Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 268 The Return

Youyun County, one of the thirteen major cities of the Yan Kingdom, has a long history and has survived since ancient times. It stands proudly outside the mountain gates of the Five Great Sword Sects, like a huge guardian animal, looking down on the world.

"Have you heard? In the battle of Fengyun Canyon, Yu Yue and Wang Lin were beaten to pieces, and even a fairy treasure in the canyon was blown out!"

"Hey! I heard that the fairy treasure has great powers and the power to suppress immortals. Countless monks couldn't subdue it at all, and finally let the treasure escape!"

Lin Xiao walked on the streets of Youyun County, and heard rumors about the battle in Fengyun Canyon everywhere. After all, this place is too close to the Five Great Sword Sects, and many residents are inextricably related to the disciples of the Five Great Sword Sects. This place has already evolved into a city of monks, and strong men who have been reborn can be seen everywhere.

It has been three months since the original battle, but they did not expect that the discussion about that battle is still going on, and the trend is getting worse.

This is not the first time Lin Xiao has heard such a discussion. He walks in the world, consolidates his own Dao fruit, and makes every step of himself extraordinarily strong. Naturally, he heard many monks discuss this matter, but he does not have many interest, walk through it directly.

The battle of Fengyun Canyon left many monks very speechless. Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely and the winner was about to be decided, the fairy treasure at the bottom of Fengyun Canyon was born. Under such circumstances, it was naturally a crazy snatch Xianbao, where is the time to continue watching the battle.

But what is even more comical is that the whereabouts of the immortal treasure was unknown in the end, and no one even saw what the treasure was. progress.

Lin Xiao was not surprised by this result. In the Fengyun Canyon, he always felt a sense of crisis enveloping him. This feeling did not fade until he left. Now he is even more reminded of the story told by the old fisherman. That was probably true, he thought.

"I'm afraid it's not a coincidence that Xianbao was born in this world?"

Lin Xiao murmured in his heart, but he didn't pay attention to this aspect any more. After all, the most urgent thing was to go to the Five Great Sword Sects and see his brother. This was what he cared about.

Next to the Five Great Sword Sects, from a long distance, you can see five huge mountain peaks, straight into the sky, halfway up the mountain, white clouds turn into jade belts, surrounding them, but if the monks come, they will definitely find, This white cloud jade belt is actually a very powerful restriction.

Although Lin Xiao came from the Five Great Sword Sects, he has never seen the five Great Sword Sects in such a real way. This time, his feelings are more obvious and majestic. Such mountains are rare in the world, and there are only such immortal sects. to be able to have.

"Stop here!"

Just when Lin Xiao was approaching the mountain peak where Dao Sword Sect was located, suddenly there was a shout from above the mountain, and then he saw two middle-aged monks wearing the Dao Sword Sect logo robes, controlling the sword light, Come straight down the mountain.

Because Lin Xiao deliberately hid his cultivation in order not to draw attention from others, and he walked forward, in the eyes of these two, he looked like an ordinary person, so in addition to warnings, his words were more dissatisfied .

"Senior Brother Feng, an ordinary person is also worthy of spying on our Dao Sword Sect. He must be someone with ulterior motives. Why tell him so much?"

Next to the leading middle-aged man, a slightly younger monk sneered with disdain.

But when the monk opened his mouth, he found that Senior Brother Feng's complexion was unusually ugly, and he couldn't help but looked at Lin Xiao with puzzled eyes.

The ordinary face is full of extreme self-confidence between his brows, especially the young cheeks, accompanied by the snow-white long hair, dancing in the wind, as if he had experienced too much when he was young. Vicissitudes.

"is it him?"

Senior Brother Feng murmured, the aura on the scarlet long whip that was originally in his hand became unstable. This was a shock, at least in his impression, there was such a person who once made him Fear, and this fear should be deeply rooted.

Lin Xiao didn't stop because of the arrival of the two of them. His low profile doesn't mean he will be low profile. He still used his original speed to walk slowly towards the mountain peak. He is the first mountain peak of the Sword Sect. Go climbing once.

"This is the most important place of Daojian sect, don't stop, beware of blood splashing five steps!"

The boy roared, his face was gloomy and frightening, after all they are the guards here, if a mortal breaks into the mountain gate, not to mention the punishment from the sect, even if it is humiliation, it is enough to make them feel ashamed.

Almost every year, some people will forcibly rush to the mountains, hoping to join the sect of the five great sword sects. Originally, for such things, most of them chose to kill them. It was already like this, but the behavior of senior brother Feng made the young man unwilling. Easy hands.

"Senior Brother Lin!"

At this moment, the senior brother Feng punched Lin Xiao in embarrassment, and then bowed down. Although he was called a senior brother, he faced it with the etiquette of a disciple, but even so, his body still instinctively He took a step back, and as his head lowered, the corner of his eyes swept across, as if something was wrong, he would turn around and leave.

Lin Xiao was calm and didn't even stop there, just walked past the two of them as if they were two passers-by.

In fact, this senior brother Lin Xiao still has some impressions. When he met Qi Shuyuan outside the sword cave, it was this person who threatened him with a long whip to apologize, but now four years have passed, Lin Xiao has forgotten it, and he is even unwilling to go If you mention it again, naturally you won't take action against this person.

Now Senior Brother Feng's cultivation base has reached the Ninth Heaven, and he is still fearful and fearful. He would have nightmares almost every night, because he had seen Lin Xiao when Lin Xiao killed the Quartet, and he was afraid that Lin Xiao would liquidate their grievances.

It wasn't until Lin Xiao walked away that this senior brother raised his head, his eyes were full of bitterness. After all, Lin Xiao was still a character who allowed himself to be bullied at the beginning, but now he just nodded indifferently when he saw him. As if passers-by, this is a kind of irony.

"Who is that fellow Feng?"

Apparently, the monk behind him had not been in Daojianzong for a long time, and when he saw the senior brother he had always admired, he actually used such a low profile to talk to others, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"You better not know!"

Senior Brother Feng snorted coldly. He was afraid of Lin Xiao, but he would not show it directly. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then deliberately reminded: "If you meet this person, it is best not to provoke him. He likes to talk, but once he talks, I'm afraid someone will be in trouble!"

While speaking, Senior Brother Feng sighed softly, but turned around and left, his back bent for no reason, and he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. After all, people of the same era, but now there is a gap between heaven and earth, this kind of blow is enough to make a A monk, he has been stagnant all his life.

Although Dao Jianzong had been shuffled by the Sword Discussion Conference, he could vaguely see many familiar figures. Most of these people were unknown to Lin Xiao, but in the previous battle, many older monks still recognized them. Lin Xiao saluted one after another.

Even some newcomers asked the people next to him about Lin Xiao's background one after another. When they knew that he was a weird person passed on by word of mouth, everyone gasped and instinctively chose to retreat, because the battle of Ghost Sword Peak, Because of the appearance of the Supreme, Lin Xiao was also infinitely mythical.

Lin Xiao didn't care about these things, and walked towards the place where he used to live, but what surprised him was that he didn't see the barrenness he imagined, but a thriving scene.

The golden sea of ​​wheat is swaying in the breeze, and colorful spirit birds are hovering above it, but at the moment of falling, a water pattern emanates from the sea of ​​wheat, gently blocking the spirit birds , making it close at hand, but out of reach.

This scene brought a smile to Lin Xiao's face. It was like a person returning home. When he returned to his hometown, he found that everything was the same as before he left. It was a warm feeling, and here Lin Xiao After living for more than a year, there are naturally some feelings.


I saw Lin Xiao slowly raised his right hand, pointed at the water pattern, and suddenly ripples rippled on the wheat field. This is not a strong restriction in itself, but now under Lin Xiao's finger, Melt away directly.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the room, and then a flash of spiritual light was seen, a monk in a gray robe rushed out of the room, and at this moment, a cyan streak in his right hand The rope rushed out and quickly entangled Lin Xiao.

All of this was completed in a very short time, but Lin Xiao didn't care about it at all, instead he had a smile on his face. This person is none other than Senior Brother Gu whom he met when he entered the Sword Cave for the first time. Obviously, the preservation of the wheat field should be related to this person.

"Put away your cleverness and guard the wheat fields. Lin owes you a favor for this matter!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth flatly, and shook his right hand forward, and the blue rope collapsed immediately.

Although this senior brother Gu was impeccable, in Lin Xiao's eyes, he was full of flaws. After all, the other party was an existence in the realm of heavenly sense, and he should have known that he was coming. It would be a bit reckless to choose to make a move.

After he left, he was able to guard a place for three years. Lin Xiao believed that such a person must be a scheming existence, so such recklessness was a bit contrived, and in his mind, this senior brother Gu was just trying to protect himself in front of him. Just show loyalty.

"I've seen Senior Brother Lin!"

Sure enough, after Lin Xiao spoke, Senior Brother Gu bowed to Lin Xiao in embarrassment. It was obvious that Lin Xiaodao had broken his mind, and he was a little uneasy.

"Thank you, Brother Gu!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the water-blue flying sword he got from the ancestor Tianyin directly to Senior Brother Gu.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. This is Lin Xiao's principle of conduct. This is why he still calls out Senior Brother Gu when Senior Brother Gu is respectful. This is a basic respect. Even if Lin Xiao faced ordinary people, he would still behave like that.

But facing this treasure that undoubtedly fell from the sky, Senior Brother Gu didn't go to pick it up, instead he smiled wryly and said: "Junior Brother Lin, I am ashamed to accept this treasure!"


In Lin Xiao's body, a tyrannical cultivation suddenly erupted, and that tyrannical coercion swept across the surrounding area within a hundred meters in an instant. Those monks who originally followed and wanted to see what happened, all of them were at this moment. Shocked, no doubt they all discovered the fact that Lin Xiao was stronger than three years ago.

"what happened?"

Lin Xiao said in a cold voice, since he appeared, Liu Wei has not appeared. Combining with the performance of Senior Brother Gu, he can naturally guess that something happened to Liu Wei, and this kind of phenomenon is something he does not want to see.

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