The battle between Lin Xiao and Lu Shan developed so fast that many people who originally wanted to watch the battle were a little disappointed. Even those in the other tents around who wanted to try were suppressed by Lin Xiao's quick decision. Go on, after all, defeating the sixth level of Tiangan with just one punch, this kind of strength is daunting.

Zhao Feng and Wang Yu on the side were stunned for a while. Although they had seen Lin Xiao's tyrannical fighting power, such a domineering style was something they could not accept. After all, they had all seen Lin Xiao's low-key appearance, and they couldn't help Overlap these two people.

"lead the way!"

Lin Xiao was enveloped by countless eyes, but he didn't care. He spoke to Zhao Feng lightly, but he didn't look at Lu Shan again.


Zhao Feng on the side nodded embarrassingly. At this moment, he also realized his mistake and blamed himself in his heart. He couldn't calm down in front of Lin Xiao. He hurried forward and led Lin Xiao to Situ Guang's place. outside the tent.

"Where to go!"

At this moment, Lu Shan seemed to wake up, roared loudly, held a flying sword in each hand, and rushed towards Lin Xiao quickly. In his mind, he was careless just now and was tricked by Lin Xiao. At this moment, he will go all out to regain his face.

"Are you in charge?"

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly, but stretched out his index finger and pointed towards Lu Shan, and suddenly a green flame jumped out of Lin Xiao's fingertips.

This flame is a spell cast by the ancestor of Tianyin. It has a strong effect of eroding the soul. It has miraculous effects and can defile people's primordial spirit and magic weapon.


The Yin Huo danced violently, quickly turned into a green net, and quickly covered Lu Shan, but Lin Xiao didn't even look at it, turned around and walked into the tent where Situ Guang was.


Outside the tent, Lu Shan let out a scream, and his whole body was covered by Yin fire. These flames were like tarsal maggots, which could not be cured at all. Once ignited, there would be a prairie fire. It was burned to ashes, making him wish he could find a crack in the ground and burrow into it immediately.

"Shameful thing! Go back yet!"

At this moment, a cold snort came from the tent in the middle, and then a gust of wind blew by, and the Yin fire was extinguished immediately, but the wind swept Nalu Shan straight towards him and appeared tent away.

"I have seen the master!"

The moment Lin Xiao entered the tent, Situ Guang quickly greeted him, not paying attention to Zhao Feng's and others' reaction at all, and directly bowed to Lin Xiao respectfully.

"Are you testing me?"

Lin Xiao asked a question with a calm expression, but he took the initiative to walk to a chair in the center of the tent, which was the main seat, and he would not be humble at such a time.

"Situ dare not!"

Situ Guang was in a cold sweat. He didn't show up just now, so he was really trying to test it. After all, he hasn't seen him for three years, and his cultivation base has also improved. If Lin Xiao still didn't break through the heavenly sense, he wouldn't have said that sentence Master, but treat each other with the etiquette of friends. After all, few people in the world really work hard.

"It's not an example!"

Lin Xiao spoke coldly, without any intention of listening to the other party's explanation, but turned his eyes to Wang Yu and said, "You are following a certain road in Lin, and now you are safe, why don't you back down?"

A bit of bitterness appeared on Wang Yu's face in the distance. She had guessed Lin Xiao's identity for a long time, but she never expected that she could subdue Master Lu with a wave of her hands, and even less that the chief disciple who was unattainable in their hearts, They all respectfully called out to be master, this identity gave her the illusion of looking up from a high mountain.

But even so, if she is allowed to withdraw like this, and miss the opportunity from now on, she is unwilling to see, with her white teeth, biting her vermilion lips, she firmly shook her head and said, "Senior, I don't want to leave!"

"What can you give me?"

Lin Xiao was not surprised at all, instead he asked the topic he should have asked yesterday, and looked calmly at Wang Yu, the former princess of the Great Qin Empire.

Swept by Lin Xiao's eyes, Wang Yu's face turned red slightly, but she raised her head stubbornly. That pretty face made the entire tent pale. This was once a bright pearl, no matter where she went, Her identity remains unchanged, and she is destined to attract the attention of all.

Lin Xiao was silent. Although Wang Yu didn't speak, it was the best answer. If a person is all handed over to you, there is nothing he can't let go of.

In the end, Lin Xiao and Situ Guang exchanged pleasantries, and then began to inquire about the whereabouts of their two brothers. Han Xing and Monk Jianren had all entered the inner sect. A lot of it was thrown away.

This is a sad era for the chiefs. The most qualified Nanli was beheaded by Lin Xiao, and the rest of the chiefs became dim. It was originally considered that they would definitely be able to enter the inner sect, but it was because of the appearance of Lin Xiao and others , all stayed down, and no one could break through.

Now that Situ Guang has reached the sixth level of Heavenly Sense, his cultivation has become unfathomable, and his body is getting thicker and thicker, but he still respectfully tells Lin Xiao the scenes of his departure, among which the saint Ye Yuner is naturally mentioned. There was no breakthrough, which made him sigh with emotion for a while, the road of cultivating the Tao is too difficult, there is no eternal smooth sailing, it is all a painful struggle and transformation.

Dao Jianzong had a big battle half a year ago, the saint Guo Xiangyi returned, and Yu Tiandao fought a battle, which left the entire Jianzong speechless for a while, and the silence of the suzerain also made this matter a big one for Dao Jianzong. private affairs, and the rest are also happy to do so.

In the end, Guo Xiangyi used the realm of Leaping Dragon to secure victory over Tian Daoren, and divided the Sword Cave into his own private area, where outsiders could not enter at all. Although this made the disciples of Dao Sword Sect complain, there was nothing they could do about it.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also learned from Situ Guang that today's five great sword sects also want to share a share with the Blood Emperor. With the help of Wang Yu's identity, they can create a dynasty and share the world's great fortune. , is still under discussion, and it is said that he will choose among the four chiefs, so Lu Shan will block Lin Xiao.

After hearing this, Lin Xiao let out a soft sigh. With the big changes today, the monks can't settle down. Although the luck of the world is illusory, it is a shortcut to be fast and powerful. It is inevitable that some people will let them All living beings in the world are devastated.

Lin Xiao is not the savior of the world, and he is no longer merciful, but he can't bear to see that the entire southern world is about to fall into war, but even so, there is nothing he can do. The strong are respected, and his current strength is still not enough.

Lin Xiao sat alone on a mountain peak at night, letting the wind blow his hair. It has been five years since he came to this world without knowing it, and his cultivation has finally broken through to the sense of heaven, but his heart is full of emotions. Thinking a little, looking at the area where the water-blue planet is located, although it is not visible, it is the direction of home.


A voice sounded from behind Lin Xiao. Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't respond at all, he sat down on his own, unscrewed a pot of wine with his hand, handed it to Lin Xiao and said with a smile, "Do you know why I want to betray the Wang family?"

Lin Xiao was still silent. He had already discovered that this person was Wang Lin, the protagonist of Fengyun Canyon this time. He had crossed paths with Lin Xiao and was a man from the same place.

Wang Lin's sword eyebrows were drawn into his temples, and his eyes were like lightning, full of light. At this moment, he was wearing a yellow dragon robe, and his long hair was pulled into a purple gold crown, which dimmed the starlight. But the moment he was drinking, he could It was obvious that he was equally unhappy.

"I want to go back and kill all the members of the Wang family!"

Lin Xiao took the wine gourd calmly. The hatred didn't fade away because of Wang Chong's death. He didn't mention it. Most of the time, it was because he had learned to be silent and didn't want to talk about his hatred.

"You are not an opponent yet!"

Wang Lin shook his head helplessly. As a direct descendant of the Wang family, he knew too much, but he was also frustrated. Otherwise, at the last moment, his identity would not betray the ancestor of the Wang family. May be overwritten.


The Purple Lightning Divine Halberd was sacrificed by Wang Lin, with a sarcastic smile on his face, he stroked the magic weapon lightly, smiled and said: "I also hate that family, if I don't betray, I'm afraid I won't Way to survive!"

Lin Xiao was silent. He and Wang Lin were not the same kind of people, but they walked the same path. They both didn't want their fate to be controlled by others, and they both wanted to protect them with strong strength. However, what awaited them was Endless pain, getting drunk late at night.

In the battle of Guanghan Palace, the original purpose of the ancestors of the Wang family was to get Wang Lin into it, and steal the sweet-scented osmanthus tree without anyone noticing, but from the beginning to the end, Wang Lin wanted to take this opportunity to escape from the control of the Wang family.

His father entered the Wang family as a married man and was forced to death by the direct descendants of the Wang family. His mother died of depression because of this. From the very beginning, he practiced with hatred. Up to now, even he himself can't tell the difference.

"I hope we don't meet on the battlefield!"

Lin Xiao spoke lightly. Wang Lin told him these things not because he was a friend, but because for so long, he had carried too much and needed to let go. Lin Xiao is a person from his hometown, just enough to satisfy this point.

"I hope we can have a fight!"

There was also a smile on Wang Lin's face, he took a gulp of wine, turned around and left, he came mysteriously, but left with the same ease, this is the demeanor of a king.

"This is another strong man besides Long Shaoqing!"

Lin Xiao silently watched Wang Lin's back go away, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. After he mastered the rules of fate, judging people is no longer just appearance and expression, but also looking at a person's body can determine his fate the elements of.

On Wang Lin's body, Lin Xiao saw regular lines, like a huge net surrounding him tightly. He could see that the other party's heart was full of unwillingness, because although he escaped from the Wang family, But he jumped into another net, and the owner of this net, Xue Tu, was stronger.

In the end, Wang Lin's words showed that he couldn't help himself. If a person can't do everything according to his heart, it can only be said that he has too many constraints. Wang Lin is the difference between eager to fight, because he hopes to be able to control his own destiny in the future, and fight without reservation.

Lin Xiao took a sip of wine, shook his head, and threw these thoughts out of his mind, but at this moment, he turned around suddenly, his eyes were like two sword lights, piercing a hill in the distance, The figure said coldly: "After listening for so long? Are you still planning to come out?"

There was silence in the valley, only Lin Xiao's words echoed. As time went by, they gradually faded in the wind. No one appeared on the hill, but Lin Xiao's eyes did not change at all, and they remained firm all the time. , he could clearly sense that there was a person there.

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