Everyone felt dizzy for a while. The senior was addicted to drinking blood, and he wanted more. This made Xia Yuan and the others understand at this moment. No wonder Senior Qin's eyes are so scary.


Lin Xiao didn't hesitate at all, and cut open his arm with a wave of his hand, took out a jade bowl, filled it quickly, handed it to Qin Hao and said, "Senior!"


Qin Hao was also stunned. He originally wanted to make friends, so even if he drank blood, it would be easy to get up later, so he was embarrassed when he asked Lin Xiao at the end. After all, he is a person without any background. I also feel sorry for begging him suddenly.

However, Lin Xiao's reaction shocked even him. He is an old and refined monk. He didn't see Lin Xiao's hesitation. That's what he was afraid of. Who could attack him? So ruthless, if he knew that Lin Xiao had broken his own bones, he wondered if he would jump out of the stone wall directly.

When what he wanted was brought to his mouth by Lin Xiao, Qin Hao was a little bit hesitant, and said hesitantly, "Little friend Lin, what is the relationship between you and this old man?"

"The juniors don't know!"

Lin Xiao shook his head, without Qin Fengyang speaking, he didn't want to give to the Qin family, but he wanted to use Qin Yue's idea of ​​climbing high, that's not the arrogant him.

The other party may be Qin Yue's elder, just for this possibility, he will help without hesitation, even if the other party is an ungrateful existence, Lin Xiao will still do it, because it is not only him who is sad because of Qin Yue's disappearance, but It's the whole Qin family, so he wants to make up for it as much as he can.

There was hesitation in Qin Hao's eyes. Facing the blood that could help him get out of here as soon as possible, he felt unable to swallow.

"Senior, don't worry. I just did my best for today's matter. I will definitely not use this matter to ask my senior to do something for me in the future!"

Lin Xiao saw Qin Hao's concerns, and hurriedly explained. At the same time, his understanding of Qin Hao also rose to another level.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was even thinking, if it were him who was sealed in such an environment and encountered a situation like his own, would he be able to keep calm and not be dazzled by the consciousness of survival.

Lin Xiao himself didn't know the answer, but this old man, who had been alone for thousands of years, didn't say that he would drink Lin Xiao's blood first, but resisted the temptation. heroes.

"Okay! This old man will discuss friendship with you as your peers. Big brother likes your character!"

Qin Hao laughed heartily, and without giving Lin Xiao a chance to refuse, he drank the blood in one gulp.

Xia Yuan's face was full of embarrassment. His ancestor would probably call him senior when he met Qin Hao, but now he is discussing friendship with his brother. This life might be messed up all of a sudden, but he didn't stop him at all. It means that if Qin Hao can get out of the customs, his brother will have a backer, and even if he is really chased by the Long family, he doesn't have to be afraid.


Lin Xiao still wanted to refuse, but just as he was about to speak, Qin Hao gave him a hard look, and the words were interrupted.

"Don't you despise Big Brother?"

Qin Hao had a displeased expression on his face. He is not the kind of ungrateful person. Now that he has made a decision, he will naturally not change it, and he has really approved Lin Xiao in his heart.


"Brother Qin!"

Qin Hao smiled triumphantly. After drinking Lin Xiao's blood, his rough skin turned golden, completely separated from the gray stone wall.

Xia Yuan, who was on the side, was also happy to see things come to fruition, and couldn't help thinking at this moment: "Brother Qin can count that I can meet Lin Xiao here, I'm afraid he didn't think about why my brother is equal to his ancestors, right?"


In a vast mountain range, Qin Feng is as handsome as jade, and his snow-white robes are dancing in the wind, like a fairy, but at this moment he sneezed, looking into the distance and said: "Though something bad is going to happen recently, But I didn’t figure out what it was, could it be that something happened to Yue’er? There should be no more hesitation about this matter!”

On the Lotus Peak, Qin Hao did not get out of trouble, because his body had already merged with the stone wall, and even in order to survive, he had consumed too much energy, and it would take a long time to break free .

But Lin Xiao and the others can affirm that this old ancestor, if he gets out of trouble, will definitely be able to soar into the sky. After all, the ten-thousand-year seal seems to be torture, but it is actually a kind of opportunity. From now on, this The ancestor's Dao foundation will be rare in the world.

In the end, Lin Xiao had no choice but to use the blood sword to completely cut off the stone wall where Qin Hao was. Without the cover of the divine map, Qin Hao would not be able to wake up even if he exhausted all the blood in Lin Xiao's body. After all, his real A strong enemy is the restriction of this black mountain. Although it is troublesome to carry such a stone, it is also helpless. Let Qin Hao go, and he will inevitably fall into the realm of self-styled again.

Qin Hao asked about everything about the outside world. Fairy Zi Yan, a living classic, talked about it in detail, from the time when Qin Hao disappeared to the end of the world. It can be said to be extremely detailed. It is also the material of a female doctor.

"Alas... in the blink of an eye, it has been ten thousand years!"

Qin Hao sighed softly, and the sadness in his eyes could not be concealed. After all, the outside world has changed for thousands of years. Even the cultivation family has a deep foundation, but it is difficult to avoid this fact.

"What kind of realm did senior reach, and how did he get trapped here?"

Monk Jianren couldn't help gossiping, but he also asked the questions that the people present most wanted to know.

"The old man had already reached the half-step power realm back then, but it was a pity that the world suddenly changed drastically at that time, and there was no hope of breakthrough, so the old man went to the sanctuary to find a way to enter the heaven, but it's a pity that the restriction here was suddenly opened!"

Recalling everything in the past again, Qin Hao's eyes were full of thinking. He was young and energetic at the beginning, and he was a proud figure like Yu Long Shaoqing, but now he is a hero, and it is inevitable that there will be sadness. It belongs to him. That era is completely over.

"Half-step power!"

Lin Xiao took a deep breath. Although he had already guessed in his heart, it was another matter to really know. It is very slim to have a sense of heaven in the world today, but his cheap big brother actually took a step forward. It's so far away, it simply makes those who call their ancestors ashamed.

There are two divisions in the realm of Taoism. One is the current division, which is based on the precise divisions of Qi training, refining Ai Qi, bodiless birth, heavenly sense, leaping dragon, and looking at immortals.

The other is the division ten thousand years ago, which are divided into knowing the sky, knowing the fate, the leader, the mighty, the sage, the king, and the venerable. This is no longer based on cultivation, but on the size of one's own ability. Lin Xiao Their current realm stems from knowing the sky, which should mean being happy with the sky and knowing their fate.

Specifically, what is the understanding of this division at the beginning, the inheritance of ten thousand years, I am afraid that except for some powerful forces, ordinary monks will not understand it, so they are more happy with the current division, and thus spread.

The half-step power that Qin Hao mentioned is above the leader, but he has not reached the realm of power. His cultivation base is between Yuelong and Wangxian. Not to mention this era, even ten thousand years ago, I am afraid that this kind of cultivation is also invincible in the world.

When he entered here, Qin Hao was only in his 30s, and he was at the age of prosperity. He should have left infinite legends in that era, but he was imprisoned for thousands of years. If this kind of thing was done by other people, he would have already I was so aggrieved that I went crazy.

"Senior Qin, the world ten thousand years ago should be much better than it is now!"

Zi Yan asked with a serious face, although their younger generation has already developed a sense of heaven, and their combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of heaven, but who can guarantee that they will be able to reach the level of leaping dragon at the age of 30.

Cultivating the Tao is a kind of big wave washing the sand. If you can enter the next realm, you must be the best in the same realm, but if you want to continue to break through, you must be an absolute strong in the next realm. Who can guarantee such a thing, so She also hopes to use this to hear her thoughts about entering Yuelong.

Qin Hao looked up at the sky, his eyes were deep, but without the slightest expression. After all, he is no longer the strong man he used to be, and it will take time to recover, but his background is also unfathomable. After a long silence, he shook his head and said : "The world today is much better than it was ten thousand years ago!"

This time, everyone was silent. If someone else said it, they might have doubts, but this is a living fossil from ten thousand years ago, and there is no need for the other party to tell such a lie.

Today's world is better than it was ten thousand years ago, but it is much more difficult for them to enter the sense of heaven. It is conceivable what kind of concept it will be to enter Yuelong. It may not be a problem for this group of people to enter the sense of heaven, but If you want to enter the next level, it will be even more difficult.

"Actually, cultivation has little to do with heaven and earth. The important thing is my own heart. Although I have closed my consciousness for ten thousand years, I was sober and thought a lot in the first thousand years, but it was already too late. !"

Qin Hao saw what a few people were thinking, and didn't want them to think too much. He smiled and shared some of his feelings when he was trapped. It was a rare opportunity for a living fossil to die in person, and everyone was naturally excited. It became clear from that thought, and I was afraid that I would miss this opportunity.


At this moment, Jinghu Samsara within the sea suddenly let out a violent roar, which was about to shatter the nine heavens. Obviously, the strong man in it was about to be born again.

"Brother, don't stop me anymore. Now that the world has changed drastically, even if the younger brother turns into ashes immediately after going out, I will rush out. I am already tired of this dark life!"

This is the voice of the supreme being who wanted to kill Lin Xiao at the beginning. His words are full of madness at the moment. His two pitch-black arms beat the sky and the earth pale. Endless cracks.

"Fourth brother, why are you bothering? Didn't you see what happened to fifth brother back then? Now you are going to follow in the footsteps of fifth brother and the others. If you leave, how can eldest brother endure tens of thousands of years of loneliness!"

The voice of another Supreme came, full of misery, why didn't he want to give it a go, but if he wanted to leave, the price he had to pay might be his life.

"Qingluan is waiting for me, brother, I want to take a look!"

The first voice spoke hesitantly.

"Forget it! When the outer sanctuary was opened, there was a monk who accidentally fell into the sea of ​​reincarnation. You used his body to go to the outside world. My brother will protect you from the outside world's liquidation, but you only have ten years!"

Another voice said helplessly, if Lin Xiao was here, he would definitely be crazy about it, because he was here at the beginning, and he felt that familiar aura. Although he didn't know who it was, it must be extremely important to him, but now To become someone else's wedding dress, Lin Xiao would never allow it.

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