Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 209 Changes in the Black Coffin

In the dantian, there are gullies everywhere, just like the long-dry land, with cracks everywhere.

In the center of the dantian, the Life Spring spewed out wisps of extremely weak aura, continuously irrigating the dryness of the dantian, but it was a bit of a drop in the bucket. So far, except for the small area of ​​the Ming Spring, the rest of the area is still dry and cracked.

This is Lin Xiao's dantian. Now that he has regained his senses, he also has the ability to simply look inside. Above the fountain of life, a round of alternating black and white spiritual bodies is constantly spinning. Every time it rotates, the range of his fountain of life It will expand a little bit, although it is very small, it is rare to persevere.

"Now the deterioration of my dantian has been curbed, but if I want to recover as much as possible, what I need is to continue to refine the spiritual energy to restore my dantian to its luster. When I practiced the extreme way, the range of my dantian was ten times that of a normal monk. It also increases the difficulty of recovery!"

Lin Xiao smiled wryly, he was also injured, but Xia Yuan and the others quickly recovered, and they could quickly enter the Heavenly Sense after going through a tribulation, but he hadn't even reached the first level of Qi training, if it wasn't for him His willpower is firm, and I am afraid that he will really give up.

As Lin Xiao performed the extreme skills recorded on the Tianbei, the surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered towards his body. This was the result of his deliberate suppression, otherwise the noise would be too loud and it would only cause trouble.

With the spiritual energy from the outside world, the spiritual energy in the life spring is no longer sprayed in strands, but becomes the thickness of a finger, flowing slowly along the cracks in the dantian.

Cultivation is about step-by-step progress. Lin Xiao can't absorb spiritual energy in a big mouthful now, otherwise it will form a flood like farming, especially his dantian, which has been drought for a long time now, if the spiritual energy is too abundant, it will be completely cracked. It will be even more difficult for him to recover his cultivation, so the time he needs must be very long.

Beside Lin Xiao, Liu Wei didn't choose to practice, but watched Lin Xiao silently. When he saw that Lin Xiao was really absorbing spiritual energy, he was relieved.

In his heart, he was also skeptical about whether Lin Xiao could recover, and now he was naturally relieved. After all, every qualification to enter the sword cave was extremely precious, and his heart was bleeding every time he took it out.

"I, Liu Wei, have nothing good at all. If I want to curry favor with others, I have no capital at all. This Lin Xiao is an opportunity given to me by the heavens. Even if he loses, I have no regrets. Anyway, I have fought once. !"

There was a trace of determination on Liu Wei's face, and he slowly closed his eyes. He would not know until a long time later, when it came to this bet, he thought it was the most successful one in his life.

When Senior Brother Gu came back again, Lin Xiao's dantian had only recovered by [-]%. This speed was the safest way he felt, but it was only possible on the third floor of the sword cave. To achieve such a speed, if it is the first floor, it is not bad to be able to reach one percent.

"Next month, remember that you can still stay here for two days at this time. In the last month, I need to go into seclusion to deal with the Sword Discussion Conference once every ten years, so you can't come again, so prepare yourself!"

Senior Brother Gu sent the two of them out of the third floor, and after a few words of advice, he turned around and went back.

"How is senior's injury?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Liu Wei hurriedly brought his face closer and asked expectantly.

"Entering the third floor of this sword cave, is there any identity restriction?"

Lin Xiao did not answer Liu Wei's question, but asked seriously.

"Eh? There is indeed no identity restriction on the third floor, but the magic weapon hanging above the stone gate is passed down by the gate master. It has not reached the heavenly sense, and it may be extremely difficult to enter it!"

Liu Wei just hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly said, what he fears most is Lin Xiao's tranquility, the more he asks, the more confidence Liu Wei has in his heart.

"Actually, this sword cave costs some crystals, but it is still possible to enter. It's just that the number of crystals is extremely large. Even the juniors can only pay the seniors to use it three times!"

Seeing Lin Xiao's silence, Liu Wei bit his lip, restrained his heartache, and spoke firmly.

While talking, the two had already left the sword cave, and now the outside is only dimly lit. Although the sword cave can be entered by spending spar, this matter has not been made public in the sect, so they can't be too ostentatious.

Until returning to the room, Lin Xiao did not mention the matter of entering the sword cave, but lay on the bed with an expression of going to sleep.

"Senior, if you want to enter the grotto, I can go to my cousin to borrow the spar, so that senior can continue to practice!"

After Liu Wei said the words, there was a stabbing pain in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't bear the child and couldn't trap the wolf.

"No need! I will figure out a way when I enter the sword cave!"

Lin Xiao directly rejected Liu Wei's proposal. If he really spent spirit stones to get in, I'm afraid this matter will cause a lot of trouble in the city, and the gain is not worth the loss.


Liu Wei was taken aback for a moment, and the question Lin Xiao asked immediately came to mind. His eyes lit up, and he waved his hand to take out a black windbreaker and a bamboo hat. If you can’t let it go, let it go to you first!”

While speaking, Liu Wei turned around and left the room. He had exhausted his thoughts that night, and now he can finally go back to sleep and sleep well.

Lin Xiao glanced at the windbreaker and cloak that Liu Wei had put down, and put them on directly. He found no flaws in the room and could completely hide his body before taking them off again.

His words were naturally intended to imply Liu Wei, otherwise, with his character, how could others guess his thoughts? After all, he can't open the storage bag now. Impossible, this is also a benefit for him to keep Liu Wei.

"Liu Wei was able to guess that I was injured, and other people must have guessed this matter, but now no one came to investigate, this matter is a bit weird!"

Lin Xiao wrinkled slightly. When Qi Shuyuan was frightened, he thought about a series of consequences, but now he was so calm, which surprised him a little. He didn't understand what those people who watched him were plotting.

"Forget it! The most important thing now is to restore your strength. Although you can't really overcome all the difficulties by then, you won't be able to stand still!"

Lin Xiao sighed lightly, and immediately fell asleep.

In the crack opened by the black coffin in the Yingtian Pavilion, more than a dozen monks wearing various Taoist robes sat cross-legged on it, and the aura from their bodies kept flickering and quickly poured into the black coffin. This scene lasted for a long time. It's been half a year, but it hasn't stopped yet.

Such a big tiankeng is difficult for ordinary people to fill up, but it is not difficult for monks who move mountains and seas with a wave of their hands. The only reason why they are left is because the monks of the five great sword sects, Want to plot this black coffin.

At this moment, the youngest-looking monk, who was also in his 20s, said with a troubled expression: "Brothers, this black coffin is very strange. I am afraid that with our strength, we will not be able to take it out." Its refining!"

"Junior Brother Jin, this black coffin is a rare treasure that can cross the void. If we have it, our five great sword sects will have a chance to move back to the mother planet of Gouchen. For this matter, even if we spend a hundred years, It is enough!"

Master Tian of Yujianmen opened his mouth with a serious face at this moment. Although he looks dull, his martial arts are undoubtedly the most profound among the group of people, and he has a lot of power to speak here.

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​I heard that the disciple you accepted has the natural ability of divination. I wonder if it is true?"

Xue Laogui of Ghost Sword Sect is also here, but at this moment he spoke with a pointed expression.

"Zhang Yang is indeed born with the ability to predict the future, but he has been sent to the inner sect by me now, and he will definitely become the most powerful fortune-teller of our five sword sects in the future!"

The head of the Tian clan smiled boldly, but he didn't notice the disappointed look on the old ghost Xue's face.

"Except for Senior Sister Zhao who is inside the door, we are all here to refine the black coffin. I don't know the background of those children, but we have investigated them all. Otherwise, I always feel a little uneasy about this matter!"

Junior Brother Jin, the youngest, spoke with a worried face. After all, Crossing the Void is just a few children, which is too bizarre.


While several people were talking, the black coffin suddenly shook violently. The shaking was so sudden that it instantly triggered a large-scale earthquake in the entire Yingtian Pavilion, and then a large area of ​​the ground collapsed.

"not good!"

More than a dozen monks let out an exclamation at the same time, and chose to escape by coincidence, because they felt a breath of destruction spreading, and if they escaped slowly, they might be smashed to pieces.


The black coffin made a violent vibration again, and the void was shattered by a blow. Around it, vortices formed by chaotic air appeared.

Following the roar, the black coffin, which had been inserted into the ground, was lifted slowly, and slowly separated from the original ground.

"Not good! This black coffin will cross the void again!"

A sect master suddenly thought of something, let out an exclamation, and then his body turned into a flash of lightning, and went straight to the largest palace in Yingtian Pavilion.


The starlight fell like the Milky Way, the black coffin was full of golden light, and the patterns inside were flowing, like a real starry sky.


At the moment when the black coffin was about to break free from the crack, a pitch-black iron chain exuding a ghostly aura flew across the sky from a palace in the northeast corner of the largest palace, instantly locking the body of the black coffin.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it took half a year. If the black coffin was really allowed to escape, their hard work would be in vain. They all paid homage to the palace.

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