturally cannot do his best , but was backlashed.

"Crossing the clouds and turning the rain!"

Lin Xiao sneered, how could he allow the other party to wake up like this, naturally he would not let go of such an opportunity, the blue raindrops dripped, he chose to enter the memories with the ancestor of the Liu family at the same time.


After five breaths, the ancestor of the Liu family finally woke up with a start, and let out a shrill scream.


His black hair was scattered behind him, the green robe on his body was already tattered, and his primordial spirit emitted a dazzling brilliance. Although his wounded body had recovered, Lin Xiao had already sucked his flesh and blood, making it difficult to perform to his former extreme.

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