Lin Xiao's strength is obvious to all, and it makes people feel suffocated. Even if the realm is much higher than the opponent, he still cannot be an opponent. However, Lin Xiao now has the suppression of the Lotus Peak on his body, which makes people wonder. The suppression of this restriction is gone, how strong can Lin Xiao be.


Lin Xiao looked indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations. He was already numb to this kind of killing, and became more and more ruthless. At this moment, with a wave of his big hand, all the magic weapons sacrificed by the four monks were smashed into scrap metal.

"We can't let him step into the Lotus Peak, otherwise, what will be the face of my Qi Sword Sect?"

The headed red-robed Taoist priest, with a face full of panic, roared loudly, and rushed out again, using himself to save others. He knew that even if he escaped, he might not survive. Instead of doing this, he might as well use the power of the sect to Kill Lin Xiao.

Sure enough, following the roar of the Taoist priest, many monks of the Qi Sword Sect couldn't sit still. Dozens of sword lights flickered in the depths of the mountains, and they came straight to this place.

"From the beginning to the end, you were the ones who took away the face of Jianzong. Now you want to suppress me for your own selfish desires?"

Lin Xiao sneered, and the hand of the Tianbei swept across, cutting off the two strong men at once, blood splattered everywhere.

Even if there is no such stele hand, Lin Xiao can kill these people just by relying on his physical body. At this moment, he does not believe in moving forward, his face is full of confidence, even if the sword light all over the sky is coming, he still He didn't back down, because he knew that only the strong had the right to speak at any time.

"Stay away from me! You bloodthirsty demon king!"

The monk in the blue Taoist robe let out a stern roar, and when he saw that Lin Xiao had turned his gaze to him, he quickly backed away regardless of his image. In his mind, everything was meaningless, and only survival was the last word.

"You came here by yourself, but now you find out that I am strong, but you want to leave. Do you think that the rules of this world are all set by you?"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, and with a wave of his big hand, he smashed the Taoist's head into pieces, and his brains overflowed like broken watermelons.

This kind of scene was too bloody. The four monks in the realm of heavenly sense didn't even have the strength to fight back. They just died like this. Lin Xiao's strength made people feel scared and frightened. There is no doubt that Lin Xiao's realm is higher than theirs, but the fact is that Lin Xiao's realm is much lower than these people.

"Will the tragedy of Ghost Sword Sect be repeated?"

Some monks who had witnessed the battle of Ghost Sword Sect couldn't help but gasped. After all, it was such a similar scene. Now that Lin Xiao is even stronger, they seem to be unable to doubt that this time Qi Sword Sect will Follow in the footsteps of Ghost Sword Sect.


At this moment, above the sky in the distance, the void was trembling. A few powerful monsters came straight to this place. They were extremely tyrannical one by one, and they vaguely reached the edge of the transformation, exuding a tyrannical aura all over their bodies The breath is the king of monsters on the Lotus Peak, and now they are culled and killed.


Lin Xiao didn't care about these things, he quickly raised his right hand, and slapped the red-robed monk with his palm. There is no doubt that this person must not simply want to protect the sect. After all, although the five major sects do not advocate exchanges between monks, However, there was no express rule that he couldn't do it. This person just wanted to embarrass Lin Xiao, but he didn't expect that his own life would be at the end of the day.

"Bold! Trespassing on my disciples of the Qi Sword Sect and wantonly killing my sect members, you need to apologise with death at 40 today!"

At this moment, on the back of that blue buffalo, a middle-aged man with a gloomy appearance opened his mouth with a cold expression, and threw a long spear out with a wave of his hand. After piercing Lin Xiao, he was extremely confident in his own strength.

"It's him? The chief of the previous generation, didn't he say that he has already entered the inner sect? Why does he appear here now?"

There was a burst of exclamation among the crowd of onlookers. The monk who had already determined that Lin Xiao would win was shaken in his heart. After all, the disciples of the Inner Sect are extremely powerful even at any time. Even if Lin Xiao is enough Strong, in their minds, after all, they haven't really grown up yet.


Lin Xiao stood proudly in the world, and did not flinch at all. With his palm like a knife, he instantly slashed a monster rushing forward. At the same time, his body left an afterimage on the spot, which directly appeared on top of another monster. That powerful monster fell to the ground immediately, its brains cracked, like a painting but full of blood.

This scene happened so quickly that many people didn't even see what happened clearly. After all, these are tyrannical monsters, and their physical bodies are extremely strong, but they didn't expect that in front of Lin Xiao, they were more powerful than paper. Not much better.


At this moment, the thrown spear appeared in front of Lin Xiao. It was a magic weapon, and it was dilapidated, like a piece of wood that was about to rot. It would shatter when touched. Inside, there was a fierce murderous intent, definitely not comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

When the spear was thrown, it had already locked on to Lin Xiao, and at this moment, it pierced through the void and pierced Lin Xiao's eyebrows, with an aura that seemed irresistible.

"Incomplete Lingbao, it's a pity that the power is gone!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, the murderous intent released by the spear made his eyebrows explode, but he didn't care, and gently pointed at the spear.

"Is he crazy? It's a broken Lingbao. He didn't dodge or even use all his strength. It's just a finger. Could it be that he thought he was the Supreme?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, obviously they were frightened by Lin Xiao's behavior, and some even thought that Lin Xiao was already stupid, and in their opinion, such a move would undoubtedly lead to death.

"Hmph! This treasure is a gift from my master, you will die at 40 today!"

Yin Xu sneered, his face was full of disdain, as the previous chief of Qi Sword Sect and a disciple of the Inner Sect, he had an extremely noble status, so he was naturally supercilious, and he didn't put Lin Xiao in his eyes at all.


But so many people had to shut up, and even began to worry that their jaws would fall to the ground, only to see that the murderous spear, which was originally unparalleled, made a slight tremor, and was slightly wrapped around Lin Xiao's fingertips. Down, go straight to its owner and rewind away.

This scene was too astonishing. It was even more shocking than when Lin Xiao attacked and killed five heavenly senses with his bare hands just now. Taking the Lingbao with his bare hands made the Lingbao change hands. Such a method was too amazing, and made people understand Lin Xiao again. of mystery.

In fact, in a corner that no one else saw, there was a tiny scar on Lin Xiao's index finger. This injury was caused by the moment of contact with the spear just now, and because of the injury of the index finger, its essence and blood rushed into the spear. Within, and then Lin Xiao quickly refined the secret technique with blood essence, and refined it into his own treasure.

All of this happened very quickly. If it was a complete spirit treasure, Lin Xiao would naturally not be able to snatch it easily, but the spirit treasure itself is severely damaged, leaving only the attack power inside. If it wants to change hands, But it's also a backhanded thing.


The big cyan buffalo felt the murderous intent from the spear, and immediately stood up like a human being, while Yin Xu, who was on the back, was also slightly taken aback, but he didn't react. It's embarrassing, after all, the spirit treasure was taken, and this matter is full of weirdness.


There is no suspense at all, even if the big buffalo's body is as hard as iron, it can't withstand Lingbao's blow, and it was blown away in an instant, leaving a large blood mist on the spot. This blow has already constituted Lore, and the body of the big buffalo was directly nailed to the mountain peak.


The remaining monsters let out a burst of mourning. They were all the kings of the Wuthering Mountain Forest, but today they have become prey, full of uneasiness.

"Kill him for me!"

At this moment, Yin Xu got up from the ground, his hair was already disheveled, he screamed in embarrassment, and trembled with anger. After all, he had been proud all his life, but this scene made him feel ashamed.


Today's Qi Sword Sect, the chief Situ Guang is not there, and Yin Xu, as the chief chief of the previous generation, naturally no one can compete with his words. Countless spiritual lights flashed, but in an instant, hundreds of sword lights came through the sky and went straight to Lin Xiao's position.

Not all of these people are from the Heavenly Sense Realm, and most of them are just strong people from the Reborn Realm, but under Yin Xu's words, their eyes showed a cold look, and they shot without hesitation.


Lin Xiao rushed out like a javelin, his body slashed across the void, blood splashed everywhere he passed, and when he fell again, he was already standing within a hundred feet of the Lotus Peak, his body was straight, not stained with blood, snow-white The hair is more lonely.

His eyes are ruthless, he ignores the bones along the way, and moves forward like a demon king. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, only the difference between strength and weakness, because Lin Xiao is a weak person, and these people are the same. will choose to ignore.


Lin Xiao shot fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, he shattered all of the dozens of magic weapons that came. He is an extremely powerful existence, and at this moment, those monks who originally wanted to win by relying on the number of people felt desperate.

But at this moment, under the outline of Lin Xiao's hands, the blood on the ground transpired and turned into a blood mist, which finally condensed between his palms, leaving only a pile of bones in place.

All this happened so fast that it made people's scalps explode. After all, most of them are monks who practice Qi, and they are used to the confrontation between Dao and Law. Now this kind of killing makes them feel a sense of astonishment , It seems that the cultivation base I have maintained has become so fragile.

Lin Xiao used blood to cultivate skills and refined the blood essence of many monks. This is a strange evolutionary path, and it is the only way for blood cultivators. Now he has not tasted the taste of fresh blood for a long time, but he revealed a trace of Weird smile.


Yin Xu exclaimed, he found that Lin Xiao's body was enveloped by an evil spirit, his body couldn't help trembling, the arrogance he once had was gone now, he just hoped to survive.


The snow-white hair danced, and patches of dao marks emerged in the void, piercing the eyebrows of the surviving monks belonging to the Qi Sword Sect, and the source of the blood in his body was injected into his body along Lin Xiao's hair, making His whole body was covered in a fog of blood, only his eyes were always sharp.

Under everyone's shocking eyes, Lin Xiao slowly approached Yin Ruins, but this kind of pace seemed to be stepping on the heart of Yin Ruins, which made him feel a kind of panic that he had never had before. Death is so close.

"Enough! These human beings are not stable. You can kill them, but the old man will not stop them, but this Yin Ruo is the descendant of the old man, so why don't you get out!"

At this moment, a vicissitudes of words came from the blue peak of the Lotus Peak, full of icy meaning, and the last rolling word turned into a rolling thunder, roaring from above the dragon head out.

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