Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 273 Formation

A row of blue ancient pine stands proudly beside a lake. The lake is green but clear enough to look directly at the bottom of the lake. Cranes and spirit birds dance on it, creating a scene of a paradise.


At this moment, a shrill scream sounded in the mountains, which greatly reduced the whole scene, and the source of the sound was surprisingly inside a golden palace by the lake.

"call out!"

Three figures passed by quickly without the slightest hesitation, and went straight to the golden palace. It was Lin Xiao and the three of them.


"Teach me how to bark like a dog, otherwise you will suffer a lot today!"

There was the sound of a whip hitting the skin, and at the same time, a cold laughter echoed in the palace, full of resentment.

"Young master's subordinates are just defeated. You have nothing to be arrogant about. Even if I die, you can still be comfortable. Being defeated by my young master will be the pain of your life!"

Liu Wei let out a scream, but his eyes were full of fierceness.

The Taoist robe on his body has become fragments, and his fat body is now covered with scars. A blue chain penetrated his collarbone, his whole body's cultivation was sealed, and it was even difficult to move, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

At this moment, he didn't know why Lin Xiao and his cousin didn't come to save him, but he was very clear that he had waited for three years just to get Lin Xiao's approval. If he conceded at this time, it would be equal to his three years Efforts are in vain, whenever he thinks of this, he can only grit his teeth and persist.

"Hey! You don't really think that Lin Xiao will come to save you, do you? I also want him to come, but there are so many senior brothers waiting for him outside, I'm afraid he can't protect himself, right?"

Lu Shan sneered, and the black long whip in his hand fell again, bringing out a large amount of blood.

During the battle in Fengyun Canyon half a year ago, he already hated Lin Xiao to the bone, so as soon as he returned to the sect, he inquired about people related to Lin Xiao, wanting to take revenge fiercely, but Monk Jianren and the others had already Entering Neizong, he didn't dare to provoke him at all, so he could only choose Liu Wei who had some intersection with Lin Xiao to start.

"Bah! You are also worthy of being an existence in the realm of heavenly sense, you are really blind!"

Liu Wei spat out a mouthful of blood towards Lu Shan, but his eyes were full of hope, and he said to himself, "Lin Xiao! I've had enough, when will you show up!"


In response to Liu Wei, it was another whip. Lu Shan's character is bullying and fearing hard, but even so, he didn't dare to take Liu Wei's life, but he was only able to torture him physically. .


At this moment, the gate of the palace trembled slightly, and a blood-colored figure rushed out quickly. It was Yin Xu who was trained by Lin Xiao as an avatar. He was inspired by Lu Shan, so he chose to face Lin Xiao. Xiao made a move, so when he died, he not only hated Lin Xiao, but even Lu Shan. Seeing his enemy now, he was naturally extremely jealous.

When Lu Shan saw the door was opened, he had a displeased look on his face, but when he saw Yin Xu, he immediately put on a smile and said, "Senior brother Yin, did Lin Xiao solve it?"


What responded to Lu Shan was a blood-colored fist. Although Yin Xu has now become a clone, he has retained all his strength. When he punches out at this moment, a wave of blood will immediately sweep towards Lu Shan.

"Brother Yin, are you crazy?"

This sudden situation caused Lu Shan to uncontrollably let out a roar, his body retreated instinctively, and at the same time he was still thinking about where he offended this senior brother, he never thought of it, he was actually right, this Yin Xu had already gone crazy.

I saw that Yin Xu didn't stop there, his body quickly moved sideways, and his right leg swept down towards Lu Shan's waist, looking like he couldn't stop dying.


Unfortunately, Lu Shan was swept by the aftermath of his leg, he vomited blood, his eyes were full of shock, he never thought that Yin Xu would attack him, especially the blow just now, if he hadn't dodged quickly, I'm afraid it might really be an attack. Beach of blood.

"What happened? What happened?"

Lu Shan couldn't help roaring loudly, he had never been so aggrieved before, Yin Xu's realm was higher than him, so he couldn't resist at all.


Yin Xu still didn't answer, his whole body was shrouded in blood, his hair and eyes were all red, and now he waved his hand like a blood-colored divine ring, slamming into Lu Shan, once the blow hits, even if Lu Shan doesn't die, he will die It will definitely peel off a layer of skin.

"You are going to kill me!"

Lu Shan's pupils shrank rapidly. At this point, how could he still fail to see that there was something wrong with senior brother Yin Xu? His expression changed wildly. In his mind, Lin Xiao must have bought this senior brother with some advantage, after all With the opponent's aptitude to enter the inner sect, in his mind, Lin Xiao would definitely not be the opponent.

As soon as this idea appeared, Lu Shan confirmed it, but he noticed that there was no figure of Lin Xiao outside the palace, and the hairs on his back couldn't help standing up. He clearly realized that his situation, his own There is not only one enemy, but at least two.

At the same time, Lu Shan's reaction was also very fast. He waved his hand and sacrificed a blue shield. With a flash of inspiration, he immediately protected his body tightly within it. At the same time, his body quickly retreated, as if he was about to escape palace.


The bloody divine ring hit, and the cyan shield, like paper paste, was instantly shattered. Although the difference between the two sides was only three heavens in cultivation, under normal circumstances, this gap would not be enough. It is the gap between heaven and earth that cannot be crossed.

Not everyone in the realm of comprehension can fight like Lin Xiao. There are too few monks like that, but not everyone can create a myth.


Lu Shan's face was like gold paper, and he vomited blood again, but the moment his body touched the divine ring, he quickly backed away with the help of that inertia.

"I can't die yet. Lin Xiao hasn't appeared yet. I've planned for so long. If I fail at this time, I won't be reconciled!"

Lu Shan let out a cry of unwillingness in his heart, but after touching the wall of the palace, at the same time, he stretched out his arm, grabbed Liu Wei, and passed through the wall directly.

Naturally, this golden palace is not just as gorgeous as it looks on the outside, but a large-scale prohibition formation. As long as Lu Shan has a thought, he can teleport to the position he wants to move. The key reason why he chose to abuse Liu Wei here.


But at the moment when he retreated, the void behind him was forcibly broken open, and a slender finger stirred up afterimages in the air, quickly piercing through the center of Lu Shan's eyebrows.

In an instant, red blood and white brains splashed everywhere, filling the entire palace with a bloody aura.

"It's just an incarnation outside the body, do you really think I can't see through it?"

Lin Xiao spoke in a cold voice, took a step with his right foot, and walked out of the void without even looking at Lu Shan's body.

"Master! This is a trap!"

At this moment, Liu Wei was already stunned. After all, no matter how smart he was, he couldn't figure out that Yin Ruins would become Lin Xiao's clone. Seeing Lin Xiao at this moment, he really reminded him in panic.


Thinking of Liu Wei's words, the entire palace underwent earth-shaking changes. The scene just now disappeared in an instant, and what appeared in front of the three of them was indeed a terrifying scene of the primordial universe.

Lin Xiao was very calm. He had already seen through this trap. Then Lu Shan held Liu Wei in order to force himself into this trap. With Lin Xiao's intelligence, he naturally had no way to hide these small plots. The reason why he It also appeared that in addition to saving Liu Wei, there is also extreme self-confidence.


The surrounding scene was constantly changing, and Lin Xiao broke the rope that restrained Liu Wei with a wave of his hand, and quickly put it into the Linglong Pagoda, standing peacefully side by side with the Yin Ruins.

"Hehe! Lin Xiao, you are really smart, and you can actually see through my master's schemes, but you are still too confident. This formation was passed down by my ancestors. Even if you encounter the cultivation of the Yuelong realm, you have to avoid it. If you Kneel down and beg for mercy, I can consider letting you live!"

In the void, Lu Shan's cold laughter came. He used Liu Wei's layout, and because Lin Xiao came, he even sacrificed an avatar outside his body to let Lin Xiao join the battle. Until now, everything is in his hands. Under his control, he is naturally proud enough.

"I'm in a hurry, if you still talk so much nonsense, Lin will not accompany you!"

Lin Xiao spoke flatly, panicking meaninglessly.

And it was this kind of calm that gave Lu Shan the urge to jump out. After all, he clearly had the initiative, but in the other party's words, he seemed like a clown jumping on the beam. Such contempt made him very uncomfortable. .


In the icy universe, huge planets floated one after another, but at this moment, from the depths of the universe, there was a violent roar, which was deafening, causing the entire space to shake violently.

This is an extremely terrifying fluctuation, which contains a kind of will of heaven and earth. This is the uniqueness of the formation. The more powerful the formation is, the stronger the will of heaven and earth is controlled, and the more tyrannical the formation will be. .

"Since you want to die so much, I will help you today!"

At this time, Lu Shan's laughter came from the place of the will, which was originally a very short distance, but because of the formation, there was an illusion that it was so close.

Following Lu Shan's words, a cyan ancient sword fell down, and the whole body was covered with cyan divine light. The terrifying fluctuation came from this ancient sword, and went straight to Lin Xiao to suppress it.

This is a spiritual treasure. Although it has lost a lot of divine power over the long years, it is not comparable to the spear of Yin Ruins. It has preserved ten percent of its power, especially because of this moment. Becoming the eye of the formation, its power can really be brought to the extreme.

Such a treasure, even if it is not killing, is just suppressing, it is enough to make monks below the Yuelong realm unable to resist at all.

The sword energy erupted like a vast ocean, and the horror shot out from the depths of the universe. The sword light filled the air, and the entire formation seemed to be unbearable and about to split apart. All of this was aimed at Lin Xiao alone. Pressed down on the body.

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