Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 159 The one who killed you, Lin Xiao

Outside the pitch-black cave, the black divine light within it was reversing like a vortex. Looking at it at a glance, there would be a tingling illusion, just like a place of reincarnation.

At this moment, the people outside the cave didn't have time to ask about everything in the cave. Instead, they all turned their eyes to the wolf. After all, everything they heard today was so subversive that everyone was short of breath.

"Senior, for the sake of Xiao Dezi taking care of you, why don't you just give me this spot? I will definitely respect you well in the future, both on the saddle and the horse!"

Xu De spoke with a tight breath. After all, at this moment, if he can get the god position mentioned by Sirius, he will be able to get rid of Lin Xiao's control, and his life will be worry-free from now on. As for whether he can practice, it is the same as This is more important than freedom.


At this moment, a cold snort resounded from Xu De's heart, piercing into the heart like a steel needle, and the whole body composed of ghost mist showed signs of collapsing in an instant. This sound came from the soul, enough to Let him be destroyed in an instant.

"Actually, the existence of the Heavenly Court is for conferring the gods and gathering the strongest combat power for that battle. The list of conferred gods is about to be released. Your aptitude is very suitable to become a god general, and even if you sing all the way, it is extremely difficult to reach the level of a god general." Difficult, at least this can save you a hundred years of work!"

Sirius looked a bit complicated, with his head held high, his gaze swept across Monk Jianren, Linley, and finally landed on Lin Xiao.

Seeing Lin Xiao looking up at him, Sirius's eyes flashed with pride, and he hurriedly said: "There are very few people who have the aptitude to confer gods, there are nine people in total, and the old man said that one of them can make a People, if you reach the pinnacle of cultivation in a short period of time, don't you desire power? This is an opportunity!"

This time, Tianlangzi looked at Lin Xiao with serious eyes. It should be because for him, this conferred god should be so serious. Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't answer for a long time, he sighed in his heart.

"Senior, although I don't know if the list of gods is true, I don't think this kind of ability that can only be possessed after being made a god is not unlimited, right? For the sake of short-term power, he finally gave up freedom. Could it be that the former god Will it be like this?"

Lin Xiao sat cross-legged outside the cave, and opened his mouth with flickering eyes. His heart was also moved when he heard the list of gods, but he understood more clearly that there is no free lunch in the world. While gaining great strength, there must be something to lose , And this kind of power to lose freedom is something he doesn't want to see.

"Ahem! Naturally, there are also many who rely on their own strength to squeeze into the god position, and once such a person appears, they must be strong enough, just like Yang Jian back then, who used to suppress the world's immortals with his own strength. , a tyrannical existence that listens to the edict but does not listen to the announcement!"

Sirius opened his mouth with reminiscence, although he did not live in that era, but after obtaining the god position of Sirius, he also obtained the memory of Sirius, so for some fierce people back then, he could Said it was still fresh in my memory.

"Yang Jian?"

Lin Xiao murmured, hearing the name again, but did not expect that it was such a powerful existence, just like in the legend, a powerful existence against the sky, feeling a little emotional in his heart, even if the other party had only reached the position of a god general, With one's own ability, what can be achieved.

Monk Jianren blinked his eyes. The Buddhist skills he practiced, he would not choose any god position, but he obtained part of the inheritance from the master of this place, so he vaguely understood this god position, and said slowly: "Three God generals are all sealed, so what is Kuafu's cultivation level?"

"I don't know, because the supernatural powers of the witch clan don't belong to any system, so they can't be clearly distinguished, but judging from the fact that they can only seal three people and cannot kill them, it should not surpass the generals!"

Sirius had a thoughtful look on his face, but he couldn't tell why. After all, after becoming a god, he only got some memories, not a real reincarnation, so he wouldn't record everything in detail.

"Brother Lei, do you want to get this god?"

Lin Xiao looked at Lin Lei calmly. After all, among the three people here, he and Monk Jian Ren belonged to the kind who would not obey discipline and would not want to be restrained. However, this is an opportunity after all and cannot be missed just like that. .


Linley let out an exclamation and immediately fell to his knees, and said with a firm face, "Master, I, Linley, am willing to follow you for the rest of my life!"

"You have your own way. This position of god general is a good opportunity. If you can become a god, it may be of great help to our future cultivation!"

Lin Xiao said with a smile on his face. He never regarded Linley as his servant, but always treated him as an elder. If he could win such an opportunity, he would naturally fight for him.


Linley supported his body with one hand, trembling uncontrollably. He could feel the difference in himself. Lin Xiao's cultivation was too fast. After leaving Guanghan Palace, he would enter the realm of heavenly sense in a very short time. Those who chased after, now hearing Lin Xiao mention it, can only acquiesce.

"Forget it! Let's pass on the title of Lord of the River to this kid! Loyalty and righteousness are both fulfilled, but it doesn't disgrace the name of a god general. The teleportation formation outside is about to open. I hope we have a chance to see each other again, right?"

Sirius opened his mouth with a smile on his face, waved his sleeves, and took Linley directly, disappearing from his field of vision in an instant.

The timing of the calculation of the Tianjimen is getting closer and closer, and the disciples of the major families are all preparing nervously, and even some casual cultivators have established some squares and markets in some safe areas outside this barren mountain to carry out transactions. Items, so that after entering the next secret realm, you can have sufficient combat power.

Even some powerful monsters began to gather here slowly. After all, such powerful aura fluctuations naturally cannot be hidden from the dinosaurs and apes. Even though they are afraid of Tianlongzi, they cannot resist the temptation of the Hengshan secret realm .

As time goes by, the sacred light of the lotus-shaped altar is gradually fading. To the east of it is a huge blue palace, behind which is like an ocean, covering the entire sky. From time to time, one after another of sword lights can be seen rushing out, each of them is extremely powerful.

This is the always mysterious Yang family. They have never been born. It was not until the news of the Hengshan secret realm spread that this behemoth finally appeared, and this is even more inevitable for this move. The three ancestors of Tiangan sat cross-legged In different palaces, the aura it emits changes the color of the world. Once the power of the altar weakens, it will immediately rush in desperately.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the sky outside the blue palace, and a dragon-shaped arc instantly tore through the void, and forcibly bombarded the palace.

This scene happened so fast that it made all the monks around feel like an illusion in a dream. After all, the Yang family has always kept a low profile, but now someone suddenly troubled them. This incident is comparable to when Lin Xiao killed the ancestor of the Liu family. Even more exciting.


"court death!"

Two old cold shouts sounded, and from the palace, the two old men rushed out quickly, without the slightest hesitation, waving their hands was the strongest blow, a large number of regular thin lines rushed out, turbulent, and instantly covered the entire void , protecting the entire palace.

"Not good! The fifth... the third... hurry back...!"


The moment the two old men rushed out, another ancestor in the palace hurriedly dissuaded them, but it was still too late. Their voices were covered by the rolling thunder and could not be heard at all.

"Since you're here, let's go!"

An icy voice came from the nine heavens. He was hiding in the endless sea of ​​thunder. Following his words, strips of thunderbolts as thick as buckets rushed out of the sky like electric snakes, crushing everyone. The sky changed color, and wherever it passed, the void exploded layer by layer.

"That's a catastrophe!"

At this moment, among the group of cultivators below, there was a monk with enough experience who opened his mouth in shock, as if he had seen something unbelievable, and hurriedly withdrew and backed away. Far.

With one person's reminder, the rest of the people quickly came to their senses, as if they were facing the end of the world, and retreated quickly. Heavenly Tribulation is one of the biggest enemies of monks, and they will be smashed to pieces at every turn. No one wants to touch it.

The thunder snake danced, densely covering the entire sky, and the sea of ​​thunder evaporated, enveloping the two ancestors of the Yang family in just an instant. The thunder and lightning were like fire, and the Taoist robes of the two were burned to pieces in an instant.

"Junior, our Yang family has no grievances with you, why do you want to kill us?" The owner of the voice in the palace was furious, wishing to rush out immediately and tear the person who had crossed the tribulation to pieces.

Since ancient times, most monks would choose a quiet place to spend alone in the face of catastrophe. , even the ancestors of Tiangan are extremely weak existences.


The lightning was like a long whip, and it was whipped on the body of an ancestor of the Yang family in an instant, his body turned into fly ash, his eyes were full of horror, there was nothing more shocking than this, it was just a blow, and he couldn't even withstand.

"Killer! Lin Xiao!"

An icy voice resounded, resounding throughout the world. The other party carried the power of thunder and lightning, and quickly rushed to another ancestor of Tiangan. Now the sky is filled with lightning, and the figure cannot be seen, but with the help of lightning One can imagine that the opponent is extremely powerful.

"You are that killer Lin Xiao?"

The voice in the palace spoke hesitantly. Although they were just born, they also collected some information about Lin Xiao, but they never expected that they would encounter Lin Xiao at this time, and the other party was still in the special situation of crossing the catastrophe. .

"It's Lin, the nine big families have committed a heinous crime. If Lin enters the realm of heavenly sense today, he will definitely slaughter the nine big families!"

The voice in the thunder and lightning was full of resentment, and another thunder and lightning struck out with a wave of his hand. With just one blow, the body of another ancestor also collapsed instantly.

This scene happened so quickly that the monks on the side were stunned, especially not far away, on the purple spirit boat, those who originally talked about Lin Xiao were all stunned when they heard the name. It was even more vigorous than the rumors said, and one person had to single out three Heavenly Ancestors.

"Lin Xiao? Are you not Lin Xiao?"

Under the cloak of the purple-clothed woman, she whispered softly to herself. Although she didn't look at it, she had an abnormal expression of discretion. It's just that this scene was not noticed by the people around her.

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