Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 280 Dreamland

The primordial universe is full of chaos, with raging winds filling it, it is difficult to see through a square inch of space, but there is a feeling that the scene in front of it is very clear, as if it has been branded in the heart.

There was a cyan fairy lotus, surrounded by a purple haze, no matter how fierce the wind was, it could never be blown away at all, just like longing, after experiencing wind and rain, it was even more difficult to fall asleep.

In the vast universe, only this fairy lotus is the only existence at this moment. As time goes by, it is slowly blooming. This is a kind of life force, with an indescribable beauty.

At the moment when the chaos fairy lotus bloomed most beautifully, there was a loud noise between the heaven and the earth.


The sound came too suddenly, and I don't know where it came from. It filled the entire universe in an instant. This is the first thunder in the universe, and it heralds that a new era will open from now on.

I don't know how long ago, a blurry figure appeared in this starry sky. He stands tall and majestic, and has an aura that makes people can't help but worship. This feeling comes from the soul, as if he is the master of heaven and earth.

Behind that figure, a huge celestial monument revealed part of its figure, as if it was going to break through the sky, and inside it contained an illusion of the fate of all people, as if everyone could find their own figure on it .

All of this was stuffed into Lin Xiao's mind inexplicably, and he didn't know the reason for all of this.

"Aren't I seizing the Yin Ruins? Why did I suddenly appear here?" Lin Xiao felt a tingling pain in his head, which was a sequela of a split soul, reminding him that everything seemed to exist.

Soon Lin Xiao was relieved. After all, he had not experienced this kind of experience once. Every time he would gain a lot, but he had never felt so real like today.

"That's the Tianbei? Who is that figure?" Lin Xiao murmured. Although he had never seen that figure before, he was very familiar with it, because he could never forget those hands, which were transforming into the hands of the Tianbei.

"All living beings are greedy, lustful, delusional, or ignorant. Heaven doesn't like it, so nine heavenly catastrophes will come down. Let go of it and get the favor of the heavens. If you hold it tightly, the world will be broken!"

"All sentient beings cultivate immortality, or live forever, or enjoy, or dominate, or benefit one party, the way of heaven is not happy, so the nine sects are sent down, and the principles of the real world are fixed, and the path of all sentient beings to cultivate the Tao, welcome the coming of the Tao to the Nine Heavens!"

"All beings suffer..."

That hazy figure kept opening his mouth, and a mysterious scripture was recited from his mouth. It was not only a cultivation method, but also a perception of the great way of heaven and earth, which made people fascinated and let Lin Xiao understand the ancient times corner of .

"I am favored by the heaven and the earth, but I dare not be a slave to the heaven and the way. I angrily killed the nine sects and restored a world of Taoism. I died at the age of [-], but my way still exists. Anyone who comes after me should not respect the sky or the earth. Don't respect the teacher, don't respect the way, only respect yourself!"

Finally, when the words ended, Lin Xiao was a little stunned. The figure was always facing away from him, but it made him feel in a daze. It should be his master from the next generation, but the other party's words disrespect the world, disrespect Master said that he only respected his own words, but it made him finally understand that it is not that he does not respect the master, but that the master is invisible.

At this moment, the scene of the universe collapsed, the figure, the green lotus, and the sky tablet that fixed the heaven, earth, and universe all disappeared, but what appeared in front of Lin Xiao was still not Yin Xu's mind, but a mountain range. .

This mountain forest is no stranger, it is the Lotus Peak, and this place is just a remote corner under the blue mountain.

"Could this be Yin Xu's memory?" In Lin Xiao's mind, there was a sudden realization that he had merged with Yin Xu's soul, and the memory of the other party appeared in real time, which is not an exaggeration.


In a dilapidated room, there was a heavy breathing sound. The sound was far and near, not so regular, as if the owner of the sound could not be calm at the moment.

It was a young man in a blue robe, with a childish look on his face, and he could vaguely see that he possessed a trace of Yin Xu's look, which should be the most impoverished period when Yin Xu was not famous.

Yin Xu sat up from the bed in shock. The shabby room was barely sheltered from the wind and rain, and the only piece of furniture was the oil lamp that had been extinguished. Only then did he relax. Just now he had a horrible dream.

"How could I have such a dream? How did I become the chief of the Qi Sword Sect? With my aptitude, it is not easy to become a disciple of the Inner Sect. It is better not to daydream!" Yin Xu said haha, He smiled rather disdainfully.

"But in the dream, I vaguely remembered that there was a person who wanted to take me away. Who was he? Why did he appear in my dream, and he seemed very powerful..."

Yin Xu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his palm, his eyes slowly returned to calm. He is an ordinary boy, 17 years old, with a thin body due to malnutrition. He is a child who will be ignored if he falls into the crowd boys.

In front of the bed was the clothes folded before going to bed last night. It was a blue robe. This was not Yin Xu's favorite color, but he knew that most of the elders in the sect liked this color, so he did it like this. s Choice.

Now is Yin Xu's second year of entering Qi Jianzong. His talent in cultivation is not very outstanding, and he is even a bit stupid. For this matter, he has been bullied by his peers, but he has never given up. .

The senior brothers who started at the same time are now far ahead in cultivation. Even among the outer disciples recruited this year, several of them are at the third or fourth level of Qi training, which made Yin Xu extremely repulsed and even became their leader. The laughing stock in the eye.

Yin Xu usually doesn't want to go out. He doesn't care what his seniors think, but he doesn't like being looked at with contempt. It seems that there is a kind of pride in his heart, which makes him a little detached.

"Junior brother Yin! You wake up so early every day, and you don't even call senior brother. As a result, senior brother said that he has to postpone the morning class until tomorrow!"

At this moment, a fat black boy sat up from the bed in a corner of the room, looked at Yin Xu with a complaining face, and then quickly put on a black robe.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Yin Xu's mouth. This young man was called Zhang Hu. He had been in the outer door for a while longer than him. He usually took good care of him. Every night before going to bed, he said he would get up early, but he never did it. , so Yin Xu didn't care much about it.

At this time, the sky has turned white, and when the wooden window is opened, layers of mist shroud the Lotus Peak. Among the lush old trees, all kinds of spiritual birds are constantly shuttling, and no one recognizes them. This is the fairy gate. unique view.

This is the scene Yin Ruins yearns for. He longs to fly into the sky like a fairy, and this is why he always disdains cultivation. Only when his cultivation reaches the realm of rebirth, can he fly with a sword. This is the realm he wants to achieve even in his dreams. .

"Brother Yin Xu is not the senior brother talking about you. Although the two years are only for the second level of Qi training, you should not give up on yourself. After all, this is a limitation of aptitude. You should go out and hang out more. You Hu senior brother is the existence of the seventh level of Qi training. I have you covered!"

Zhang Hu pulled Yin Xu up and walked towards the door, muttering non-stop, and patting his chest, as if this was the only way to set off his sincerity in speaking.

It's just that these two people didn't notice that in the void, Lin Xiao was watching all this seriously. At this moment, his heart was full of doubts. After all, Yin Ruins he devoured was a disciple of the inner sect of the five great sword sects. Such a monk , he didn't believe that the other party appeared here in the first place.

"How could this be? Although all this feels very similar to reality, how could Yin Ruins be so weak?" Lin Xiao was puzzled and walked out of the void.

He had looked at the location of Dao Jianzong just now, and even deliberately glanced at the area where there was a huge hole in Yingtian Pavilion, but to his disappointment, he found that there was nothing wrong. Arrived ten years ago.

This is an extremely strange feeling. As a monk, Lin Xiao naturally doesn't believe in time travel, but what happened to him now is beyond what he can analyze.

"Could it be that I touched his memory when I seized the Yin Ruins? But why is his memory so clear during this period?"

Lin Xiao murmured, he could feel that his real self outside was still there, he could even feel that his primordial spirit seemed to be a brand new self, it was like having two selves, but living in different time and space That's all.

"Forget it! Don't think about it, let's follow up and take a look first. This Yin Ruin is a bit weird. With his strength, how could he become the chief of the Qi Sword Sect in a short period of time? It must be a bit tricky during this period!" Lin Xiao whispered, but also Can only follow up.

After all, it is impossible for him to wake up now, and he vaguely seems to feel that there is something waiting for him.

On the sixth floor of the Sword Cave, Lin Xiao and Yin Xu faced each other across the air. They both closed their eyes and showed unprecedented calmness, but this was only a superficial phenomenon. If Lin Xiao woke up, he would find that , Between them, invisible, many threads of fate are connected in series.

It seems that there is a pair of hands in the dark, so that the fate of the two people, at this moment, has a kind of intersection.


Huo Ling made a nasal sound in the distance, the huge dragon body was coiled in the mid-air, and was actually asleep, but would open his eyes from time to time, looked at the two of them hesitantly, and then chose to close them again, as if No abnormality was found between the two.

"It's strange, what is this boy Lin doing? Why did you have to send me out? I have fought for him many times, even with the Supreme. Why does he still not trust me?"

Outside the room, Xu De roared in his heart with a look of displeasure. After all, he dared not say such rebellious words, but when he pushed open a crack in the door and found the blue fire spirit, his body trembled , I didn't dare to really go in at all, otherwise Lin Xiao might really be in danger.

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