Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 173 Murder

Lin Xiao sneered again. His time was indeed running out. If it weren't for his powerful physical strength, he would not be able to compete with Patriarch Beiming at all, but just as the other party guessed, he needed blood to suppress the blood on his body. Injuries, thus forcibly rushing into the realm of heavenly sense.

He doesn't have time to spend with Patriarch Beiming, he has vaguely analyzed the methods of confrontation with these standard lines, but the top priority is to get rid of Patriarch Beiming first, so that he can have enough time to prepare to fight Long Shaoqing .

In fact, Lin Xiao has never regarded Patriarch Beiming as an opponent. In the peach forest, although he failed to advance to the realm of heavenly sense, his strength, because of the flat peach, is not weaker than ordinary heavenly sense powerhouses , facing Patriarch Beiming, he has enough means.

It's just that he understands better that it is a hundred times more difficult for an extreme monk to advance than an ordinary monk, so he will not let go of any opportunity to exercise himself. If Patriarch Beiming knows that he is only a target for Lin Xiao to practice, he will probably be punished. Go straight to death.

When Lin Xiao's words sounded, the Patriarch Beiming's body was rushing out, and he paused slightly. At this moment, he saw Lin Xiao's eyes, and within them, he vaguely saw the shape of a crescent moon.


In just an instant, Patriarch Beiming's mind roared, and his mind was shaken. In his eyes, a small crescent moon also appeared. This crescent moon is too small, but it contains a rule that is difficult to comprehend. full of mystery,

The memory is like a photo album, flipping through it quickly, with this kind of power, even he can't produce a trace of resistance.

"what happened?"

"Why is Patriarch Beiming not moving?"

The crowd of onlookers in the distance let out an exclamation. After all, Patriarch Beiming, who was still in the upper hand just now, suddenly stopped in mid-air without the slightest movement. At this tense moment, such a strange thing happened, making the Their hearts are a little hairy.

Silver Moon!

In Lin Xiao's eyes, two rounds of silver moons appeared, and this month appeared a sense of evil spirits. Among them, the right eye was always full, while the left eye was constantly changing.

This scene is extremely strange, it is Lin Xiao's second type of supernatural power, catching the stars and taking the moon, except for the ancestor of Beiming, outsiders can't discover the mystery in it at all.


At this moment, Lin Xiao's figure approached Patriarch Beiming in an instant. Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity. He waved his hand like a hand of the Tianbei, and crushed Patriarch Beiming's chest with his palm. After cutting, the arm of Patriarch Beiming was directly removed by Lin Xiao.


Patriarch Beiming felt his own crisis, and the pain made him wake up quickly from his memory. However, this kind of awakening is instinctive. In his mind, he still stays in those opened memories, and he can't do it in a short time There was a trace of resistance.


The blood rain scattered, and the other arm of Patriarch Beiming was chopped off by Lin Xiao. The large amount of blood was absorbed by him, and he was quickly repairing his injuries. Now he can only heal these regular injuries and force them to Only when you get out of your body can you figure out a way to deal with it.

"Follow the stars and take the moon!"

Lin Xiao sneered, naturally he would not give Patriarch Beiming a chance to fight back. From his eyes, the two rounds of silver moons rushed out quickly, only surrounding his supernatural powers, a breath of time, Instantly shrouded Beiming Qinghe River.

His eyes, which had already been sober, fell into confusion again, and from within his eyes, the tiny crescent moons were slowly becoming perfect. When the perfection reached the extreme, even if Patriarch Beiming wanted to wake up , I am afraid it is extremely difficult.

At this moment, everyone who saw the cyan palm in the sky was shocked, and even at this moment, there was a sadness in everyone's mind, and even some weak-minded people, the corners of their eyes With tears flowing.

This scene was only for a moment. After all, chasing stars and taking moons was not for them. Therefore, when they woke up, they were shocked in their hearts, and some monks chose to turn around and leave. After all, Lin Xiao's strength has surpassed theirs. Cognition, the benefits also need to be taken with one's life.


Lin Xiao's movements never stopped. He could feel that the regular lines on his body had slowed down after absorbing the blood, and even the pain was being alleviated, which gave him a chance.

"call out!"

Lin Xiao forcibly took out two regular lines, and the color on them was no longer pitch black, but turned blood red. The moment they appeared, they instantly submerged into the wound of Patriarch Beiming.

As the regular lines entered his body, blood lines protruded from the body of Patriarch Beiming, twisting strangely, like earthworms crawling. In just an instant, his body was as dry as a star Dead wood in general.

"It really works!"

Lin Xiao's eyes shone brightly, and he waved his hands to take out the two silk threads from the body of Patriarch Beiming. The regular threads that were originally thick and thin were all blood red. Has the slightest attack power.


Now that the plan was successful, Lin Xiao would naturally not leave Beiming Qinghe behind. Tianbei slapped the opponent's head with his palm, and his brain burst out instantly. screaming, quickly fleeing to the distance.

At this moment, he had a brief awakening, and his heart was full of horror. After all, it was only half a year since the last fight, but Lin Xiao's growth shocked him. Even at this moment, he already understood , I have tried my best, but in the end I am still not Lin Xiao's opponent.

The moment this kind of thought appeared, although he felt uncomfortable, he had to admit that this time was a complete collision of strengths, and he lost completely. He was already full of regrets for coming here.

"Did you really think you could escape?"

Lin Xiao sneered, he had been prepared for a long time, the two regular lines in his hand rushed out, instantly besieging the primordial spirit of Patriarch Beiming. will really fall.

Now this rule line, although it can't hurt people, but its own resilience is still there, and it has become the best choice to besiege the strong sense of heaven.

"Lin Daoyou, this is a misunderstanding, all of this is a misunderstanding, Qinghe will pay you!"

How could Beiming Qinghe dare to be stubborn, he didn't have the aloof expression just now, instead he hurriedly begged for mercy with a flattering face.


Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to Beiming Qinghe, but waved his hand to put away the opponent's storage bag. After all, the reserves of the strong man of heavenly sense are not comparable to that of the ordinary strong man who has been born.

"Lin Daoyou, the storage bag is my tribute to you, but those are only one percent of Qinghe's collection. If you want, you can come back to the Beiming family with me, and then I can give it all !"

Beiming Qinghe was bitter in his heart, but his face was full of smiles.

This scene made all the monks who were watching stunned. Is this still the powerful ancestor of Tiangan just now?How it turned into this appearance in a blink of an eye made people feel a burst of disappointment in their hearts.

Ancestor Beiming naturally saw the contemptuous gaze of the people behind him, because of the existence of the Beiming family, no one dared to be said anything by the ancestor Beiming, but this kind of gaze also made him feel uncomfortable, so he hurriedly defended: "* **! It’s not you who lost, so you’re naturally making sarcastic remarks, what’s the use of having a backbone when you’re dead!”

"Beiming Qinghe, when you were in the Guanghan Palace, you counted on me, because I have traces of blood cultivation on my body, and you wanted to suck my blood, but now you are even more greedy for what is on me, and you are going to attack me. Do you think I will still have someone who misses me?"

Lin Xiao sneered, and with a wave of his sleeve, a black ghostly aura rushed out instantly, heading straight for the Beimingqing River.

There is a half-red and half-black heart in this ghost energy. When it rushes out, it makes a roar, which is the sound of the heart beating. In the part of the body, the trace of a human face can be vaguely seen, but because the ghost fog is too thick, it is impossible to see through it at all.


The howls of fierce ghosts came out in the ghostly aura, and that heart also instantly turned into a moment of human head. It was Xu De who had completely become a ghost cultivator.

"It's you?"

The moment he saw the head clearly, Patriarch Beiming let out an exclamation, naturally he would not forget the ghost cultivator who was with Lin Xiao back then, but seeing Xu De's appearance now, his heart, unexpectedly at this moment, With signs of wanting to stop beating.

"Jie Jie! Old boy, you actually dare to offend my master, but this time it was your good fortune, hell! Where's your head?"

Xu De was recovering from his wounds, but he was awakened by Lin Xiao at this moment. He was a little dazed. When he saw that Patriarch Beiming had only a moment of head left, he naturally showed a hint of satisfaction on his face, but when he swept across the battlefield, he found There was no Beiming Qinghe's head, and the ghostly mist rolled in a burst of anger.

This sky ghost is too different. It actually asked a person for a head, which made many people feel sad for the ancestor Beiming, but as soon as this feeling appeared, they felt that the surroundings were locked by a breath, and all woke up.

"Not good! Lin Xiao, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed monk suddenly noticed the strange scene on the field. Lin Xiao actually walked towards them with a smile on his face. This reminded them of the rumors about Lin Xiao, and they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

At this time, there are monks who react quickly, fleeing in a hurry, hating their parents for giving birth to a leg when they called them, and running for their lives quickly.


It's a pity that their speed was so unbearable in Lin Xiao's eyes. When he took a step, the monks around him were swept away by the regular lines in his body and turned into blood mist.

"Lin Xiao, are you going to risk the world and attack us?" Some monks who knew they couldn't run away shouted at Lin Xiao angrily.

"The world? Have I, Lin Xiao, made any serious mistakes that are worthy of you people from all over the world to hunt and kill me?"

Lin Xiao sneered, without stopping at all, and wiped away the lives of those people with a wave. He was like a demon king, and these monks who showed their might in the eyes of mortals were like mortals who had no power to restrain chickens.

"Lin Xiao, I have no ill intentions towards you! Don't kill me!"

Among the monks, a large number of people fell to their knees. They were not unwilling to run, but they knew that they couldn't run, so they begged Lin Xiao.

"If I were captured alive today, would you let me go?"

Lin Xiao said lightly, then shook his head helplessly, these people came towards him, but now he wants to let them go, have he ever thought about it, did he ever think about what he did to them wrong.

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