Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 169 Brothers

Jinmen's second son's face was full of humiliation. He originally wanted to oppress the other party, but in the end he was overwhelmed by the other party. Only he could understand the feeling of it.


In the golden sword formation, Xia Yuan was like a god of war, bathed in black divine light, his hands were wide open and closed, hard to catch all the sword light in the sword formation, although his body was already scarred and bloody, his eyes were full of war. full of meaning.

"Who are they?"

The boss of the Golden Gate expressed doubts in his heart. He is a little bit hard to get off now. If he retreats now, his reputation will be ruined and he will become a laughing stock. At the same time, his brother will also be captured, and he may even die. At this moment, he is full of hatred for Lin Xiao. .

At this moment, he has never thought that Lin Xiao has no grievances with them, but he will be besieged and killed by them. Who should Lin Xiao hate?


The long sword in the hands of the boss of the Golden Gate slashed out a sharp sword light, instantly tore through the void, and appeared directly in front of Xia Yuan. The sword light was only three feet long, but it was full of danger. must be abolished.


Although Xia Yuan tried his best to dodge, he was finally cut on the shoulder by the sword light, and his whole body was covered with blood, but his eyes were ferocious, and he didn't choose to take a step back and hurried forward, because behind him was Lin Xiao, he is unwilling to let his brother be in danger again.


The Golden Gate boss snorted coldly. He was only half-step heavenly sense, but now with the power of the sword array, he was able to display a ray of strength in the realm of heavenly sense. This was undoubtedly fatal to ordinary monks.


Five golden long swords lifted into the air, making a sound of sword cries, and the golden sword light, like a substance, formed a rain of swords, and rushed straight to Xia Yuan's position.


Xia Yuan let out a roar, and the veins on his neck popped up. He didn't use any magic weapon, he just cultivated himself, but now he felt the insufficiency in it. The battle of the same realm is not weaker than others, but once caught in a tight siege, he will is fatal.

"Take it!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice came from Xia Yuan's ear, and a black battle suit broke through the sword formation and charged in front of Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan naturally had complete trust in Lin Xiao, and he didn't resist at all. He let the god's clothes fall on him, and in an instant, he felt the breath coming from inside the battle clothes, and he erupted. Stronger black divine light.

This battle suit was originally obtained from the storage bag of the ancestor of the Liu family. It is a rare magic weapon that integrates offense and defense, and its level is also a high-level magic weapon. After all, it must not be a simple thing for the ancestor of the Liu family to collect.


At the same time, a pitch-black divine hammer also rushed into the formation quickly, and landed in front of Xia Yuan. It's just that Fu Yunzi's magic weapon was forged from black divine gold, weighing as much as a piece of magic weapon. It's like a hill.

The battle clothes and the divine hammer appeared at the same time, which made Xia Yuan feel like a tiger with wings added. He let out a roar of excitement. He held the huge divine hammer in his hand and pressed against the divine clothes, ignoring those sword lights at all. Quickly rushed into the sword array.


Xia Yuan is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. These two magic weapons, each of which is a crazy existence in the outside world, now in his hands, and with his identity as a body cultivator, they shine instantly.

Jinmen's seventh child, who couldn't dodge in time, was directly hit by Xia Yuan with a hammer, his head was cracked, and his brains burst out, like a smashed watermelon, it was too horrible to look at.

"Old Seven!"

The boss of Jinmen let out a scream. Originally, they were invincible at the same level, but he didn't expect that when he came here, he encountered two strong enemies. The seven brothers almost died and injured more than half of them. This was a serious blow to him.

The onlookers fell into silence. They originally wanted to fish in troubled waters, but now they suddenly discovered that there were such two powerful characters beside Lin Xiao. Stay, afraid of being implicated.

"I heard that Lin Xiao has a hobby of collecting human heads, fellow daoists, take care!"

A monk with an obscene appearance clasped his fist in the crowd, turned around and ran away without a trace. Many monks who came with him shouted that he was not loyal.

"Poverty is gone too! Then Lin Xiao is not a fool, since he dared to show up, he must have a way, we'd better retreat!"

A monk dressed as a Taoist priest also saw the strangeness, and directly rubbed oil on the soles of his feet. In the world of monks, life is like ants, and curiosity kills people.

For a while, most of the monks dispersed in the sky, but there were still curious monks who chose to continue to wait and see, and even more monks came from a distance, so that even if some people left the field, they could still see that the number of people was constantly increasing. It actually reached thousands of monks.

At this time in the city of God, in a secret room, Long Shaoqing slowly opened his eyes, the lightning flashed inside, and strands of rules turned into silk threads, wrapping around him, an aura of dominance over the world, flowing from his body radiated from within.


A clear voice sounded, and Long Shaoqing took out a piece of purple jade slip with a wave of his hand, put it in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "It really appeared, there are those monks' delays, this time I will see you Where are you going!"

Following Long Shaoqing's words, his body stood up slowly, a coercion that belonged to the realm of heavenly sense, slowly emerged from his body, he took a step forward, and appeared directly in the teleportation palace , the prohibition of Shencheng actually has no effect in front of him.


On the Black Mountain, Xia Yuan's pair of sledgehammers opened and closed, killing the formation of the seven heroes of the Kinmen, and it collapsed immediately, and the fifth child of the Kinmen has also fallen.


Monk Jianren uttered a Buddha's name in a showy way, then shook his head and looked at the boss of Jinmen on the field, smiled and said: "This Buddha is about to create a supreme Buddhist world, and I just need some believers. I think you have a predestined relationship with Buddhism." , why don't you join my sect!"

"I killed you!"

The boss of Jinmen was furious. Today is already a disgrace to him. To him, the words of Monk Jianren are undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back. Holding the divine sword in his hand, he went straight to Monk Jianren kill over here.

"This master's Dao is really strange!" Zi Yan's eyes glowed strangely, and she looked at Monk Jianren.

"This cheap 40 person's supernatural powers are indeed extraordinary, but his character is not good!"

Lin Xiao gave a wry smile, and directly exposed Monk Jianren's background.

"It seems that Lin Daoyou's character is not very good, and now the outside world regards you as a subject to scare children!"

Zi Yan covered her mouth and smiled, she was just joking with Lin Xiao.

"Misinformation! Absolutely misinformation!"

Lin Xiao touched his head in embarrassment, and loudly defended himself. At this time, he had learned about what happened these days from Zi Yan, so although he didn't know what Zi Yan's purpose was, he also felt that he had hit it off.

"Actually, I saw the person pretending to be Fellow Daoist Lin before, but it was a pity that he only had a quick glance, but the origin of this person should belong to Thunder and Lightning, and he has reached the realm of heavenly sense. This time, Fellow Daoist Lin, you should be more careful! "

Zi Yan reminded in a low voice, although she said it was dangerous, she was sitting quietly on a black stone, drinking silently, showing no intention of leaving.

"Boy Lin, you actually speak ill of Master Ben Buddha, your conscience is greatly broken!"

Monk Jian Ren flew back and had already suppressed three of the Golden Gate Seven Heroes. If it wasn't for him, with Xia Yuan's strength, even if he wanted to break through the sword array, he would have to pay a heavy price.

"Great monk, I actually feel that if you join my sect, you should also shine!"

Xia Yuan also rushed over at this time, soaked in blood, laughed and patted Monk Jianren on the shoulder with his bloody palm.

"Amitabha! Donor killing is too heavy, don't be obsessed with it, when the time comes, this Buddha will not be able to save him!"

Monk Jianren has a benevolent expression on his face. If he saw it for the first time, he would surely be able to hide it from everyone's eyes and ears, but now let alone Lin Xiao, even the onlookers would not believe it.

"Is it over like this? The seven heroes of the Golden Gate actually died four and captured three. What is the origin of these two people who suddenly appeared?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, but no one dared to step forward anymore. After all, let alone Lin Xiao, even the two people beside him could kill this group of people, so naturally no one was willing to come to die.

"Lin Xiao came out to die!"

At this moment, a shout of anger came from above the distant sky, and his words were like thunderous sounds, echoing in the sky, but the moment the sound sounded, a cyan figure had already stood on the ground. The area outside Lin Xiao Baizhang.

"Heavenly sense strong!"

There was a burst of exclamation among the crowd of onlookers, all of them ran as far as they could. Such an existence, even the fluctuation of the battle, might ruin their morality. At the same time, they decided that Lin Xiao's Even if there are two assistants this time, I am afraid that they will surely die.

"Patriarch Beiming?"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. Although the other party's body had changed now, the aura had not changed. He could feel the familiarity in it, which belonged to the aura of the ancestor Beiming.

"Hey! It seems that you still remember, the hatred of Guanghan Palace, today the old man will settle with you!"

Beiming Qinghe sneered, and with a sway of his body, he instantly appeared at the position of ten feet away, and pressed his palm towards Lin Xiao.

"You cheap 40 people, you take Lin Xiao away, I will stand here!"

Xia Yuan let out a loud laugh, and rushed up, the sledgehammer in his hand, quickly smashed Beimingqinghe's head.

"Brother! I'm fine! Just watch from the sidelines!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao also took a step forward and appeared beside Xia Yuan, chuckling in his ear, he could feel the brotherhood, but he couldn't let his brother die, He waved Xia Yuan back.

"Hey! You are still scrambling to die, none of you can escape at 40 today. Anyone who has anything to do with Lin Xiao, I will not let you go!"

Beiming Qinghe laughed loudly, and a sword light in his right hand slashed towards Lin Xiao.

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