Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 282 1 Dreams

Lin Xiao's figure slowly walked out of the void, and his cold eyes swept over all the monks present. These are all human beings, and the one with the highest cultivation is only in the realm of rebirth, which cannot attract his attention at all. He did so The purpose is to be able to find some familiar figures among these people.

"If this is the memory of Yin Ruins more than ten years ago, then those monks I killed in the Qi Sword Sect back then must also be among them!"

Lin Xiao whispered, but in the end he felt a little disappointed. Among these people, there was not even a familiar figure of the group of monks he killed at the beginning.

All of this was very short-lived. It was only a blink of an eye from Lin Xiao's appearance, and no one noticed Lin Xiao's eyes. At this moment, their eyes all fell on the elder brother.

"who are you?"

The elder brother screamed in horror. Lin Xiao's appearance was too weird, as if he was squeezed into his sight abruptly. What made him even more horrified was that Lin Xiao didn't shoot at him, just that kind of coercion, It had already hurt him, and at this moment, he was in a trance, as if his cultivation was gone, and he became a mortal again.

This kind of feeling made the elder brother want to go crazy. He had just left the level and originally wanted to find someone to show his prestige, but at this moment he kicked on an iron plate, and his body retreated quickly. Not even for a second.

"Who am I, you don't deserve to know!"

Lin Xiao said calmly, he had never seen this elder brother when he was in Chuang Qi Sword Sect, so in his eyes, he was just a character of A, B, C, D.

Originally, Lin Xiao could choose to ignore such a person, but since he chose to refine Yin Xu into a clone, no matter whether all this is true or not, or just a dream, he cannot allow Yin Xu to die.

Even in Lin Xiao's character, there is still a kind of ruthlessness. He is not the kind of indecisive person. Being able to walk out of the void is tantamount to declaring the death of this big brother. like.

"Who is this person? He was able to make Senior Brother retreat with just his eyes. What kind of cultivation is he?"

"Among the elders in the door, I haven't seen such a person, and the aura of this person is as piercing as ice, making it impossible to look at. It's too terrifying!"

At this moment, a discussion broke out among the crowd. After all, they were all newcomers to the world of cultivating Taoism. They were in awe and amazement at Lin Xiao who suddenly appeared, just like looking at an immortal.

"Senior! Help me!"

Yin Xu on the side was also slightly taken aback, but Lin Xiao's words, as you wish, caused a storm in his heart, especially when he saw that the senior brother who was unattainable just now was actually in the other party's eyes. He collapsed, and the fire of hatred in his eyes was ignited again.

"Are you willing to pay the price?"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth plainly, and looked into Yin Xu's eyes. At this moment, he had a little understanding. He vaguely knew what he should do.

"Yes! I am willing to pay any price!"

Yin Xu roared loudly, he is not stupid, he knows what his decision represents, but he is even more clear, if it is not for Lin Xiao's appearance, I am afraid that he will be the one who died now, in the face of absolute strength, he There is no temptation to refuse Lin Xiao's appearance.

He even understood that if he didn't keep Lin Xiao this time, then once Lin Xiao left, this elder brother would definitely hate him even more, so he had already made a decision in his heart that this elder brother could not stay.

"I want to be strong! I want to become stronger!"

There was a roar in Yin Xu's heart, his eyes were even bloodshot, his knuckles were crackling when he held him, and a raging fire was burning rapidly.

"Senior helped me kill this person!"

In the end, Yin Xu's eyes turned to the terrified elder brother in the distance, showing a sinister smile. The other party hurt Huzi just now, so at this moment, he must die.

"Are you crazy?"

The hair on the senior brother's back stood up, but his eyes were full of fear. He couldn't believe that this little character he was going to step on just now was coming to kill him. This kind of identity change, he couldn't accept it at all for a while. .

"Don't regret it!"

Lin Xiao spoke coldly, ignoring the senior brother's words, waved his sleeve, pointed out with his index finger, and a bloody light rushed out quickly.

"don't want……"

The elder brother screamed in fear. At this moment, his identity and cultivation were all like paper in the face of absolute strength, and he couldn't even dodge this simple finger.


Brains burst out, blood splattered everywhere, the words of the elder brother hadn't finished yet, and finally there was only a shriek echoing in the air, just one blow, a man with a strong sense of heaven, even his soul, couldn't escape. kill.

"Friend Daoist, you have gone too far!"

At this moment, a vicissitudes of words came from the blue peak of the Lotus Peak, full of ice-cold meaning, and the last word turned into rolling thunder, non-stop on the entire mountain. reverberation.


There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth. This voice was no stranger to him. It was his Chuang Qi Sword Sect, who claimed to be the ancestor of the Yin Ruins. At this moment, Lin Xiao was a little curious about the strength of the other party.

"Hmph! It's just a little cultivator. Since I offended my fellow Taoist, it's not a pity to die, but it's just this one time, so I won't be an example!"

On the mountain peak, there was silence for a moment, and then words came out again, just like ten years later, the same thunder and rain.

A plausible smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face. This ancestor must be the existence of Yuelong Realm, but such timidity makes people speechless.


However, this scene made many monks present gasp. Lin Xiao waved his hand and killed the elder brother, but the ancestors in the sect chose to back down, which made them panic, and their backs were terrified. Drenched in sweat, they didn't even dare to look at Lin Xiao, fearing that if they were not careful, they would offend Lin Xiao and make them become fish in the pond.

"Senior, spare your life!"

Liu Jie and the others who were originally arrogant were all paralyzed on the ground with terrified faces at this moment, and kept bowing to Lin Xiao. No courage to resist.

"Thank you senior!"

Yin Xu's body trembled violently due to excitement, but he hugged Lin Xiao respectfully, but when his eyes swept over Liu Jie and the others, there was a cold light.

"No, come with me!"

Lin Xiao nodded lightly, but waved his hand and pulled Yin Xu behind him, turned into a rainbow light, and went straight to the distance under the complicated eyes of everyone.

The blue lake, the towering old trees on the shore, the roots are thick, and the branches are soaring, like a horned dragon sinking into the sky.

The breeze blows, and the leaves of the ancient trees sound, like a mighty statue preaching, which makes the heart enter a calm state.

Lin Xiao stood with his hands behind his back. He had never been here before, but he could feel a wave of heaven and earth flowing. This is a treasured place, because he had felt this breath from Mr. Qin before, and it probably really has great power. Sitting with this.

"What does the senior need the junior to do?"

Yin Xu bowed respectfully to Lin Xiao, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm. If Lin Xiao hadn't appeared, he would have become a cold corpse now.

"You want to be chief?"

A faint smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face. He had already figured it out on the way here. Since Yin Xu appeared as a disciple of the Inner Sect and the former chief in ten years' time, he had to let Yin Xu follow that track to develop.


But just after Lin Xiao finished speaking, Yin Xu knelt down on the ground, with a look of panic on his face, he said: "The junior's aptitude is dull, and he has not been able to practice Taoism so far. I dare not think about the position of the chief. of!"

At this moment, Yin Xu's back was sweating coldly. He was not an idiot. He clearly knew that there was nothing in him that could be used by the other party. However, Lin Xiao's appearance and even killed the senior brother. He should be heading for the chief position, so naturally he didn't dare to show a trace of greed.

"Don't you dare?"

Lin Xiao showed a playful smile, but he didn't continue talking. Although it was the first time he saw Yin Xu, he could vaguely grasp the character of the other party. He walked into the ancient forest, and he knew that Yin Xu agreed. It's just a matter of time, and he has a lot of time like this.

In fact, there is always a doubt in Lin Xiao's heart, that is, the ancient scriptures recited by the figure. He was attracted by the profound meaning of the scriptures at first, so he didn't write it down, but now he thinks about it again and finds it in his mind. Nothing was left.

That ancient scripture is mysterious and unusual, if it is spread out, it will definitely shake the world. At this moment, he wants to take advantage of the scripture's not completely dissipating, and condense it, even if it is only a paragraph, it must be an immortal treasure.

Lin Xiao sat cross-legged among the ancient trees, his heart was still like water, his hair was dancing, and he entered a magical state. Various scriptures lingered outside his body, and his whole body was emitting divine light.

"What a mysterious feeling, this is an effect that my true deity cannot achieve!"

Lin Xiao murmured in his heart that all kinds of sutras of the Dao were flowing in his heart, blood vessels, and meridians, but it gave him an unreal feeling, but this state was too wonderful, and he was not willing to be like this for a while. let go.

"I understand! Everything here is to completely refine Yin Xu into my avatar. The first life-saving grace, followed by his wish. This is a reincarnation. There is no cause and effect!"

Among the ancient trees, Lin Xiao's eyes slowly opened. During this month, his understanding of the Dao became more and more profound, but the biggest harvest was at this moment, when he finally understood the reason for his appearance.

Everything in the world has fixed laws. Since there are rules of fate, there must be rules of cause and effect. Maybe it is Yin Xu who has the rules of cause and effect, or Lin Xiao's seizing the house touched the rules of cause and effect, making him Appearing in this illusory place, fulfilling the wish of Yin Ruins, and then refining and becoming a puppet openly.

The appearance of this kind of thought instantly caused confusion in Lin Xiao's eyes. If all this can be explained as a dream, then who can be sure that he is not in someone else's dream.

"Zhuang Zhouxiao dreamed of turning into a butterfly, did the butterfly turn into me, or did I turn into a butterfly?"

A trace of doubt flowed in Lin Xiao's heart. With the appearance of this idea, it became more and more out of control. After all, this place is too real. If it is not because he is a time traveler, then he must believe that everything today is true, but He couldn't believe that he had come here ten years ago.

"Hope is a dream!"

In the end, Lin Xiao sighed softly. This topic has been discussed by too many people since ancient times, and so far there has been no trace of results. He does not believe that he can figure it out in just a short time. The most urgent thing is to Make this dream come true.

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