Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 154 I Was Wrong

Just when his cultivation base was about to break through, allowing himself to achieve a balance, and truly become the eighth heaven, Lin Xiao suddenly raised his right hand, pressed his palm on his chest, and from inside his body, suddenly There was a sound of thunder.


The spiritual energy in all directions collapsed instantly under Lin Xiao's palm, and the cultivation level that was originally intended to be improved returned to calm in an instant, but because of Lin Xiao's breakthrough, the surrounding spiritual energy became unstable. , formed a storm, and went straight in all directions.


The flame that was originally burning was also within the fluctuation range of this storm. In an instant, the flame was extinguished, and the roast suckling pig was directly drawn into the sky.

"Ah! An earthquake? Run...!"

Sirius was sleeping soundly, and at this moment he woke up suddenly, with bare feet, he ran straight towards the depths of the forest for a while, as if he had been greatly frightened, until he was thrown for more than ten miles and found no movement behind him, Only then turned back here in despair.

"What's going on here?"

The three looked at the origin of the storm, where Lin Xiao was, and their hearts were full of doubts.


Linley was about to rush over in an instant, but he was grabbed back by Sirius who was at the side. Although this guy is usually sloppy, his strength is unambiguous. If he had really fought with Lin Xiao back then, the outcome would have been difficult. Although they knew it, they believed even more that the wolf had followed up on purpose this day. As for whether it was for the storage bag, they didn't know.

"What happened to the master?"

Xu De spoke with a worried face. He naturally wouldn't be worried about Lin Xiao's death. What he was worried about was that if he didn't ask, Lin Xiao might not have died, and his position in Lin Xiao's heart would be completely shaken.

"Tsk tsk! He is one of the ruthless people I have ever seen. Back then, that person picked out his own bones. Although Lin Daoyou is not that perverted, he has also abolished his martial arts. His future achievements must not be comparable to that person. up and down!"

Sirius licked his greasy lips, starlight was shining in his eyes.

Xu De and Linley on the side were speechless for a while, abolishing their martial arts, that is something in martial arts novels, this kind of thing is very cruel to themselves, but compared with the bone-eviscending one, it seems to be a lot inferior, after all It's very cautious to think about it.

"If the pain is gone, what's the use of improving your cultivation base? A numb life is not my choice!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao, with his silver hair dancing, roared loudly towards the sky, shaking for nine days, causing the silver moon to tremble in a trance, but it was only for a moment, and everything returned to him again. Calm, the scene just now is more like an illusion.

"Huh? There is someone here who realizes the Dao, and it is the third-ranked Moon Realm. This person can feel the Moon Realm in this sealed world. Even in ancient times, he is a genius!"

The two peach trees in the depths of the forest were also startled by Lin Xiao's crazy behavior at this moment, and the old peach tree opened its mouth in surprise.

"Hmph! No matter how good your aptitude is, if you don't have enough moons here, even if you become enlightened, you won't be able to display the power of the ancient times. Now that the times have changed, the original wizards may not be enough to see now!"

Taoshu, who was the leader, snorted coldly, and continued to choose to gather the rules of the avenue. He was extremely disdainful of Lin Xiao's behavior.

"Hehe! Younger brother naturally knows that when the Jade Emperor sat down with one hundred and eight constellations, everyone is a strong person in this way. In the end, they are not defeated and defeated. In this life, those people will reappear in the world. Those who are lower than that level Existence, no matter how amazing it is, it’s not enough to see!”

The old Peach Tree let out a wry smile, and quickly approved of the boss's words. He also didn't waste his energy, and focused on cohesively cohesively, preparing for himself to break the seal as soon as possible.


At this moment, Lin Xiao felt another roar in his body, because his palm caused the bones of his body to collapse in a large area, and a piercing pain pierced into his heart, but a smile appeared on his face, Let all this become gloomy.

"Master, are you okay?"

Linley spoke with a worried expression on his face. After all, although he didn't know what Lin Xiao was doing, he could still see that Lin Xiao's state was very wrong at the moment.

There was no answer. At this moment, Lin Xiao seemed to be cut off from this world. He only had the moon in his eyes, and the familiar pain in his heart. He didn't care about the rest. This is an attachment.

His body was bleeding outward, and those bones were broken. Even though he was repairing himself quickly, it made his legs tremble. After all, the bones are connected with tendons and flesh. This kind of pain is enough to drive a person crazy. , but he just didn't show any strange color, and stood there firmly.

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye, Lin Xiao insisted that when the pain was gone, he would slap himself, and finally crushing the bones could no longer make him feel the pain, so he started to cut his tendons so that I am always in pain.

This scene left both Linley and Xu De speechless for a while, because they thought of the ruthless man Sirius had mentioned. In Lin Xiao's body, they began to believe that there really are ruthless people, and they all have a weird It seems that as time goes by, Lin Xiao may become even more ruthless than the ruthless man.

"That's right! The ruthless man once said that the more ruthless people in the world are, the more suitable he is to practice his skills, but now the skills seem to have been lost by the old man, otherwise he can exchange it with fellow Daoist Lin. Less storage bags!"

Sirius had a regretful expression on his face, as if he had really lost some treasure.

Xu De rolled his eyes at the side. He knew the virtues of this senior. A typical miser, I am afraid that he would not be willing to throw away the leftover rice grains. .

At this moment, Lin Xiao hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights, just standing under the moonlight like that, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, but the outline of the moon in it had slowly revealed its embryonic form, just like that. It looks like a golden crescent moon.

These days, Lin Xiao kept imitating, imprinting that month in his heart, and constantly deduced, deepening his perception time and time again, just like a work of art, a little bit of modification, although it can't really become a surprise. A masterpiece in the world, but it is also enough to become an exquisite work of art.

Three days and three nights of comprehension was not profound for Lin Xiao. After all, this is a kind of Tao, and what is needed is time. Only a little bit of deepening can be sublimated to the extreme at a certain special moment.

"This month? It's not the month I'm familiar with. The three days of the month are not the same month, but there is only one month in the sky. Is it my fault or the moon?"

Lin Xiao murmured, these days, in his mind, he has already had some understanding of Yue, but this understanding is too superficial, and it is impossible to find out the complete rules to appear, so he cannot condense the desired Yue.

It's just that Lin Xiao firmly believes that when he sees enough moons, when the same moon appears, these imitated impressions of himself will be compared, and he will be able to touch the moment of sublimation.

At this moment, Lin Xiao even had a strong feeling that this time should be a good fortune for him. Although there was no basis for it, he firmly believed in it, so he was unwilling to give up.

When the moonlight in the sky gradually faded, a bloody light appeared in the east, time, day by day, day by day, was lost rapidly.

On the 15th day, the pain of breaking the veins could no longer meet Lin Xiao's demands, even his eyes felt a sharp pain. After all, he is a monk, and now he does not practice, does not rest, but only concentrates on Enlightenment, for himself, is a kind of torture.

He still persists, because his persistence is not to improve his cultivation, but to be able to remember everything that happened on the earth forever in the days to come, otherwise even if he persists, he will eventually follow his cultivation. Being numb for his ascension, and finally losing himself, is the same as those ancestors, this is a scene he doesn't want to see.


A trace of fierceness flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes, and he shattered his right hand with a wave of his hand. The flesh and blood shattered all over the ground. The white bones exuded such a gloomy light, and a sharp pain made his eyes reveal madness. The moon is no longer a crescent, but a round and a half moon, but this month lacks a kind of divinity.

In the past half a month, Xu De, led by Sirius, searched all the surrounding woods and collected a total of 12 yuan fragments, among which there was one with divinity. This discovery made Sirius and Xu De was excited for a while, and the scope of the search was even further.

Linley, on the other hand, guarded Lin Xiao's surroundings all the time. Whenever the two of them returned, he would choose to rest. This has become a kind of tacit understanding. There is no need to say it in words. Invisibly, they have Surrounding Lin Xiao, a relationship was formed.

Thirty days had passed in the blink of an eye, Sirius did not choose to go out, but sat cross-legged in the woods in silence, looking hopefully at where Lin Xiao was, and Xu De also became quiet, and Linley even gave up. Take a rest and watch Lin Xiao, the three of them have a feeling that everything should depend on today.

Above the sky, the blood-colored mist is getting thinner and thinner. Before they know it, the whole forest is changing. They naturally know all this, but they don't choose to ask, because Lin Xiao is here, even if they know the crisis, they can't. You can't choose to avoid it, because it is better not to ask than to ask.

A full moon rises slowly, like a silver jade plate, hanging above the nine heavens, emitting streaks of silver light.

"I see……!"

Lin Xiao murmured, in his eyes, the full moon had been completely formed, just like the reflection of the moon in the night sky, imprinted on his eyes, it was so complete, but this But not the moon in the sky.

"No matter where you are, no matter where your heart is, this month is always there, because this month is the direction of home, because the person you miss will also look at you under the moon. The rule of this month is not to tear the fog, it is not It shines on the earth, but misses!"

When Lin Xiao uttered a sentence, his body trembled slightly, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes. These were the tears of missing his hometown. Although the earth had been destroyed, and even though all his relatives had become bones, in his heart , that family still exists, and his relatives are also in his heart.


With the confusion of Lin Xiao's thoughts, there was a roar in his mind, and the moon in his eyes showed signs of collapse in an instant, and the spider threads were densely covered on the silver moon, making Lin Xiao The way, there was instability in an instant.

"I'm wrong……!"

A soft sigh came from Lin Xiao's mouth. The eyes that had never been closed closed slowly at this moment. There was no disappointment in it, but a kind of enlightenment.

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